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Messages - Odiouspox

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: What is THAT?
« on: May 19, 2011, 05:15:24 pm »
It is the LOOT  :shock: :shock: :shock:

Your avatar picture bugs me. Not sure why. Maybe I have a irrational fear of penis nose.

General Discussion / Re: What is THAT?
« on: May 17, 2011, 05:53:50 pm »
All thine hard work payeth off. Thou art hast a better understanding of the weapons in thine hand and armour on thy skin.

When I last received this text, I shrugged it off, thinking "Just another donkey troll".

The events that proceeded in the moments after changed my life forever.

"F*ck you chadz filthy donkeytroll." I mumbled. Click, I continued with my noobish spamming. Click some coffee, click..... click.... spit  sppppiitttttt "Arrrgh wtf this coffee taste like donkey", I had known this from my previous experience with donkeys, quickly I sat my world's biggest jackoff coffee cup down on the desk. "Wtf" I pondered,"this was creme flavored ten minutes ago".

All thine hard work payeth off. Thou art hast a better understanding of the weapons in thine hand and armour on thy skin.

The message AGAIN, the f*cking force is in me, I mean with me, anyhow just that moment my coffee cup began to violently vibrate. Coffee spewing out everywhere, in fact  more coffee than the cup could contain. With an enormous thunder clap my cup exploded in half, I came out from under my desk as the steam cleared, where my coffee cup once sat a small donkey now stood.

"Ch...Ch..chadz?" I asked.

"yes" the 12 inch tall ass replied with a godlike thunderous voice.

"W-what the f*ck do you want" I asked.

"Did you not receive my message?" the donkey thundered "You are such a spamming noob, the game has summoned me forth to teach you how the f*ck to use thine weapons and armor"

Over the next few hours, the jackass using several torture techniques, attempted to train me.

It was only when a group of archers crying about a nerf somewhere in the world caught his attention that I was able to escape my home with my spare laptop.

I now reside under random bridges, switching locations in the hopes that chadz will not locate me.

General Discussion / Re: C-RPG in Tapestry
« on: May 17, 2011, 04:18:02 pm »
Plenty of funny tapestries out there, but let's try to keep it cRPG-related,

What you have never met Samuel L. Jackson or Will Smith ingame?

General Discussion / Re: C-RPG in Tapestry
« on: May 17, 2011, 03:41:41 pm »
Did not make these , saw them floating around a few forums

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General Discussion / Re: This is not good
« on: May 15, 2011, 11:53:42 pm »
only gagging and killing...

I support where this thread is going.

General Off Topic / Re: What are you listening to?
« on: May 13, 2011, 04:54:11 pm »
I'm still not sure if this is really good or sacrilege but it's a mashup of Marvin Gaye's "Let's Get it On" and "Illusion" by VNV Nation.  It's about halfway down the page on the May 22nd 2008 vnv nation vs marvin gaye entry.  I could imagine this one playing over the end credits of a film.

Thx for pointing some of this stuff out, a few of the old files are dropped, but plenty of cool tracks to grab still.

Suggestions Corner / Re: More gore
« on: May 13, 2011, 04:19:52 pm »
note that you have to change the data in the main folder, not crpg mod folder.

Awesome man , thx I'll get right too this.

General Discussion / Re: What is THAT?
« on: May 13, 2011, 06:32:03 am »
I've only been playing a few weeks , had this message 4 times, did not stop to find out what it may or may not have done. Just moved on with my oft times poorly executed and most certainly noobish head crushing but mostly dieing spree.

Suggestions Corner / More gore
« on: May 12, 2011, 11:50:21 pm »
I require a optional more blood mode, like when i hit someone in the head 2 liters of blood spray a good distance, or if I cut someone and they run away they leave a trail of blood that is psychically impossible in real life. And last but not least I need to hear a good death gargle sound from my victims, and maybe fading pleas for his / her life .

Thanks  :twisted:

General Discussion / Re: Low-res texture pack
« on: May 12, 2011, 11:46:50 pm »
Can you make a high res version pls.

Agree. My graphic cards require more meats.

Also just a side note, and this is as good of a place as any to post it, though I'll put a post in suggestions as well.

I require a optional more blood mode, like when i hit someone in the head 2 liters of blood spray a good distance, or if I cut someone and they run away they leave a trail of blood that is psychically impossible in real life. And last but not least I need to hear a good death gargle sound from my victims.

Thanks  :twisted:

Pages: [1]