« on: September 18, 2015, 05:44:02 pm »
Where do I start? Well let me start by introducing myself, I am Bravo_of_Acre, a proud member of the faction of Acre. I am a 31 year old and reside in the good ol state of PA. Not many of you know who I am, some do, but I am neither skilled nor a complete noob at this game. I am me, I play the game because I like the style and era of the game. No other game does what Warband does, you will not find another medieval combat game like this. Many have tried, few have made it. I know many of crpg's community hold the upmost animosity for Acre, and for reasons I know and do not know. Mainly I think its because now we are a big ass faction and I would dare say we are kind of like the USA, big ass bullies. But regardless of this fact I still love this faction. I have been in acre the longest, have worn the tags with pride even through the rough times. I have also been in HoC but thats another story in its self. I consider my self the oldest acre member both in age and length of service. I have had the times where I "rage" quit and left for a while, but always come back. It hurts me deep down when I log onto a server and see people that don't even know me, trash talk me because of the tags I choose to wear. But again that is a story for another time, What I am talking about is strat. I do not personally participate in it because outside of the massive xp in battles, that shit is pointless. Yea you can make big money trading, but oh your cool, you know how to trade on a videogame LOL. Guess what, it takes alot more than that to do this shit irl. Then you have your arm chair generals, who think they know how to win battles! Well I have yet to see definitive tactics on the field of battle. Do you know why? A lack of real leadership, too many "leaders" trying to control their own soldiers. I know your saying but hey this is a video game, you can't use real life tactics. Well I say bullshit, this game is fucking perfect for them, you do not have sight of the enemy until they are close enough to be seen unlike your RTS i.e rome 2 total war, you do not have big ass flags on enemies stating they are the enemy, you have terrain, you have hills, walls, towns, castles. I have not seen ambushes, do you know how easy it would be to ambush someone on these towns and cities? Oh my the glory that would be, to have cav waiting at a certain point and have a diversionary force waiting down a wide corridor, the enemy seeing this diversion rushing towards it with bloodlust in their eyes, then at the right moment that cav attacking the flank. I watch too many fucking shit on youtube...WoW. But you catch my drift. Act like men not children, show some balls on the field of battle and let the enemy know they fucked with the wrong dude. Too many of you are butthurt over shit that you shouldnt even butthurt over, and I am also talking to members of my own faction, not just our enemies. I raise my glass to you fellas, may the holy lord bless you with the strength and power to do what is right in life. Also no offense, fuck that chadz wills it shit, it is blasphemous and breaking a major commandment, "thought shalt not have any gods before me". For all you haters..fuck your shit, I am not going to hell for your amusement! its fucking GOD WILLS IT....GOOOODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD not CHADDDDDZZZZZZZZZZZ. We claim to be holy warriors? I feel ashamed of that, the real siege of Acre was fought by real men who fought in the name of GOD, not chadz, lets not dishonor them by being blasphemous whores. Both Muslim and christian alike. I embrace the flame that is soon to follow when I hit the post button, lets start a fucking forum war, match wits and come up with horrible meme's what ever the fuck that means and compare dick sizes. P.S I love you all.