« on: July 25, 2011, 03:23:02 am »
Hello, I am requesting global unban for my character Lenjurik_PxC
I am among the large amount of people banned for exploiting DTV last night. At first, I did not realize that the exp/gold that it was stating was actually going through, as it did not appear on the character page when i pressed c. I merrily engaged the the TK fest thinking it was of no consequence. Later in the night, I logged back onto DTV to notice people again TKing like mad. At this point I checked the website and noticed that xp/gold had indeed gone through.
Once the simple nature of the bug was revealed, people starting doing it sporadically...winning a round normally here and there, then starting back up again. As the xp gain even when not doing to bug non-stop was still better than x5, I played along. Through this mechanic, I gained basically enough experience and gold in a single night what would have taken several playing normally. Also, I avoided the usual repair costs by accomplishing all this naked.
I knew that it was a bug, and had seen many different incarnations of bugs on DTV before, in previous versions. I honestly thought it was a harmless vice considering the grinding nature of DTV in general but after becoming globally banned from all servers I deeply regret taking part in it. At the time I found it unbelievable that I was setting myself up for a global ban, yet here I am, proving how foolish this train of thought was. I do not claim ignorance but i do ask for forgiveness in this matter, and can assure you that i will not be messing about DTV again as these bugs seem to be coming fast and furious and i do not want to get caught up with some minor gain only to be global banned. Sorry for the abooze!
This is my first offense...I have been playing for about 3 months and have no previous bans. My behavior on the normal battle and siege servers does not reflect the exploitative adventures I had on DTV last night.
Additionally, I have provided feedback on the bug forum for this exploit and how to fix it (turn off ff). I would be happy to speak to admins further about how to ensure this wont happen again.
I am fully responsible for my unfair actions, and humbly apologize to both the other players and the administration for the taking advantage of this silly exploit.