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Messages - Wanderer8

Pages: [1]
Strategus General Discussion / Re: Fighting for the Bandits
« on: July 21, 2011, 04:41:47 am »
Oh i finally have a suggestion. How about two levels of rosters. The trusted roster, for clan mates/people that you know 100% will show up, and a second first come/first serve roster. In the second roster you can sign up say 20 people but only ten of them can be let in the serve. It'll be a first come first serve sort of bases where only the first ten who login to the server can make it. Not sure how well it'll work but it's an idea.

To Gnjus,

Also the point of my picture previous post was not to point out that you personally would change a list but to show how easy it is for ANYONE to change a list. If you were to make a public banlist then I'm assuming just about any clan leader can post and add to it and you have to remember there's a lot of people that play the game. How are you going to decide who to trust?

Hopefully that was clear enough.


Friendly reminder to people that instead of double or triple or even quadruple posting you can merely edit the post... especially if they are only minutes apart.

But it looks so much cooler when he posted them separately and it showed the speed at which he was doing them.

Thumbs down to Tears' reply :)

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Fighting for the Bandits
« on: July 20, 2011, 09:35:06 pm »
Yeah, I've got nothing better to do in my life then edit battle rosters with paint. Good work lad, now take your pills and good night.

I sense much anger in you. It all makes sense now.

Sad that you didn't understand why I was showing you that.

agreed. GJ and Go voodoox! :)

If anyone knows how I might go about this please post. Or if an admin reads this please tell me what I must do to protect myself from a ban.

Couch lance your brother in the face in real life. problem solved.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Fighting for the Bandits
« on: July 20, 2011, 07:23:53 pm »
(click to show/hide)

Very reliable. Took me 30 seconds using paint. Could have done better if I took the time. But i suppose you want multiple people from both sides of the battle to post and/or also to get the admins involved. Unless I'm wrong and the the list of people who played/were enlisted is publically available even after the battle ends.

You realize a public banlist will get so long that it'll just become tedious finding names. Having to ctrl f and look up every single person will be fun. Not to mention the time it'll take to do updates, just imagine having to listen to people's excuses because there is a world outside of c-rpg and things happen.

Be more professional. Get TS. Do a role call. No matter how big the banlist gets there will always be more people and it'll save you the trouble of raging in the future.

*edited cause i suck with uploading images

Faction Halls / Re: [DL] The D'Haran Legions [Ranged Needed!]
« on: July 20, 2011, 07:35:05 am »
I am the most deadly because when I see my teammates fighting enemies and I fire into the crowd I almost always hit someone.  :lol:

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Limit the battles per day.
« on: July 20, 2011, 07:08:56 am »
What difficulty is coming up with adding the NA server to the options? I don't think Scheduling is the issue since I've seen multiple battles scheduled at the same time likely due to selections made back from when NA was an option for server choice. Are you having a problem making the database listen to more than one server at a time?

Either way, I agree that something should be done since the battles are piling up a bit too fast. Until the other server options become available, can you disallow attacking when either army has less than 50 troops? This would avoid some of the more stupid battles so more important battles aren't scheduled for 2 days away. Hell, it's going to start being a week away once they really start piling up.

Thumbs UP

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Fighting for the Bandits
« on: July 20, 2011, 07:05:31 am »
Badplayer showed up for DL a few hours ago. Also I have to say a public blacklist is just going to ruin the community and really drive away new players. As someone stated before get a TS server and ask everyone who is going to show up to join the server. That's what we, DL, did. People signed on, we roll called and whoever showed up was secured a spot, those who didn't we assumed weren't going to make it. A few DL players missed the roll call and thus when they joined didn't get to play but such is life, they learned and now next time they'll be there early. It worked out great for us. We didn't get mad at anyone. There was no banlist/blacklist that we had to make and revise depending on persons reason for missing the battle. The most annoying thing we faced was hearing the endless "user has left the channel" prompt from TS.

Besides how can you trust a public blacklist? I may hate someone and simply add them as part of a list.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Merc's to take Glunmar
« on: July 20, 2011, 02:32:29 am »
Well we need to burn the village to the ground to rebuild it. When we rebuild it the huts are going to be made of a....err... different material. thus when future attackers come and burn the village down everyone gets to have a good time. If you're going to die might as well go out smiling.

General Discussion / Re: Is all this perm death a joke now????
« on: July 13, 2011, 09:56:40 am »
Um I was like 38 and I retired. :(

sold ty

Sell/Trade / Strong Long Bow for Thick Dark Red Heavy Norman Shield
« on: July 12, 2011, 12:31:19 am »
In the marketplace. I have the Strong long bow.


General Discussion / Re: Why do people play Battle so much?
« on: June 20, 2011, 05:06:52 pm »
Reread OP's post and view it as a rage against archers and the entire post will make complete sense. It has nothing to do with Battle games.

Suggestions Corner / Spend gold to reset stats
« on: June 17, 2011, 02:09:15 am »
I'm sure someone has brought this up. Personally I'm ready to kill myself from boredom because I'm stuck as an archer which I really don't want to be anymore. I just want to get to level 31, retire and change my build. My suggestion is basically to allow your character to spend his/her gold to reset their stats but stay at the same level.


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