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Messages - Frell

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General / Re: 3 Days Left
« on: December 17, 2014, 05:17:08 pm »
First question: How many known gaming youtubers did they pay to make a video about it?
Wouldn't have helped that much. Many people watch videos for the personalities, not the game. Expecting them to go one step further and put money towards something that isn't even out yet is a little unrealistic. Conversion rate is very low.

What would have probably boosted the KS would have been a Kotaku article, but from what I hear they aren't too Kickstarter/Early Access friendly. Truth be told people/journalists are tired of Kickstarters.

I made a post about it here:'ve-got-a-problem-here/msg1096502/#msg1096502

General / Re: Read at your leisure.
« on: December 14, 2014, 06:27:10 pm »
Melee Battlegrounds isn't only interesting for cRPG players, though... but for Warband players in general.
Not really. cRPG and Melee both up the difficulty ridiculously compared to the standard melee-based game. This puts into a very tight niche like Farrix said.

From my experience the more realistic (gameplay wise) you go the less players/interest you get, even in my own projects we've gotten better reception after things were dumbed down. It's the reason Chivalry sold 200x more copies than Warband (from the stats I've gathered, could be wrong) and why BF/COD will always outsell great games like Red Orchestra and Insurgency, but this is also comparing AAA games to Indie titles which isn't fair.

With that said I think if Melee is very fluid it could possibly become an eSport type game. People love getting better and challenging themselves, like the headshot fanatics in CS. But your average player (like the friends I made try cRPG) will just get frustrated and not want to waste time becoming more skilled. One told me they want to come home from work and play games for fun, not to be frustrated. But this was in ~2011 so things may be different.

General / Re: Unless there is a real change , we're not gonna make it :
« on: November 28, 2014, 03:56:12 am »
I don't have any data to back this up, but aren't most KS campaigns supposed to increase in velocity as time goes?
Only if you maintain the snowball effect, which very few do nowadays.


General / Re: We've got a problem here (updated)
« on: November 25, 2014, 10:26:54 pm »
No need to worry folks. Only 3 k more and we can be almost sure that devs will reach their goal  :wink:
Times have changed (though I'm not sure of the date on that statistic). KS isn't as explosive as it used to be, refer to my post on page 1.

Just because they make it to 20% doesn't mean the community should stop promoting it, have to keep pushing.

General / Re: Standard Press Kit
« on: November 25, 2014, 10:21:31 pm »
Press kits should be short and sweet, like this:

You don't want journalists to have to look over too much information and do research themselves. They get hundreds of emails a day, the more convenient it is for them the more they'll be willing.

Having the presskit as a download may cause some of them to look away too, it's better to host it. Consider using

General / Re: We've got a problem here
« on: November 22, 2014, 06:24:26 pm »
The devs did some research prior to deciding on a kickstarter date and found that December kickstarters were very successful.
Supposedly they chose this time on purpose.

This is not true at all  :(

People go on vacation during December, and so does the press and youtubers. They are not near their computers nearly as much and most games/projects experience a stall.

General / Re: We've got a problem here
« on: November 22, 2014, 06:16:19 pm »
People don't trust Kickstarters anymore sadly. If this was 2012 you would have nearly $300k by the end.

Too many games have made more promises than they can fulfill and released unfinished, now gamers are very cautious about backing. Journalists don't like Kickstarters too much now either because it floods their inboxes, in general they tend to shy away from indie titles unless they look solid and provide a playable build with the email.

Kickstarter is being phased out by the gaming community, it sucks because you guys definitely deserve it and I hated to see that burst start to slow down. Another slight mistake may have been launching the Kickstarter so close to the holidays and after like 4-6 AAA titles have been released. Potential backers may have just spent $120 on FC4 and GTA5, so they may not have money to back. Others might be saving the money for black friday or christmas. The best time of year to do Kickstarters is April.

That graph you're seeing is normal, that's the end of your pre-launch fan base backing the project. Now it depends on exposing the game by landing articles/lets plays.

