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Messages - Calimaw

Pages: [1]
NA (Official) / Ban for AntiSocial_Socialist / Anti_Social_Socialist
« on: April 02, 2014, 05:51:49 am »
AntiSocial_Socialist, or Anti_Social_Socialist. W/e this queefs name is.

Routinely requests to kick people [myself not included; others], yet team wounds, and validates himself by running his mouth.
Purposely TK's, says remarks like "Useless anyways", and then when you retaliate he causes you to be banned.

Rage-kid needs to go to bed, for a week.

General Discussion / Re: 360/180 degrees or wtv polearm stabs
« on: May 28, 2011, 10:09:23 am »
If people still want to turn while stabbing I would suggest making it so the weapon doesnt turn with them, but transforms up to a certain degree (joint limitations)

General Discussion / Re: 360/180 degrees or wtv polearm stabs
« on: May 28, 2011, 10:06:19 am »
Slow turn rate down and cap it while stabbing, would help at least.

Any one notice how certain weapons when held for attack (primed) have a very significant delay before the attack starts?

I use a long dagger, and that delay makes the 112 speed weapon slower than a majority of the weapons out there. Try it out, or try it with your current weapon and see what it does.

Any one else notice how this really plays a big part in combat?

cRPG Technical problems / Projectiles no firing?
« on: May 28, 2011, 12:21:48 am »
Whats up with throwing weapons attempting a throw and playing through all the animation but no actually throwing the projectile?

No one has to be near, you dont get it blocked by any obstructing objects, it simply does not throw the projectile. Its not a one time occurrence either, it can happen as often as it likes. I routinely fail to throw 3-4 times in a row, and often 1 out of 2 to 3 attempts results in a failure. Some times I can throw 10 objects with out fail, what is going on?

Suggestions Corner / Re: Cav stuff no. 2
« on: May 27, 2011, 10:32:02 am »
This is a very intelligent idea, and it gives back the sensation of reality where a horse is not a machine.  +1

So would this mean, for example, a horse that requires 2 riding now, would be willful about where it wants to go? or would 2 riding negate it entirely, and 1 riding would make it fight you for control.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Cleave weapon
« on: May 27, 2011, 10:15:10 am »
ever watch Deadlist Warrior on SpikeTV?  There are several weapons with enough mass that once you get them going they CAN go thru multiple people.

Ever watch that same guy swing that sword as fast as they do in CRPG?

Its obvious a majority of people use all the same type of gear for a reason.

There would be nothing wrong with increasing the attack speed of one handed weapons, at least there would be some variety. 50% if not more of the kills are being done by the same crap. Theres a lot more than 2 weapon types in the game.

I happen to want to play something other than a two-hander spammer flailing around a 7 foot long laser sword and listening to moon music while running around with some female emo character spouting "l2play n00b!" all day while smegma festers on my sack.

I've played with Matey, I generally turn my attention to something more productive than messing with him.

I feel that one-handed weapons are at a disadvantage, especially those that cannot block.

Several daggers have a high rate of speed, but it seems to have very little effect (negligible?), and their arming and recovery are too slow for how light of a weapon they are.
Two-handed weapons can recover and rearm just as quickly and that seems sort of silly to me. Try waving a bat in real life as fast as you can wave your arm. If you can manage to do that you get +10 master-fap points.

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