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Messages - Siper

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cRPG Technical problems / Re: Can't get crpg to work
« on: March 02, 2016, 07:21:15 pm »
Well how will that help? Problem is launcher doesn't recognize the location of the folder because it's not default.. How do i set the path for the launcher?

cRPG Technical problems / Can't get crpg to work
« on: March 02, 2016, 06:41:18 am »
Ever since I relocated my steam folder to my new harddrive, I'm unable to run CRPG, the launcher doesn't recognize the new location of the game. The mod itself is still installed under modules but the launcher won't recognize the new location!

Buy / WTT for Mail Hauberk +3
« on: March 02, 2015, 09:12:42 am »
I have a +3 brigandine armor to offer in exchange! Trade is up!

WSE2 Beta / Re: Strange lag problems...
« on: July 08, 2013, 12:32:36 am »
Ok I think I found what was causing my issue! What happened:

I downloaded and installed a mod called Persistent Frontier and was planning to play it after a strat battle, I was waiting in strat server dueling and noticed the rubberbanding. I tried rebooting my client several times, and my network etc none of it fixed the issue. I uninstalled Persistent Frontier, and the problem was solved.

No idea how this can have caused the rubberbanding, but maybe some dev can give some insight ;p I would like to be able to play persistent frontier without having rubberbanding on crpg.

WSE2 Beta / Re: Strange lag problems...
« on: July 08, 2013, 12:25:21 am »
I've started getting this issue today, my ping stays the same at 56, and my fps is stable but I rubberband, I too seem to be able to block/swing just normally but i can't walk without freezing randomly.

Buy / Brigandine/Two-Handed Sword/Great Sword
« on: July 04, 2013, 10:54:46 pm »
PM me your offers if you have one of these items +3 that you are willing to sell.

I prefer if you PM me ingame to saintsiper.

General Discussion / Re: the scoring system
« on: July 02, 2013, 07:33:16 am »
Everytime I see a lightarmored enemy in the enemy blob I ask myself whether I should target him first or not. He could be

a) a poor peasant who simply cant afford armor, thereby not posing the biggest threat.
b) an experienced player who can zip in and out of combat due to low armor weight to aid his teammates, thereby posing a large threat.

Fighting 2 people at once is always harder than fighting one person. As reducing enemy numbers as quickly as possible is helpful either way, I usually go for the kill if there is no other target around that needs to be focused in the first place ( enemy cav, enemy horse ranged, enemy that is just about to backstab teammate etc. ) because it means a fast removal of a potential threat.

Still, the direct point gain from ranged hits is simply not the same as for melee hits and I get where this comes from. Instead of proximity points like melees get, I would like to see a point multiplier for ranged combat. As an archer I can shoot some stationary guy in the back of his head from close distance or I can headshot kill cav riding at full speed over half the map and the scoring system ( afaik ) doesnt handle those shots differently at all.

I would like to so see the distance and the movementspeed of the target to be taken into account. Even native singleplayer kinda has this feature with the yellow "shot difficulty" popping up in the bottom left corner, although beeing a lot more vague I imagine. Also bonus points for every hit/kill that occurs during the arrowstagger you caused with your hit would be fair I guess ( respectively, minus points when you do it to a teammate of course ).

Well ok, targeting low armored folks is actually not a bad option, but I think it does create a misconception that archery gives less points. It seems to me that none of you have solid info on whether archery gives the same points as melee for inflicted damage. I'm tempted to try to run some tests myself when I get a chance..

General Discussion / Re: the scoring system
« on: July 02, 2013, 05:31:12 am »
No, they definitely don't. I'm not sure how I could confirm that, but I typically get 0-2 points per arrow hit.  Meanwhile I've gotten 8 points in a single stab before when hitting a horse & rider as an example.

You misunderstand me... Obviously a swing (or a stab) does more damage than a single arrow, but I'm talking about the damage inflicted on the enemy. Melee and Archers (if I'm correct) receive the same amount of score points from damage inflicted. Example: Melee does a swing which inflicts 20 damage, and archer shoots 3 arrows that inflicts 20 damage, both receive the same score, it would be logical/fair.

It's what cyranule suggests, but I think it's already in place, but still waiting on someone to call out my error.

General Discussion / Re: [Latest Patch] Armors are now made of paper
« on: July 02, 2013, 02:54:09 am »
A lot of people in the crpg forums have wierd, sexual or just flat out perverted avatars/signatures.

General Discussion / Re: the scoring system
« on: July 02, 2013, 01:24:38 am »
I'd like to make another point- You know how you barely get points for killing naked/low armored folks? Ever notice how much you get targeted by arrows when you are poorly armored? I think archers tend to target only the lowly armored enemy just for the sake of kills, then complain about high kd/low points ratio. Not saying all archers do it, but I do think it's something to take into consideration. I'm also fairly certain people get most of their points based on the damage they inflict on the enemy, there is no unfairness.