We need to get agreement from top youtube gamer channels to help promote, otherwise its going to be hard.
I have a campaign up now myself, the Yogscast and a few other big youtubers played and it only spiked our backers by 8. We also press-released to over 60 sites, only to get an article from 20, including two by RockPaperShotgun. We haven't been able to get a second Kotaku article since march, but Kotaku can deliver a big spike if you manage to get one.

This was much harder than me and my partner imagined, and I'm sure you guys see that as well. We wish you the best of luck!

what happen if we don't reach 130k in 4 weeks? project just end?
No way, they can't give up! There are many successful titles out now that had failed Kickstarters, including Insurgency.

The reason people hate Skyrim has nothing to do with it's popularity. It's the fact that it's a dumbed down easy piece of garbage. Oblivion was way more in-depth, and Morrowind even more so. Every game just gets simplified and dumbed down more and more, and Skyrim just so happened to be the end result of that. A dumbed down, simplified, mediocre rpg. It had some cool mechanics, but it was way too simple and had very little depth. And that's why people hate it, not because it's "mainstream" or "popular" as people tend to think. Real fans were just disappointed with what they got.
Oh really? Then why is it Oblivion is considered the worst of the three by _real_ fans because of its npc and item scaling and overall difficulty?  Everyone I know who has played since morrowind and before says oblivion is the odd one out, not skyrim. Skyrim is right on track. The elder scrolls mechanics are just more familiar to players now so they don't see it as wonderful and mystifying anymore. Thats true for any game.

I found Skyrim ok, I preferred Oblivion. And making profit on a game is fine, I just find it sad when devs just try and squeeze every penny out of something, not because they might make a good game, purely because they can and are hungry for money
Or you're trying to sell something that includes their property... No harm in Bethesda taking action there. They don't want that kind of monetized community and I don't blame them. I wouldn't want to buy a game where you had to pay for all of the good mods. Fuck that.

I laugh at people who say Skyrim is now more mainstream and all that other bullshit. I did like Oblivion more, but thats only music it was less barbaric and had more lush forests and had nicer music.  The game hasn't changed. Skyrim is actually a blend of Morrowind and Oblivion, and it was really well done. I don't see the problem with it catching alot of peoples attention (aka mainstream) but it does bug me when people hate it for the wrong reasons.

Chivalry / Re: The time is now!!!
« on: November 04, 2012, 08:36:14 pm »
Just picked up this game yesterday and I can tell you a few things that are current:

The good:
Great graphics and animations.
It feels fresh, and not just a bad clone like others say.
Awesome game modes (cRPG should take notes)

The bad:
When you stab/slash someone, they don't get temp stunned or visibly injured (most times)
Blocking seems a little off, it needs some tweaking.
Lack of melee support (i.e. longer spears for use)
No meaningful progression atm. Such as leveling, money making, etc. You can unlock more weapons by killing people with that weapon category.

Honestly though, I'm really liking it. It's a half-polished gem at the moment. It can use some tweaks--but what game couldn't? Mount&Blade in its infancy was horrific, Chivalry has a much better head start.
typical c-rpg player cons

Chivalry / Re: The time is now!!!
« on: November 01, 2012, 10:53:39 pm »
Lol. Everyone thinks they do good with it.  Hammer spammers are a threat to themselves.

Every other knight I come in contact with I kill, I only use my side arm.

Chivalry / Re: Made a video of how fun this combat can be
« on: October 30, 2012, 06:07:22 pm »
I used to play MMA but the arrows did too much damage to me so I transferred that playstyle over to knight with a sidearm

Chivalry / Re: The time is now!!!
« on: October 27, 2012, 02:31:01 pm »
I havent seen any bugs except the arms breaking when you're using a ballista lol

Chivalry / Re: The time is now!!!
« on: October 23, 2012, 05:31:11 pm »
Vanguards are annoying. The spears can slash me when its obvious the wood is hitting me, not the blade.

MAA's are pretty easy to kill since I used to play one heavily.

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