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Messages - scrivo

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: LPK are we too big?
« on: November 02, 2011, 01:55:19 am »
^^ We're not americans, douchelord.
Shut up troll. It was Directed at the others not Owens or AEF.

General Discussion / Re: LPK are we too big?
« on: November 01, 2011, 03:29:11 am »
And once again the Arrogance of the Americans is displayed. The question was Are we too big, but what I wanna know, Is how the hell can you say 'Are we too big, than just say we are recruiting and we have a server. Also, you said you have the best players. I loled the only decent player you have is Dimos and He told me he felt sorry for you guys so he joined you. Not to mention 90% of your members are or have had a history of Trolling AUs OR International Servers. That's probably another reason why you got trolled so much in this thread. Maybe next time word it so it actually relates to the Question. ;)

General Discussion / Re: [Feedback] What's right/wrong with 0.232
« on: July 12, 2011, 01:37:24 pm »
-Archers/throwers massed on Australia (Makes it impossible for 2handers and some times even turtles to do anything in combat)
-Crossbows way to OP The price needs to be increased to reduce the numbers of them.
-Upkeep (Go back to the way it was 970Gold for transitional 405Gold for Elite scimitar (410 or 405 can't remember as side sword was the other one)
- DTV Virgin, should be able to move her to a more suitable position (More defensible) or give her a weapon and slightly more armour, even if she has a Torch atleast she can actually do something to help if there are only a few players alive.

+ Archers are alot less effective.
+Cav less effective
+ Added account security

*Single player (Some people played single player, NOT to play it to pass time, but to select their uniform (Like I mean see if they like the look of that Magical helmet with that armour or something)

*Two cRPGs The original one you had (4 gold per kill) And the current, The current of course would be the more official mode played. The old one would be used for people who are too poor to afford the upkeep (People being able to join to be CAPPED @ say 10K gold and can't wear anything say above Scale armour or something to prevent tin cans from going in and destroying peasants. Some people may agree others might disagree/Troll but I personally think that this will of course increase the value of the mod. I'm actually getting bored of running straight at enemies and just getting mauled by a tin can, or head shotted by a throwing lance. It's just not the same as the old cRPG!

*If you don't feel Single Player is Necessarily an option, then PLEASE add something to the main menu that has all the armours weapons horses etc that you can customize ur class to test (Like even just an arena when you battle a few expert bots and test out your armour at different proficiency.

Please offer insight into my ideas guys. Also directed @ chadz or any other developer who has any questions or clarifications, please add my steam 'goofy24' Adding me too troll me will result in blocked and deleted because I'm that hard core. :D

Suggestions Corner / Re: DTV (defend the virgin)
« on: July 12, 2011, 06:34:44 am »
I haven't played since the patch yesterday, but I have heard that the Game play was REALLY hard. Harder then it was before. If you want this module of the game to be successful (Directed @ chadz and other developers) is to have it so it's balanced for players. Sure some like a challenge, but others like to play for the money and exp. IMO DTV is a waste of time if theres more then 10 players because once it gets to Weebos it's insanely hard to even think about getting to the next round. It's that hard. Please either reduce difficulty or balance the mode so it's more players sided. Sure there are ways to defend the maps successfully but it just becomes WAY to hard once you get over like 10 people.

General Discussion / Re: Re: Latest version download
« on: July 01, 2011, 03:47:57 am »
Worked on all 5 of my PCs. And all 5 steam keys. :)

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