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Messages - Kodiak

Pages: [1]
Game Balance Discussion / Re: Throwing, and why it's bad
« on: July 21, 2011, 12:28:12 pm »
Well I'm a level away from my first retirement, so that should give you an idea of how long I've played.
Yes, not long enough.
Using an all-around build, couple points in athletics, shield, power throw and power strike and weapon master.
So you've botched your build...
No, what I'm talking about is not BS. =/
It mostly is
And Leshma... I'm pretty sure the point of this game is to build up a character, RPG style. Not break physics. People die when they fall from large distances. Shields break when you bash them with axes. People die when you stab them in the face (unless its plated). But somehow its possible for a peasant to block a charging viking's 2handed axe an unlimited amount of times without her stick breaking. Great.
Most importantly it's supposed to be a game, not a perfect simulation. If it isn't fun for you, don't play it.

Over 20 rounds of x5 modifier.
Let the hating begin!  :P

General Off Topic / The List of Lost Words
« on: July 17, 2011, 08:35:07 pm »
The purpose of this thread is to list poor words that have been misused, perverted, stigmatised or otherwise turned from their original meaning.
Let us remember those poor bastards that gave their lives meanings and purpose by being turned into something unnatural.

Post your word/s and the reason you think they've become lost, unusable or otherwise badly changed.

I'm gonna start with: TWILIGHT - once an innocently beautiful word, it has been defiled by Stephanie Meyer and her Mormon-Propaganda-Bullshit about sparkling Vampires... now it cannot be used without a foul aftertaste lingering in your mouth and others looking sideways at you...

General Discussion / Re: samurais weapons
« on: May 31, 2011, 06:46:26 pm »
Now I, not completely sure I have facts straight, but samurai swords (katana/bokken) are like the swords one use in kendo right? In kendo atleast stabbing attacks are extremely effective, since they are so fast.

Yes, thrusts to the throat and torso are two of the five possible hits in kendo (the other three being cuts to the wrists, torso and head) and even though todays kendo is not the same as actual swordplay, it should be obvious that Katana were used to thrust.

General Discussion / Re: riding question
« on: May 26, 2011, 04:55:30 pm »

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