« on: August 22, 2011, 12:10:23 am »
They do have a comment system, don't they? They can put in 'kicked for teamwounding' or 'leeching' or whatever. Some of them use it, but it doesn't really matter to me - I've never seen anything that looked like a 'powertripping admin' to me, nor heard any legitimate complaints about admin behavior on community servers.
Usually the complaints are something like "Well yeah I was team-wounding, but the other guy tked me first! And anyway, you could have just kicked me, not banned me for a whole day!"
I'm glad to see people like that banned. IMO, good admins are first concerned with keeping the game running smoothly for rule-following players. Being as gentle as possible with rule-breakers to sweetly coax them into behaving.. that's not something that keeps me up at night.
And this seems to be the difference between those people (and it's the majority, though most aren't especially vocal on the forums) who like the Community servers and those who don't. People willing to follow the rules love it because they don't have to put up with all the BS you find on official servers; people who cannot follow the rules or actually plan to break them don't like it because there will be actual consequences if they're caught.