Eh, someone correct me if I'm wrong.. do archers not get the same points for damage as melee? if they do the exact same damage?

General Discussion / Re: the scoring system
« on: July 01, 2013, 05:45:34 pm »
What the fuck are you talking about, lol. Courage in a video game? Cool story.

As an average archer you're constantly at a very high risk of dying (unless you have a few teammates that pay attention and guard you), more than average melee because of lower awareness, low armour and low maneuverability.
- Arbalest shot - BOOM! You're dead.
- Cav couching you - you're pretty much often dead.
- Ninja cutting your head from behind - you're dead.
- Agi shielder walking towards you - GTX.

You people who think all archers do is staying on the safe roof pew-pew'ing arrows at enemies, should really try playing it for one gen. I did, and now I can't wait for another 100k exp to retire back into melee.

PS: saying "melee should get more valour because valour is about being brave and melee is brave" - makes no sense at all btw.

Meleers run the the same risk for all the points you made:
- Arbalest shot - BOOM! You're dead.
- Cav couching you - you're pretty much often dead.
- Ninja cutting your head from behind - you're dead.
- Agi shielder walking towards you - GTX.
 The risk of being in front taking the blows from the enemy, Defending your archers ass like you said.

General Discussion / Re: the scoring system
« on: July 01, 2013, 09:35:57 am »
I don't care about what you think my reasoning is mate, actually, I don't even give a shit about what you think at all as it won't matter a single bit, but if you wish to believe that it is hard to get points through front line melee and that archery is easy then that's fine by me! :D

Can you point out where I said that it is hard to get points through front line melee and that archery is easy? What you said is that range can only get valour if they, and I quote, "ensure that almost every shot lands and survive the whole round.", and I just pointed out that is exactly what meleers have to do to obtain valour.

I did say that archers take less risk by being able to sit further away from the enemy and shoot at them, which(in my opinion) is a less courageous action than being upfront taking blows. So, I don't think archers(if sitting far away) should receive the same bonus points as meleers for being nearer to the action.

Anyway, I don't care if you care, but don't reply making things up.

General Discussion / Re: the scoring system
« on: July 01, 2013, 08:43:52 am »
I get the impression that you are one of those average players that rushes and has no battle awareness. The fact that you point out that one mustn't ''miss his swings'' suggests that even more , as good players hardly miss their attacks and ensure their safety. Therefore I understand why you find it so hard to get valour. if you can't survive an even fight in a front line you simply suck.
"Sitting on a building" is not possible in battle anymore really, and you'd know that had you had experience. Staying far from the front line means reduced damage and often vulnerability to other ranged as well as cavalry. In your perfect melee world ranged have pinpoint accuracy and are safely shooting from miles away. Did I mention that they have no armor? So when it comes to "surviving the round" , armored melee has more space for mistakes. Ranged do not.

Finally, strat has all to do with it, as it uses the same score system.

Conclusion: QQ mad Cuz bad. Buff ranged scoring.

General Discussion / Re: the scoring system
« on: July 01, 2013, 06:32:23 am »
I never understood why the devs would want to make rushers rush more. Melee players are already eager to fight in close quarers, its why they chose that class, why reward them for that? Why not reward manual blocks and a successful hit rate instead as a mesure of skill?

Are you saying players who successfully manual block and slay their enemy aren't rewarded?

General Discussion / Re: the scoring system
« on: July 01, 2013, 06:28:59 am »
Currently playing HA. Played melee for all my gens, and I can say that the scoring system is in disfavour towards ranged. Made a topic about that.

What you don't seem to get is that the relation between difficulty and rewards concerning melee and ranged are quite different. All you have to do in melee to get valour is to stay close to the fight, hit a few times while ensuring you don't get hit, and kill a guy or two. Voila.

Get valour as a ranged? You got to ensure that almost every shot lands and survive the whole round. As a HA, as soon as your horse is dead, you're toast, which in most cases is not very difficult to do.

No one cares about the definition of valour. Getting points because you are fiddling with the butthole of those on the front line should not give you points.

(click to show/hide)

Most bias post so far, certainly takes more than a few swings and a kill to get valour. But ok! Us front row meleers have to insure we don't miss our swings and at the same time make sure we don't get hit. Oh! We also have to try and survive the round! I must say you have some incredible arguments in favor of archery.
Anyway, do you really think sitting on top of a building, and shooting arrows taking a lot less risk than those in the front line takes any courage/valour? As for holding your shield up in strat, good job! Too bad strat has nothing to do..

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