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Messages - Tequnique

Pages: [1]
Suggestions Corner / Re: Lolhammers - again
« on: May 27, 2011, 01:28:58 pm »
Many wise answers :)
So I present you all a challenge -
Make a video of you repeatedly defeating a skilled Lolhammer build opponent at equal level-
You should arm 1-h and sheild.
Then make a video defeating him with 2-H

Polearms I dont care that much for - thats easier.

If you do it - ill dry my tears :)

Thank you!

Suggestions Corner / Re: Lolhammers - again
« on: May 27, 2011, 12:22:03 am »
Teamwork  works - of course for both sides.
Well - I think my suggestions is good..'
Knock down - not crush through when shield....

Suggestions Corner / Re: I want my duel bonus back please!
« on: May 26, 2011, 05:47:12 pm »
Exploiting is not an issue if the rate you gain xp and gold is very slow...
If one guy wants to just agree to getting killed for 1 hour - so the other one can get gold - its just better to play battle anyway...

Alternatively - you can create a system:

1) If you kill an opponent of a higher level you gain more xp/gold
Note: This will make it more likely that you want to fight someone better than you.

Level difference (just an example)

- 8>16     = 10 gold, 40 xp
- 3>8       = 20 gold, 60 xp
- 1>2       = 40 gold, 80 xp
0 (same) = 80 gold, 100xp
1>2          = 120 gold, 200 xp
3>4          = 140 gold, 300 xp
5>7          = 180 gold, 400 xp
8>10        = 200 gold, 500 xp
11>13      = 220 gold, 600 xp
14>16      = 240 gold, 700 xp

2) Penalty for loosing duels:
As in battle, there is a chance for equipment damage.
If you continue to loose duels - you end up paying more fixing your weapons than gaining gold/xp.
This is a good counter for cheats (if one keeps letting him self get killed - for the other to earn gold he ends up having to pay for weapons repairs thus loosing money helping his friend getting money.)


Suggestions Corner / Re: About horse charge
« on: May 26, 2011, 05:13:15 pm »
I think we can conclude that:

1) The unarmoured horses should take damage AS WELL as the footman (the footman should take more damage than the horse)
2) If the footman uses as shield - the shield should absorb some of the impact and reduce damage slightly.
3) The charger - should not take damage due to knocking down a footman.

If you think about laws of physics - if you run a courier into a group of footmen - the rider would be catapulted of the saddle :)
And most likely the horse would stop by it self - even before hitting.
Only a trained horse would charge a group of footmen - trained - and armoured (No living creature will want to get hurt - unless very strictly trained - or not at all)

Suggestions Corner / Re: Lolhammers - again
« on: May 24, 2011, 03:08:34 am »
AH .. and not surprisingly - I just got on the Duel server - and guess who is on the first place with 36 kills and 6 deaths..
Druzhina Levy with a --- LOLhammer :)
Im trying to beat him now ... and even if I try to spam him with 1-h (warhammer) I can't get him before he manage to overhead me.
On one occation I hit him 3 times.. but his armor shrugged it off.

EDIT: he is now at 47 - 7 :)

EDIT2: 57-8... And his fighting good people with 2-h ...

Suggestions Corner / Re: Lolhammers - again
« on: May 24, 2011, 03:01:20 am »
Lets remove CT altogether and all run around with huscarls!

Yay for playing how you want!

(click to show/hide)

Mature response heh? :)
If you manage to stop a maul when you are fighting 1 or more enemies with 1-H - make me a video on xfire or youtube plz.
Of course 1 vs 1 maul is less of a threat... But still - if the wielder has better speed - he can do his little - Overhead > retreat > overhead - making sure his out of range as you enter - and if you don't have the speed - he can hit you 100% if he is good.

If the maul does an instakill vs 2h blocks... I don't care that much - cause as you say - the 2-h and polearms outrange and outspeed the maul - so you should be able to hit him first.

Somebody asked - What is realistic about this game?
It's not actually not that unrealistic.
I've been studying the arts of medieval weaponsfighting.
All though you have a lot more sophisticated moves, angles and counters - the principles are really the same only simplified.
Meaning - if you are good swordfighter - its ALL about timing and distance.
- The best is to hit the opponent as he chamber his weapon -called pre-emptive attack
- secondary is to parry and quickly counter before he can chamber another attack.
- The lesser achievement is if you have to make several moves to penetrate his responses - as you don't want to spend too much time at one target in a multiple opponent situation.
This is the same in this game.
Of course you seldom see the formations and tight teamwork in MB as in real life - however again - the principles are the same:
When you meet a group of enemies - you try to hit the enemy to your left or right - and avoid hitting the guy in front.
IRL you got killed fairly fast - maybe somewhat faster than in this game - due to the complexity of the situation.
I guess this game wouldnt be that fun - in that sense.

What do you think my fellow whiners and counter-whiners?

