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Messages - Surgical__Jesus

Pages: [1]
Closed Requests / Banned from crpg NA Siege
« on: May 15, 2011, 11:46:50 pm »
     Ive been banned from crpg NA Siege on may 13th i believe not sure what time, for opening the gate, once...  I understand some admin got mad but a little communication can go a long way and immediately banning someone for their first offense only perpetuates the issue and elevates the situation.  I guess to be technical id been booted a few times before for the ridiculous accusation of leaching.  Although not moving for a couple seconds on spawn because of opening a new pack of smokes, or kissing my girlfriend before she walks out the door is in fact not leaching in any way shape or form and making a situation out of such a miniscule occurrence once again solves nothing and elevates discontentment within staff and member both.  I do enjoy playing this game but only in crpg and i hope some people can lighten up otherwise i just don't see how the game can retain its enjoyment.
    That said, I do apologize opening the gate and hope to return to the game but I'm not a fan of drama wont be continuing to post.  Id rather play a game...

                                                                       Your Brother


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