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Messages - Shablagoo

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Game Balance Discussion / Re: Meet the Archer and Crossbowwoman!
« on: July 15, 2011, 11:30:15 am »
He's just gonna post the start of a battle game where all the ranged go to the one ranged vantage point while the melee spread out.  It's always the same type of exaggeration and nonsense. 

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Meet the Archer and Crossbowwoman!
« on: July 15, 2011, 10:26:24 am »

Top 50 contains 2 archers and 1 xbow.  You idiots can't see the forest for the trees.  "Archery sucks now!  Solution?  NERF XBOWS AGAIN!!"  It's a thread about archery and xbows and half the thread consists of bitching 2h and polearm spammers.

All range sucked before the patch.  It all sucks now.  Because the khyber knife is better than the long dagger, does that make it overpowered?  No.  It just makes one slightly crappier than the other. 

Who wins games with an xbow?  Who?  I've never seen it.  And the number of games archers have won I can count on one hand and still have fingers left over.  Yet people can moosh their face against the keyboard and roll it back and forth to get first place with a polearm or 2h.  I don't understand how people can be so obtuse. 

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Meet the Archer and Crossbowwoman!
« on: July 14, 2011, 09:09:35 pm »
Ranged wanting other ranged nerfed is part of the reason ALL ranged is underpowered.  Threads like these are the reason that both xbows and archery got nerfed this patch, they're the reason they'll both be nerfed next patch, and after they're made worthless (like throwing was) they'll finally be given some love by making them viable but still underpowered.  And then they'll be nerfed again.   Congratulations, you gave every 2h and polearm whiner another thread to point to when their 20 kill streak is ruined by some ranged sissy. 

The bow vs xbow comparison is bad because the bow shoots over twice as fast.  It's like someone with an assault rifle complaining that the sniper rifle does more damage and has better range, while completely ignoring every other advantage.  Threads like these almost make me want to stop arguing against archery nerfs. 

There are far more archers than there are xbowers, and they get far better scores.  Why?  Because they have far better dps.  You act like 18 vs 8 isn't a big deal.  Do you even realize how much time that is hiding behind a wall, not helping your team in the slightest, not getting kills at all?  Headshots are what gets ranged consistent kills.  18 shots is 18 possible headshots, 18 kills.  8 shots is 8 kills at best.  Two ranged with equal skill, one archer and one xbow, the archer will always come out ahead.  Archery should be buffed but it has nothing to do with crossbows.  And at least archers don't have to leave and find a new server every time it rains. 

Here's a comparison I'm far more interested in.  I made a skip the fun polearm character after the recent patch.  I've played it for 2 days.  It's been a real eye-opener.  For the first time ever I got first place in a match with over 40 players, and then did it a few more times.  40 kills, 9 deaths, 35:5, 28:6, putting in very little effort.  5 generations with an xbow and I like to think I'm pretty damn good with it, but I did better half-assing it as a polearm spammer with 2 days of casual experience.  Oh, and less than 1/4th of the repair cost of my main.  I'm scared to see how much better I'll do when I can actually afford some decent armor. 

Polearms really needed a nerf.  I used skip the fun to make a polearm character and found myself laughing at how easy it is.  They need to start by giving all poleaxes, bardiches and long axes the unbalanced attribute or removing the bonus to shields attribute.  There's no reason they should have that advantage with absolutely zero disadvantage accompanying it.  They can fiddle with stats however they want after that.   

I can understand the huscarl, heavy board, and maybe the steel shield, but I don't see why the normans and kite shields needed to take 2 slots as well.  Seems like overkill. 

General Discussion / Re: [Feedback] What's right/wrong with 0.232
« on: July 12, 2011, 10:45:32 pm »
-Shield breaking polearms still don't have "unbalanced" attribute
-Archery nerf
-Crossbow reload nerf
-Cavalry a bit weak in relation to cost
-DTV less dynamic
-New fog

+Throwing viable
+Skip the fun
+2h nerf
+Less night
+Website stuff

On the topic of the website, I'd like to see some help given to new players regarding character and equipment things that might not seem so obvious at first.  The "difficulty" stat is ambiguous.  The way throwing works in combination with wpf, power throw, and armor is another thing that should be explained to them somewhere on  It should be made clear that changing your main will require a brand new character if it isn't already (Since I have a main I can't check).  Upkeep should also be explained so they don't spend their last penny on that fancy new sword only to find out they can't maintain it  It seems like a lot of new players run into the same issues that could easily be fixed if this kind of information didn't need to be searched out. 

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Mounted Thrower
« on: July 12, 2011, 05:20:01 pm »
Make a skip-the-fun alt.

I thought you could only have one char if you skip the fun?  Did this change after the last patch? 

General Discussion / Re: 4 Power Throw
« on: July 11, 2011, 09:46:17 pm »
You cant use throwing without wpf. 

General Discussion / Re: this patch is awful
« on: July 11, 2011, 06:15:12 pm »
Wow, just saw the new fog for the first time.  What is this obsession with random weather effects rendering ranged classes utterly useless?  We already have rain.  It's great having to leave and go play something else because the god damn in-game weather changed.  Too bad there's not a weather effect that makes bec, gla, and poleaxe spammers worthless. 

General Discussion / Re: In-depth Update Changelog
« on: July 11, 2011, 01:22:23 pm »
Nothing go away.

And Adam... Stop trolling and making up fake mods.

Cmon, is this mod real or not? 

General Discussion / Re: DTV
« on: July 11, 2011, 01:08:58 pm »
I'm on the EU dtv server and the bots are glitching outside of the map to unkillable areas. 

General Discussion / Re: In-depth Update Changelog
« on: July 11, 2011, 02:48:11 am »
Will the bigger arrows mod fix this i wonder? 

Where do you get that?

General Discussion / Re: In-depth Update Changelog
« on: July 11, 2011, 02:19:14 am »
Wakizashi +1 dmg
Niuweidao -1 dmg
Steel pick -1 dmg
Elite Scimitar -1 dmg
Military pick -1 dmg?


Not a single archer on that list.  Maybe 2 shielders.  Everyone else is 2h or polearm.   I'm sure the EU servers are no different.  Logical response?  NERF RANGED! 

I really don't get it.  Pretty soon the only viable ranged weapon will be the pike. 

The arbalest is 2 slots so you won't be able to use a sword and shield unless you use a zero slot weapon.

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