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Messages - Kobold_Kommando

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Kicked?
« on: May 27, 2011, 07:49:20 pm »
If they remove the kick, they would have to add polling  to remove leechers. Otherwise people can sit there dead and rack up a x5 multi without putting any effort in.

General Off Topic / Re: Random Framerate Drop
« on: May 27, 2011, 07:39:15 pm »
From what I gather, it has something to do with Steam and playing Multiplayer games. It doesn't happen on any other game while Steam is not running. And it mostly happens during multiplayer. Though I have had the issue while playing Portal 2 Storyline.

A friend of mine who never had the problem recently bought M&B through Steam and started having the problem. But it's not as frequent for her. so I have no idea still, but it does seem to be related to Steam.

General Discussion / Re: 250 man server
« on: May 26, 2011, 02:55:00 am »
Long as it could handle the load, that would be completely epic. I haven't been in a match anywhere 200 players since I stopped playing Native. Those were some epic Siege matches.

General Discussion / Need Admin cRPG_NA server
« on: May 26, 2011, 01:46:53 am »
This fellow Creeds_Slave has been spouting racist, anti-Semitic, and hateful things over local chat while hiding in the back and stalling games for about 2 games now that I've been privy to.

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visitors can't see pics , please register or login

visitors can't see pics , please register or login

visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Please Ban this idiot.

General Off Topic / Re: Random Framerate Drop
« on: May 25, 2011, 05:15:00 am »
you could try using windows defraggler.

Did you mean the defragmentation? Or something else? I defrag my computer every Wednesday(Make sure to keep it on and let it run). And do regular disk cleanups at least once a week, month if not.

I'm assuming you've tried using directx 7 as opposed to 9? I was having problems with my fps (constantly below 40), and that fixed it for me.

Ummm :\

He has a GTX 260, there is no need for bloody DX7!

This.  It's not general lag. I can run games like BF:BC2 on huge matches with no problem until this thing rears its ugly head. And it doesn't have to be when a lot of things are on screen. I've had it lag when there was nobody around, and then fix itself in the midst of a heavy siege fight.

General Off Topic / Re: Random Framerate Drop
« on: May 21, 2011, 07:50:07 pm »
hehe. Yes. I love naming things.

And I think we all get that problem.


General Off Topic / Random Framerate Drop
« on: May 21, 2011, 03:24:23 pm »
Hello there soldiers, archers, and bandits of calradia,

   I'm going to get right down to business. I've been having a problem that started within the last four months or so.  It happens on any game nowadays, and I have lurked the internet extensively looking for an answer to the solution. It appears I'm not the only one getting this problem.

The problem is that every couple minutes or so(It's random, really and sometimes doesn't even happen for an entire day) my framerate which usually sits at 120+ on a light load(Small games) and about 70+ on a heavy load(Full Battle/Siege servers) randomly drops to about 10- FPS for absolutely no reason.  I say no reason because I can be staring at an empty plain, completely away from the match, or I could be in the thick of the fighting. It makes no difference. This drop will last about 30s-1m and then everything will jump back to a normal framerate.  Again, even this recovery has no actual determining factor for when it will take place.

I've tried many solutions. At first I thought it was my Asus Laptop, because one of the suggestions was that they come with multiple sound drivers and so I got rid of the extras. That didn't change anything. 

I thought it might be overheating, so I bought a cooling pad.  That changed nothing. 

I tried messing with settings, wondering  if maybe my gfx cards just have problems loading shaders, or physics, or something of that sort. No changes still.

I even tried playing windowed with a smaller resolution because someone somewhere on the webz suggested that as a possible solution. Nothing.

I've tried watching my CPU speeds and load while the drop is happening as well, and there are no changes. Nothing with temperature, either.

One thing I have noticed is that it seems to be a graphical issue of some kind, because I can alt-tab out and my FPS will be fine while using any other application, but as soon as I go back into the game, it continues the lag.

It's really hard playing a game that requires such precision timing and fast reactions as M&B or a FPS when your framerate drops to 10 or less at random intervals.  I'm sure you can all acknowledge how troubling this can be.

So my question is whether anyone has experienced this problem, or has a friend who has, and whether or not they have a solution to it?

My system Specs. Or at least most of the important stuff.
As a side note: My Drivers are all up to date. I made sure to try that first.
(click to show/hide)

then how will I pay my mercenary?

This is a very good question. How will mercs get paid? Land?

General Discussion / Re: Why is ranged disallowed in DTV?
« on: May 20, 2011, 03:43:10 am »
Ahh, that must have been it. We just shrugged it off and blamed it on a disgruntled admin who has been having complaints and whatnot, so we didn't think much of it.  Will keep the bug in mind, though.

General Discussion / Re: Why is ranged disallowed in DTV?
« on: May 20, 2011, 03:39:39 am »

The reason ranged is disabled is because player are exploiting a problem with the map itself, causing bots to get stuck in a corner, then shooting them through an arch. As soon as the map is updated (Within the next day) Ranged will be enabled again. Also as far as I know the multipliers should work fine.

Friend and I were there one day and the Multi wouldn't go above 1x even after multiple winning rounds, and when we asked why in the chat and started bringing it up, we were kicked. It was a while ago, though. At least a week or so. So I assume it's been fixed/changed.

General Discussion / Re: Why is ranged disallowed in DTV?
« on: May 20, 2011, 02:14:28 am »
Well it isnt disallowed on any of the others so i dunno wtf their doing... but just go on a different 1 for now.


General Discussion / Re: Why is ranged disallowed in DTV?
« on: May 20, 2011, 02:11:32 am »
Last time I was in the NA DTV they didn't give multi, either. So I haven't gone back. Didn't know about the ranged thing, don't see why they would but it can only be assumed that it's specifically that server. 

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Am I SOL
« on: May 19, 2011, 04:20:17 am »
From what I've seen lurking on the website, that seems to be a glitch  in heriloomed weapons showing up with both versions.

I believe you're SoL in that you just sold your crossbow, but again this is simply what I've seen from looking around and I'm not a dev/admin/anything.

General Discussion / Re: Problem!! Please help.
« on: May 19, 2011, 04:06:50 am »
"populated "

Some servers are set to auto-lock with a pass to stop more people from coming in so the servers don't lag to shit.

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