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Messages - wylker

Pages: [1] 2
Spam / Re: irc is just kinda fail
« on: September 11, 2011, 03:15:31 pm »
So irc is supposed to be a place where you might be able to talk to a dev/admin without having to make a forum post which every-bloody-one can see...cos the subject might be private right.

I goes on there and just ask if there is a german speaking admin/dev and i get trolled (by a fail troll) and told i'm attention seeking by some random

I only wrote 1 line xD

Seriously all the nolifers hanging out on irc are so full of fail and it seems any devs/admins are just perma AFK.

I can't believe you would use the terms "no lifer" and "full of fail" unironically while making a whiny forum post about not getting the attention you want in IRC. Send a PM, send an email, make a forum post, use /query on IRC write a LETTER if you want. But PLEASE don't act like a little kid crying until he gets mama's attention and his ba-ba. You are not a special flower.

e; I missed "kinda fail" in the thread title. You are so sad.

e2; here is the context of whiny boy's whine:

Code: [Select]
[07:51] ING_Phil any german speaking admin/devs available?
[07:57] ING_Phil i have infos on a scammer in german..but nobody interested...meh
[07:59] Templar_Alpha nope
[08:00] Templar_Alpha why do you have to say it in german?
[08:00] Wylker i dont think any of the devs are german dude
[08:00] Wylker so spit it out
[08:00] ING_Phil cos the whole text is in german with the dude
[08:00] ING_Phil on steam
[08:00] Wylker or go make a forum post
[08:00] Wylker or something
[08:00] ING_Phil meh
[08:00] Wylker bitching about not getting attention is just stupid
[08:00] ING_Phil Wylker...
[08:00] Wylker what
[08:00] ING_Phil don't troll
[08:00] Wylker im not trolling
[08:00] ING_Phil you're no good at it
[08:00] Wylker you're being childish
[08:01] |<-- ING_Phil has left quakenet (Signed off)

As you can see I bolded the funny parts. Also 6 minutes of waiting evidently means PERMA AFK

Strategus General Discussion / Re: First battle of the day at Tebandra
« on: August 08, 2011, 04:06:10 pm »
Maybe hes just talking shit, like the rest. Trying too look important

Mmmmm responses like this make this game worth playing.

Diplomacy / Re: SERVER FIRST :: Strategus Castle taken
« on: August 06, 2011, 01:49:17 pm »
I personally would like to thank the Northern Empire. They are #1 at finding ways to make video games not at all fun. In the quest to make strategus more and more not fun, they lead the charge. Please continue your holy quest to make a video game as much like a job scribbing shit stains off a prison bathroom floor as possible.


Diplomacy / Re: Nobody in this game has "a little" honor
« on: August 06, 2011, 01:56:07 am »
That hamleigh is finaly muted, about time you mute that obnoxious troll admins

Reported for back seat modding.


Diplomacy / Re: Nobody in this game has "a little" honor
« on: August 05, 2011, 12:42:05 am »
LLJK announced our plans to attack the bitchy coalition of weaboo justice.

Diplomacy / Re: Nobody in this game has "a little" honor
« on: August 04, 2011, 06:24:35 pm »
I'm confused.. Who cares what acre is doing they're a dead clan anyway. All they have are table scraps thrown to them by shogunate...

Mercenary Recruitment / Re: The Turks vs Bardaq Castle
« on: August 03, 2011, 12:06:45 am »
I use an old program* to automaticaly take screenshot ever 30s in a specific area and save with date & hour name.
Then I just get the list of files to extract the time. For scores for now I didn't find an automatic and massive OCR, so I have to manually retrieve the numbers. (168 times)

*Savescreen form Xian Softwares

That is the spergiest shit I have heard in a long time.

Strategus Issues / Re: Open Field Battle
« on: July 31, 2011, 02:53:07 am »
The spawn system should probably be something like:

Both attackers and defenders both 100% spawn at 0 seconds. For 60 seconds, attackers leaving spawn range of 30m are tp'd back to spawn, defenders leaving maybe 100m of spawn or whatever makes sense on the maps get tp'd to spawn. Problem solved.

Also our new theme is:

Strategus Issues / Re: Open Field Battle
« on: July 30, 2011, 02:15:55 am »
I'll take these one at a time, because based on my past experience with you, you're not very smart so I don't want to overwhelm you.

Please explain this "glitch" kind sir.

Not all attackers were spawned when defenders reached their spawn. There is supposed to be a spawn protection system in place to prevent this.

chadz purposely changed spawning to: defenders spawn first (used to me 60 secs) with a delay before attackers spawn.

chadz purposely changed spawning to one at a time once every second instead of all each 3 secs

Instead of confusing you more, I'll direct you to the previous point.

The map was small and we went forward in a coordinated mass and attacked your troops--fault for Tydeus for attacking us there =)

Random plains. If mechanics aren't going to support small maps, there should be no small maps

We routed your army, capped your spawn, and hunted down the rest.

I'm not sure you know what routed means, I'll give you a helpful link:

We can't help that some of your members got the no equip bug (which has always been around in strat, happens to everyone) or they were too stupid to chose equip they could use--we played well and won.  Sorry you didn't do the same!  Better luck next time old chap, that's the nature of video games, war, and well about everything else I can think of.  Have a jolly good day.

The best thing about spergy douche bags on the internet is how :smug: they get when they think something went their way. If you think game breaking mechanics are something cool to brag about on forums then more power to you, but I think you'll regret being such a stupid cunt about it in the near future.

Now lastly--the new spawn system is rather silly imo--I've said that about the several BRD vs Merc battles I attended.  But until then, tally ho!

What kind of weird backpedaling is this? You can't say "I don't like this mechanic, but I'm going to gloat about abusing it".

Well, maybe you personally can.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Broken spawn
« on: July 26, 2011, 08:17:12 pm »
It's the new patch defenders spawn 60 seconds before attackers. Welcome to "never get a chance to spawn" mode.

Diplomacy / Re: LLJK Official Proclomation of Peace
« on: July 25, 2011, 10:17:17 pm »
Silly LLJK, the negotiations with phantomzero happened before coalation was made.

The negotiations may have happened beforehand, but the "us handing you your ass on a plate" happened after.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Limit the battles per day.
« on: July 19, 2011, 04:51:27 pm »
Still seems ridiculous that there's no official NA strategus server...there's been an NA strategus/duel server up for months.

Is  the plan still to take it away from ATS (a respected/trusted clan) and give it to a troll clan?

If by "plan" you mean "thing that has already happened" then yes.

General Discussion / Re: NA Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
« on: July 19, 2011, 04:45:40 pm »
As the PR Dev* of cRPG I will step forward to assist the community with this endeavor and showcase my admin skill set whilst keeping goons on a leash.

(click to show/hide)

General Discussion / Re: NA Strategus Server Poll
« on: July 14, 2011, 09:54:44 pm »
You know, a lot of fan-bois have come to this thread to go up in arms about something or another. There has been some truth, a lot of panic and waved arms, and possibly the worst metaphor I have ever seen on the internet. Oh yeah some hyperbole too. The bottom line is that no one can give a single legitimate reason why this is in any way a bad thing for anyone beyond some veiled mistrust of Zealot.

Honestly this seems more and more like Ecko feels some weird desperate need to have some kind of power over the NA crpg community and has called in his henchmen to blast the thread. I even heard a rumor that someone went server to server on NA and used admin chat to drum up contention to this idea.

I'm sure if there was any valid point raised by any non-rabid member of the forum community then it would be addressed in a grown up fashion but since that has yet to happen in 10 pages maybe everyone should just


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