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Messages - Beergut

Pages: [1]
Spam / Re: Ban LLJK
« on: May 13, 2011, 07:24:02 am »
"the bans that hit LLJK members were unjustified, and the only reason some members were not banned is because they left the server ASAP, even an LLJK on the opposing team was banned."

I laughed out loud. Everytime I see a member of your $10 clan it is nothing but drama. You give the admins problems, you TK, you grief, you block, and you do everything you can to grief your team....

Again I want to know if a non-LLJK member does this can they get unbanned?

Spam / So LLJK?
« on: May 13, 2011, 07:18:07 am »
If I break rules like them can i get unbanned quickly? Asking for the 95% of the other population.

Spam / Re: Ban LLJK
« on: May 13, 2011, 07:13:41 am »
1)  l2Quote.  Seriously
2)  Stop whining, at this point you just seem like an lljk plant stirring up shit in order to get some chatter going about them.  Wouldn't be the first time, pretty old goon tactic anyways."

Why don't you learn to admin... Guess I will take a ban for that. Yet I don't TeamKill or Grief.. but if i was a LLJK member i'd get a pass.

Spam / Re: Ban LLJK
« on: May 13, 2011, 07:06:56 am »
"A couple bad apples were banned from NA100, and a couple randomly banned during an hour of discrimination, the rest are fine. Which happens to be the majority of the clan, nice try. /laugh"

So if the average joe did the same stuff.. Teamkill, Kick people off bridges to kill them, swear/cause issues with admins, etc...

We'd be just unbanned as quick?

Interested, so I can refer banned people to this post...

Spam / Re: Ban LLJK
« on: May 13, 2011, 07:02:42 am »
Only banned on "a server". /Laugh

Spam / Re: Ban LLJK
« on: May 13, 2011, 06:58:34 am »
"Nothing in Devil's post says he was unbanned.

In fact he states he's more than happy to take credit for mass banning the fucktards even though he didn't order it.  I don't blame him.
I've never mass banned them, but every time I get to ban an LLJK for succumbing to their infantile nature it definately is a pleasurable moment."

Just saw him in game... someone unbanned him. So what you are saying is we can constantly break rules and get unbanned if we are members of LLJK? Let me pay my $10 and join!

Spam / Re: Ban LLJK
« on: May 13, 2011, 06:53:07 am »
Hellwrold just got unbanned, read the post..,5252.0.html

Yeah, you'll get banned and unbanned in 2 days.  Meanwhile real players who get banned for mistakes, see you in 2 weeks.

Spam / Re: Ban LLJK
« on: May 13, 2011, 06:48:53 am »
Smoothrich, please name my in game character. First time, long time coming, I've complained about your "clan" ($10 at that).

Spam / Re: Ban LLJK
« on: May 13, 2011, 06:46:44 am »
"However, they ARE lljk which means it's only a matter of time before they are unable to hold back their fucktard nature and get banned themselves as well.  After all one only joins the goons because they already ARE a goon in personality, or are dumb and don't know what the goons are (sometimes both)."

This is not a mod you have to pay for.... why are rules being stretched. 90% of people follow em, 5% dont, the other 5% are LLJK.  Any other game they would be gone.  You are accepting rulebreakers into your server for what? 

You don't like the rules? Don't play, you don't pay. GTFO.

Spam / Re: Ban LLJK
« on: May 13, 2011, 06:40:18 am »
And they get unbanned... So a random dude gets banned for 3 months asking for unban in forums. But a LLJK member can get unbanned in 3 days....

Seems fair. Repeated offenders get quick unban times but new people get longer ban times, Yay!

Spam / Ban LLJK
« on: May 13, 2011, 06:36:44 am »
Bunch of worthless, rule breaking losers....

Why are the guys constantly unbanned?  Goto ban posts and they are constantly being unbanned.  Meaning they broke the rules and are still allowed back?  I constantly seem them giving admins trouble. If it is that easy let us all break rules and get unbanned. 

Get em off the servers. They cause the most problems on the servers.

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