« on: September 09, 2011, 09:27:34 pm »
Ok, maybe I'm biased as a dedicated xbowman, however, I don't feel an xbow nerf is the answer here. I agree with those who posted here and suggest either a minimum wpf requirement for xbows or greatly reduced accuracy for low wpf (1-30?) xbow users to discourage them being used so often and so effectively as a sidearm.
The idea of making xbows have a higher str requirement and thus destroying the current 15/24 build most dedicated xbowmen use doesn't seem like a good idea. Furthermore, the logic used in deciding that dedicated xbowmen should be less proficient in melee because dedicated archers are is flawed, if for no other reason that this: You can kite and shoot people chasing you with a bow which makes melee slightly less important. As an xbowman, an arbalest user anyways, there is no kiting once an enemy gets within 30 yards or so. At that point you pray that your shot kills him, otherwise
1) You switch to melee and have a go, or
2) You run for a very, very long time and hope he loses interest in you.
A melee nerf for dedicated xbow builds would result in option 2 happening much more often. Imo, leave dedicated xbow builds alone, make 1wpf sidearm xbows less viable and give bows/archers a much needed buff (projectile speed/dmg increase for sure).