« on: May 19, 2011, 02:34:46 am »
Hi guy's ive been playing CRPG for sometime but ive never posted,
When i first started playing CRPG "V0.9 something" there wasn't many admins around , maps were changed regularly and wasn't much server crashing or restarting, but now in the past 3-4 months allot of people i come across are admins some deserve to be admins and make correct decisions, however ive been in to many games were the admin has decided that he's tired of DTV so he's gunna switch the server to battle or he doesn't like this map so he's switching, or a person swears at him so he permanently bans them "which in a fair case shud be , warn, kick ,ban" not ban straight away , it seems to be like there is no guide line for admins or some admins are far to immature to be an admin, adding to the admin map changing heres an example of what went on not long ago , an admin switched DTV map "no harm done tho a notice would be nice" then he switched again within 5 min's, then again.... then he couldn't get the map back to the original one so he left, not only did he leave it on a crappy messed up map after switching maps over 20 times in the past 10 min's but the people that were on it kept getting repair charges every time he ended a round, now people would say "well don't join then , duh!" but the admin shud have let the people know what he is about to do put a password on the server messed around with it then reopened it when he had finished, saving allot of people going WTF is going on!!, my second rant is at the maps alot of maps "especially DTV have places that can be exploited IE a roof the AI cant reach, now allot of people get kicked and even more get banned for using these, now i dont think the player is at fault here , if there's a a glitch in a map a player is bound to use it, simple solution - don't upload map's that have exploits on them- check the maps first before making them public it is not hard to do. one more thing i would like to add is notices, its nice to let the players no what is going on be it map changes, serve restarts or game change. but the main thing i would like to see is a bit more discipline with some admins especially with the kicking and banning , IE a good way should be - Warn , kick , ban , perm ban. regards Grace