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Messages - Suuper3

Pages: [1] 2
Suggestions Corner / Re: Arrows Complaint Wine thread
« on: October 19, 2014, 10:56:55 pm »
great maul WEIGHT=8/ MW german great sword weight=2.2/ MW bodkin arrows weight=10 so why cant i shoot great swords and great mauls with my HA

yeah selling or trading my full set of lordy heavy strange armor and the red wisbys 

im looking for a +3 horn or a +3 longbow and +3 bodkin or any other type of arrows

Sell/Trade / LF All Heavy Strange Armors
« on: October 12, 2012, 02:41:23 am »
im looking for all heavy strange armor pm me what u have plz and we can do a trade or whatever

Sell/Trade / Trading +3 Flamberge
« on: July 19, 2012, 04:25:57 am »
trading my +3 flam pm me for offers

Sell/Trade / Tradin or selling +3 Flamberge
« on: July 19, 2012, 12:04:06 am »
wanting to trade flam for a +3 great axe and i will throw in some gold with that offer and selling it for 1.4mil

General Discussion / Re: Heirlooms being sold for money
« on: July 09, 2012, 09:04:38 pm »
Oh, it affects people.  We'll learn how in detail when the guilty party is forced to write an unban essay "How breaking the rules and buying items with real money hurts the community."

1.) Rules are disrespected without punishment.  Well what about all the other rules then?  I guess we don't have to take them so seriously.  Some are enforced and some aren't.  Might as well break the ones we can get away with!  This is bad for the community.

2.) People work to get items.  It's fair because everyone else obeys the rules and has to play the same amount to get looms.  Why should some guy with too much money and no respect for authority spend $ get to "get ahead" without going through the same steps as everyone else?  It's not fair.  Games have to be fair to stay fun.  If its not fun, people will stop playing.  This hurts the community.

So my previous statement stands.  Punish the criminal or change the rules so everyone can do it!

Well the community is still alive and kickin and i dont think it is going to die from people buying stupid loom points but  yes rules should be enforced id rather an admin use his time trying to root out hackers and shit then worry about a bunch of people buying looms

General Discussion / Re: Heirlooms being sold for money
« on: July 09, 2012, 08:46:20 pm »
Dang guys yall need to take a chill pill woop de doo people buying loom points and stuff with realz money yes it is against the rules but if its not actually affecting anyone then whatever just play the damn game

cRPG Technical problems / banner pack does not work need help
« on: May 30, 2012, 12:43:52 am »
yeah sense this new patch if i use the banner pack and try to join a server it says this +4 points to helped by mistake of.-1 point! for an active catchinterceptiont it says that and some other errors when i get into a server then right after that it crashes

« on: May 14, 2012, 12:28:41 am »
selling mw heavy bastard sword for 1.5 mill or if u have plate mittens ill trade the sword for them and ill throw in some gold

Unban Essays / Re: unban essay
« on: March 12, 2012, 12:14:02 am »
dude now your just pulling shit out of thin air i just said why u wanted to kill urself and said it 1 time i never said anything about some medical condition or about ur ex-relationship that is a bunch of bull oh and kellie never told me that one of ur random buddies said it

Unban Essays / Re: unban essay
« on: March 11, 2012, 10:47:38 pm »
it wont let me post in the unban essay section

Unban Essays / unban essay
« on: March 11, 2012, 08:29:24 pm »
Why it’s important to not troll people with rl shit.

By suuper3

It is not fair to troll people with rl shit because it will make them sad. When these players are sad they will play worse and their team will probably lose. This is not fair to the team because it’s not their fault that the trolled player is sad. They should probably try to make them feel better so they can keep their multiplier. There is no real evidence of this, but it’s pretty fucking obvious.

When I made fun of Tanken, which I should have never done, he got really sad and probably lost the round. This made the team really mad because Tanken normally fucks shit up with that stick. And is a pretty sick player sometimes. When tanken gets mad or sad he probably plays bad and screws up a lot more and makes the team lose. That’s not really fair to the team. They could maybe look into this for team balance and make mad people play with the people that made them mad so that they screw up the game for the person that made them mad and they can see what it’s like to have a shitty sad player on their team and see how terrible it is to have to lose all the time over that shit.
I know a guy that is really depressed a lot and that shit can be serious. He stopped brushing his teeth and that’s really fucked up. You need to brush your teeth because your breath is nasty and you could get tooth decay. I don’t think this means that tanken stopped brushing his teeth, he probably brushes and flosses and all that good shit, but the point is that if you make people depressed about rl shit they could stop brushing their teeth or something just as bad like stop showering and shit and who knows what that can lead to: dead pets, overgrown yards, unemployment. The list is endless.

Also it isn’t good to bring real life shit into the game because it is not fair to have the person getting trolled when he cant combat that kind of trolling. What you should do is draw a line at rl shit. You shouldn’t bring that into games and try to keep separate from in game shit. You can call someone a shit player and that’s ok because that’s in game so they’ll only want to play better and make their whole team do well. It also makes you feel good for shitting on some bad player so you do better too. This is fair because both teams don’t play shitty and that makes the game community better.  Texans like me are used to trolling people about all sorts of shit and it’s just part of our culture, so sometimes it’s hard to remember that crpg isn’t an online texas. Not everyone can handle texas and sometimes it’s good to remember that when you cause online shit, a lot of drama can happen and that can lead to tooth decay or whatever else you give up on.

To summarize all this: Don’t talk about rl shit in game because it makes people sad play like shit. If you keep it to in game shit it makes the community competitive and better. I think this will make the game even more kick ass.

So I am very sorry for what i did Tanken very sorry it wont happen again ever I give you my word.

Sell/Trade / trading or selling +1 german great sword
« on: December 10, 2011, 05:37:24 pm »
german great sword +1 on market place for 400k gold and want to trade it for a +1 yellow tunic over mail and i will add in some gold with that trade

Sell/Trade / trading or selling +1 german great sword
« on: December 06, 2011, 02:43:14 am »
trading or selling +1 german great sword selling for 400k or i will trade it for a +1 think yellow tunic over mail and i will add some gold in for that trade

Sell/Trade / sell/trade +2 heraldic transitional armor
« on: October 24, 2011, 09:01:58 pm »
selling +2 heraldic transitional armor pm me for offers or taking trades like +2 cased greaves or +2 shynbaulds

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