Suggestions Corner / Re: Lolhammers - again
« on: May 24, 2011, 02:30:28 am »
Getting kills with a great maul actually isnt that easy :-)

Last thing a victim will see is the overhead hiting him, yes.
What they mostly forget is:
You need to get to a good position, you need timing (more as with any other weapon), footwork ando awareness.

GreatMaul surely demands much more than many would admit.

Crushthrough got a really really  rare sight, keep it how it is. Allready enough downsides.

Whine about mauls is so 2010 btw... xD

It's not really whining :)
I would call it feedback.
Everytime I see a LOLhammer I try to avoid confrontation if im using a 1-h and shield.
I find my self a somewhat slighty above the average player - and on a good day I can easily deal with most 1-h and 2-h weapons by moving in and closing the distance - and then eventually find an opening in the opponents defenses.
On the maul - however - I find it disturbingly hard.
I don't really see how a knockdown instead of instakill would make the maul a less weapon of choice.
You could even add some damage in there - but instant kill through armor and shield? Common...
A knockdown would still be a great disadvantage for the receiver.
As a trade off for the counter-whiners - you could even increase the speed of the damn thing - I don't care - just let me survive a hit through my shield (God damn it ) :D

I am quite sure that most of the maul defenders here  are dedicated users btw ;) No?

Suggestions Corner / Re: Lolhammers - again
« on: May 22, 2011, 11:09:49 pm »
The lolhammer is the only true great counter against a turtle shielder in melee. The lolhammer is supposed to be a support weapon able to crush through enemy shielders your friends have a problem with. However, both for the sake of realism and balance, I suggest one makes the lolhammer unable to block. In real life its a lot easier to block with a dagger than with a heavy weapon like the lolhammer. Also making the lolhammer not able to block would place it right where it belongs: as a support weapon to pop out from behind an ally and deal a crushing blow on a turtle shielder. For the sake of variety, realism and fun, keep the amazing destructive power of the lolhammer, and rather remove something unrealistic from the game. (blocking with the lolhammer, if my sentences were a bit hard to understand)

I agree on this one - with a slight adjustment:
a) Not REMOVE block - but SLOW block.
b) Knock down through shield/block - less damage.

If you allow knockdown - you must swing x2 to kill - as he is on the ground. But regardless - it is a huge advantage.
By slowing down blockrate - you will use it for support as you said.. good call.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Lolhammers - again
« on: May 22, 2011, 03:14:45 pm »
Thx for the reply... however Im not concerned about the one on one situations -
What IM refering to is situations where you are moving into, for example, a chokepoint - in front of me are a few 2-h and some 1-h with shield..
All at the sudden - a lol-man is approaching from behind the ranks as I block one of the others and kills me in one shot...
If I had been knocked down by it - One of my mates could have covered my as I was down - however - I didnt even have a chance to recover...

Another situation is - Im fighting with 3 guys - doing fine - from the side a LOL-man is running up there is no option but to block him  - and im dead.

Even in one on one - its very hard if the LOLman is good...
Especially if he is fast too - as he chambers his hammer - then keep the range - waiting me to enter.
As I specialize in 1-H - I have to wait for him to enter - or get LOL'ed - as I have to block to close the gap - and even when I close he just keeps the spacing backwards - so he manage to chamber another - and im dead again. Really nazti shit.

By doing the changes I mentioned - it can STILL be an effective weapon - as you may stun or knockdown your opponent...
but to kill in one blow - just blows...

Suggestions Corner / Lolhammers - again
« on: May 22, 2011, 11:29:39 am »
I've read through a few suggestions - and I think this subject needs loving for sure.
The hammer is simply too powerful against shields - 10/10 times Im getting hit im dead THROUGH my shield.
The singlehand hammer is has a percentage knockdown ability. Maybe 30% chance of knockdown - whilst the Lolhammer has a 100% crushthrough instakill against my 49 armor and shield... It's just not realistic nor playable.
The damn thing can change direction in midflight like you where wielding a piece of paper... - once such a weapon has a vector - it should be hard to redirect its force - however - that I consider least of matters...

a) A simple solution, I believe, is to simply make the weapon knock you down - through a sheild or block  - like a horse hits you.
b) Another simple  is increase the weaponknockdown probability approx x2 of the 1-H weapons (Foreach point weapon damage = 1.5% KnockD)
c) Third solution is a stun effect - where the receiver is unable to counter attack for approx 0.4 Seconds.

Secondary solutions (more complicated ones)
a) Hitting a shield with the hammer-  the knockdown & damage only occurs as with horses - you need momentum to perform it - and you can only knock down if you have forward momentum. - if you stand still and swing you will not knockdown or do damage - but slightly stun the victim - making him unable to counter.
b) Parrying the LOL w/ 2h. If the LOL has momentum = knockdown and damage. If no/less momentum  = stun and slight damage.
c) Once the LOL has momentum it is not able to redirect it - making other weapons - weapons of choice in open encounters.

Tertiary suggestions
a) KnockD chance based on total damage modifier (strength + weapondam +momentum = %KnockD)

What do you guys think? Totally off mark?

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