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Messages - Jack_Luminous

Pages: [1]
cRPG Technical problems / Re: Server list troubleshooting
« on: December 11, 2013, 02:47:43 am »
Hi guys,

I haven't played in over a year and updated all my stuff.  I have 3 characters that were still listed (yeah!), everything seems to work fine.  However, when I choose one of the characters to play, the server list doesn't refresh.  Works fine for the other two...  Weirdness...




General Discussion / Re: samurais weapons
« on: June 03, 2011, 04:51:45 pm »
+1 to Diomedes for that last post.

And my .02$ on the katana thing.  Pretty much all of the japanese blades I've seen have a sharp, useable pointy end, whether it actually got used in combat or not would be up to the guy holding the other end of it...  There's no doubt in my mind however that any fighter worth his salt wouldn't hesitate to stab an opponent given an opening, the winners got to argue about stuff, the others were awful quiet most of the time.

What did these guys do seppuku with anyway?  Tanto, wakisashi or katana?  I'm guessing you'd want the end to be pointy for that...


General Discussion / Re: thank you
« on: May 24, 2011, 02:52:05 pm »
Thank you very much, having oodles and oodles of fun with this!  Keep up the great work!


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