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Messages - Rovenarc

Pages: [1]
Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Repair Costs?
« on: May 25, 2011, 11:17:43 am »
86 now. 60 (Black Armor) + 7 (Lordly Heirloom) + 12 (Heavy Gauntlets) + 7 (Lordly Heirloom)

Actually 85 - Lordly Black Armor = 66 not 67 (goes as 60->62->64->66)

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Repair Costs?
« on: May 18, 2011, 11:26:16 am »
Life of a new player is hard that way or another, that fact wont change with or without repair system - this system just slows down average players like me as well and end game players are not affected. 600-700k gold at least and loads of stuff they don't use that they can sell for another 600-700k gold and full time Heavy Armor - high tier weapons on them at all times.
Well started this game 2-3 days ago, just level 26 on my Knight and level 20 on my archer currently, but i have played MMO games enough years to realize a major flaw in them. (6 years of Wow - 11 Years of Ultima Online and much more)

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Repair Costs?
« on: May 18, 2011, 01:39:43 am »
I made like 70k gold and bought Black Armor and Danish greatsword. I had like 20k ish gold left, thought it will be enough for repairs. Almost every single round i played both kept getting broken, repairs for 2500-2600 total. By the time i had 3k gold left i just stoped using them.
It is very annoying seriously, and really dont want to log anymore after that much grinding for money buying them with 20k gold as back up i couldnt play more than 40-50 mins with them.
I know it is necessary to keep gold levels of high level players at a degree, to stop them getting insanely rich but a smarter way can be found for sure.

Considering even with 5x you get 2500 gold in 10 mins spending 2500-2600 gold in every round is overkill.

PS: Call it bad-luck or whatever but that is another problem than, It can be more stable
Finally i saw people bragging about they have 600-700K gold do they seriously make that money while wearing end game gear with this repair system? Or just grind for days in peasant cloths or something?

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