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Messages - Suraija

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Your Application to the Caravan Guild: I'm new to this Game and i spoke with some nice people from your Guild and so i want to get a member of your Guild, because its do a lot of fun playing with the people from your Guild.

Nickname: Suraija
Level: Level 12 at the moment but i'm begin today to play this mod.
Characterbuild: I want to play a light Cav with polearms so it would be a str/agi 18/18 build with polearm, shield and a Horse ^^
Your Age: I'm 27 years old
EU/NA+Country?: I'm from Germany so it's from the EU.
Able to understand/speak English?: My english is not the best but i can use a dictonary and i understand the most written english text.
Willing to use Teamspeak 3 while playing, even if only to listen to orders?: I have TSĀ³ and a Headset with a full functional Microphone and its ok for me to execute orders a given me from Leaders.
Willing to join possible clanbattles/tournaments/Strategus?:If i can helpfull for the guild its possible for me to join some Clanbattles and other things.
Steamnick: My Steamnick is Triyaden

So i hope this give you a little survey for me and if you have Questions add me in Steam, but i prefer german language because my english is not the best.

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