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Messages - Creslin

Pages: [1]
Announcements / Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
« on: December 17, 2013, 07:10:04 pm »
It is not hard to hit anything with a catapult, most people make the mistake of pulling the arm by jumping on the back of the catapult and leave it to human error to get the right shot, if you use the cog on the right side of the catapult you will quickly find that catapults are actually extremely accurate. Al i would lobby for is a buff in the increase of health on siege equipment.

I'm not complaining about their accuracy, just the bug where the block gets stuck at the furthest point you've pushed it to.

Announcements / Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
« on: December 17, 2013, 02:28:59 pm »
Can we get catapults fixed?  Currently there seems to be some sort of bug with them that causes them to get stuck on the furthest block placement which can make hitting a wall really hard at times.  Also some kind of fragmentation shot for the catapult would make them a little more interesting.  Shots on walls and towers are already hard enough to make, at leas with the intent of killing players, reward it by making the hits more devastating.

Diplomacy / Re: Veluca Stands.
« on: December 13, 2013, 07:50:53 pm »
What about the time Arrowaine retreated accidently, was his castle restored? What goes around comes around, you made your bed now fuck the fat bitch you brought home from the bar in it

Yes, lets just forget the time that we gave them a city back because that makes your argument sound silly.

Pretty sure the answer was No since Adoptagoat admitted it was their fault for the shit battle time. Also, 4 mercs isn't going to make or break a battle. If that was the case then I demand Nova Taberhl be given to us when FCC stole MB from our roster. I'm pretty sure we could've won that first battle if we had them on our side. This will just even things up all around. Who's with me?

Try 15 mercs, and that's just the ones who didn't retract then didn't show up because your buddy told them the battle wasn't happening.  Look, I understand that its embarrassing to be caught being shitstains but lets be honest about things at least.

Diplomacy / Re: Veluca Stands.
« on: December 13, 2013, 02:33:04 am »

Now, lets talk about the Original VE/LCO war. I'm sure we can have LOTS of fun there when, oh I don't know, VE gave BACK all gear from one failed assault(cause of Website bugs). They didn't give the Castle back because of Human Error(the one Arowaine retreated from like 10 minutes in). They did give gear and most troops back though.

Actually, we gave back Shariz without a fuss with all of the gear and troops in it IIRC.  We didn't even make a fuss about all of the troops and gear lost to buggy battles, the ones where we couldn't spawn with armor or siege gear or the ones where catapults simply didn't spawn in when built.

Diplomacy / Re: Veluca Stands.
« on: December 13, 2013, 01:07:15 am »
Strat is dead, I don't think anyone refutes that. So dicking around with our roster isn't going to piss us off, but just ruin xp for the people who actually want it anymore.

Diplomacy / Re: Veluca Stands.
« on: December 13, 2013, 12:51:22 am »
Oh, you mean the time that I heard that TKoV was paying people gold to switch sides and I wanted to check if it was true or not? I remember talking to both Hobb and Tristran that night. Hobb tried to make a deal with me (like 30 minutes after I had sent the message in the first place and already had my question answered by Tristran), which was when I said I wasn't going to change sides and explained how I heard that they were paying people and I just wanted to find out if it was true.

I never actually made any deals.

There is a world of difference between going to someone and offering them money to switch and that person coming to you to switch.  You told everyone it was the former.  And then everyone spammed chat in the battle that we were bribing people.  You can tell everyone what you want now but it doesn't change the way you acted before.

Diplomacy / Re: Veluca Stands.
« on: December 13, 2013, 12:24:53 am »
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Clearly didn't read anything that I typed.  Buying troops?  No, I said switching sides on a roster.  Kesh again?  Kesh is in FCC, I am in TKoV.  He uses your banner and I'm sure if I asked around I would find out that he spends a lot of time in your teamspeak.  I couldn't care less about a trader being attacked because, unlike a lot of NA apparently, I play strat for fun, not to fuck over other guys.  The only thing I'm mad about is people acting like children because no one wants to point it out or stop them

And FYI, if anyone in my clan or using my banner did that I would do anything possible to call them out on it because no one should act like that.

Diplomacy / Re: Veluca Stands.
« on: December 12, 2013, 11:42:33 pm »
My favorite part about this is how Orlando accused us of lying to the community twice. Also how McDeath went to your TS and got mercs to sign up against you, EXACTLY LIKE how Kesh did that to us towards the beginning of strat. GF you fucking hypocritical fucks.

INB4 TKoV is FCC, TKoV is an FCC vassal.  Also, this does make it twice.  Remember that time Rhalzo told everyone we were trying to bribe mercs off of MB's roster?  Yeah, the whole story is that Rhalzo approached a TKoV officer about switching for gold.  After they agreed he turned it around and went to everyone talking shit about us.  Real classy.  I wasn't going to call you guys out on it because it was a one time thing.  But now that it has happened again I think everyone needs to know how scummy you guys are willing to act.

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Diplomacy / Re: IN the Name of The Chevalier Occitan
« on: December 12, 2013, 01:47:32 pm »
So this makes twice that the Bowlers have lied to the entire community in order to mess up a TKoV strat fight.  I get that he isn't in Occitan, but you guys are about as good as friends as two clans can be.  Keep attacking to help your ally that is basically AFK on strat again.  I'm sure this will convince the rest of NA that you aren't AFK either.

Diplomacy / Re: IN the Name of The Chevalier Occitan
« on: December 11, 2013, 01:03:36 am »
1.We want to fight a war
2.Attacks at 7pm EST on a weekday during finals week

You can only choose one.

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