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Messages - Nagasoup

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 13
General Discussion / Re: The problem was never ranged
« on: February 20, 2016, 06:09:04 am »
I think the devs are in way too deep and are lost in balance hell.


General Discussion / Re: [Feedback] Archery / Xbow feedback thread
« on: February 19, 2016, 03:52:06 pm »

Please, its not even about tweaking the stats at this point. This whole change to ranged was totally uncalled for, its not a tweak, you overhauled the whole system. It's like you sink all these hours into this mod, all your characters and looms, learning all the ins and outs of your playstyle, your builds, all the subtleties of ranged combat... and then the devs just shit all over it.

If you're going to nerf ranged, nerf it, but don't change the whole system so drastically and so suddenly. Nobody asked for this kind of change. It's just like SURPRISE! Your looms? Your build? fuck you get new looms, make a new build noob. All our experience, the muscle memory we built, all our familiarity with this mod we've grown to love over the years? Fuck you, new mod, relearn everything because we say so.  :mad:

When you do this kind of change so suddenly and without good reason its just going to piss off a lot of people. People still play this mod after so many years because we've grown attached to our characters and our playstyles, and when you force people to change everything at once a lot of them will just stop playing.

can't wait can't wait can't wait!  :mrgreen:

Still haven't picked out a name to reserve yet though...

General Discussion / Re: Why do we even have a multiplier bar now?
« on: November 10, 2012, 06:15:21 pm »
that made my day  :mrgreen:

thx for your stupidity andy  :lol:

Sell/Trade / Re: +1 items
« on: November 10, 2012, 05:58:29 pm »
i have

+1 courser
+1 arrows

General Discussion / Re: Taught my horse how to sit
« on: September 14, 2012, 09:16:39 am »

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Ashwood Pike vs Warspear
« on: September 14, 2012, 08:11:28 am »
For dedicated hoplites, ashwood pike is the only way to go.

For a competent player, the lack of sideswings is no big disadvantage, and the ashwood's damage and range more than makes up for it.

General Discussion / Re: Your BEST SCORE !!! [ E-penis Constet]
« on: August 05, 2012, 06:22:28 pm »
how do i post pic??

i have a 29/0 from back when i was xbow

Sell/Trade / Cheap +1 loom
« on: July 21, 2012, 01:50:26 am »
+1 arrows

+1 courser

offer a price

Faction Halls / Re: Hoplites [NA]
« on: July 20, 2012, 09:04:51 pm »
Hi guys I would really love to join your clan! Been waiting forever for a hoplite clan to show up.

I've played hoplite for many gens now, ashwood for 3 and awlpike for 2.

currently ashwood


In this case you are the pathetic here,trying to be awes0me and cool and such a badass mr.toughguy that noone fucks with..

If I were an admin I would reward you sorry ass with a 6 month ban  at least  8-)


go ahead that would really help because when i come back the new semester starts

Skeith sent me a link DUUURRRR

I didnt even know  I was banned

Hah  :lol:

You are like the little girl in grade school that would tattletale to teachers any opportunity she gets. So pathetic. It's okay I don't mind, I'm on vacation baby  :mrgreen:

Edit: and yea me and skeith were dueling.... there were 3 people on the server, me vs skeith and him delaying with high ath and crossbow, if you think that warrants a ban, go ahead.

The Room xD

This  :D

epic movie def one of the best

General Discussion / Re: One reason why this game has low pop
« on: May 15, 2012, 01:09:05 am »
This is something I can relate to... once I was banned for revenge tk as a newb too, when someone was intentionally teamwounding me to provoke revenge tk...

New players without any previous offences should NEVER be banned for revenge tk, a lot of times these are people tking in self defence against trolls, and banning for revenge tk is EXACTLY what those trolls want.

What is a new player to do against assholes who use technicalities in the rules to try and get you banned?

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