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Messages - guguiradu

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: when will this stop?
« on: August 15, 2011, 10:59:39 pm »
guguiradu, I understand how that feels when someone insults you to the dirt, or spreading lies about you.

Next time, hop on IRC, and bust the guy. This will give the bored forumite trolls less bait.

But of course, you should lock this now, because we're getting nowhere since Panos started his own Flamewar.

i think you rigth
but I think many people could read this topic and see, change,some people look the prejudice in a funny way, but maybe reading this, they realize that it is not and they're just being silly and childish

General Discussion / Re: when will this stop?
« on: August 15, 2011, 10:52:37 pm »

the topic is not about the kick is about on the prejudice of certain people, i dont give a f%$ยจ to the kick i have a lot os photos of guys sending me to hell, telling my country is a shit, with drugs and other shits, guys telling that i have to walk to get food and water,these kinds of stupid things and prejudiced,and you say that because it was not with you, nobody offended you or anything,unless you are one of those

General Discussion / Re: when will this stop?
« on: August 15, 2011, 09:44:51 pm »
That's something new. Never before I've heard of such attitude towards Brazillians.
no, thats not new, and look:
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 I told him he was racist
and he confirmed..

General Discussion / when will this stop?
« on: August 15, 2011, 09:20:14 pm »
when will this stop?, well, i was playng on a server, a siege one, when someone shoot my back  a (guy froom my team) and i asked why he did that ,why he was shooting to teamates them he didint anwser them i hit he , (i kno it was not the best thing to do), and after i got kicked froom the server.So I went back and asked why i got amigod, them as you guys can see : a guy told that i was br, and that was the problem,

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I know that not everyone think that, but, there still some idiots , and prejudiced, and ... well i just want to kno if there will be an end of this.  if i will play a game or other, without being excluded ,because is not cool to be repressed.
this was not the first time it happened that kind of idiocy, and i kno it will be not the last time, hopefully I'm wrong about this final statement.

(im sergeant[gamename] and i was kicked by pools, not the admins)

Scene Editing / Re: New_map Defend the village
« on: May 20, 2011, 12:58:19 am »
tanks, and i have maked that, my main problem was to kno if was to use the scene editor

but how i rename it?

Scene Editing / Re: New_map Defend the village
« on: May 19, 2011, 07:25:46 pm »
.... well,Glad that someone answered to me.........

Scene Editing / New_map Defend the village
« on: May 18, 2011, 01:28:47 am »
well, first of all, hi , now the map part
 im new here and  in making maps to this mod . i maked one map in the scene editor, and I do not know if it was to use that. but i already finish, aand other thing, this is the place to notify new maps?
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Pages: [1]