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Messages - kilzo

Pages: [1]
Buy / Closed
« on: September 25, 2011, 06:26:29 am »
PM to negotiate price. I have a loom point available as well. 16str, 3 shield

Buy / Re: Buying +3 polearms
« on: September 24, 2011, 12:22:20 am »
I have a +2 Long spear, can MW in 150k xp if you are interested, PM me. 850k

Sell/Trade / Re: [SELL/TRADE] +2 Long Spear
« on: September 23, 2011, 11:21:28 pm »
Added Glaive

Sell/Trade / Re: [SELL/TRADE] +2 Long Spear
« on: September 23, 2011, 08:47:14 pm »
Added Swiss Hally to acceptable trades

Sell/Trade / Closed
« on: September 23, 2011, 06:04:21 pm »
Looking to to sell my +2 Long Spear, on the marketplace now, for 600k.

Acceptable trades, +2: English Bill, Awlpike, Long War Axe, Swiss Halberd, Glaive

I can MW in 160k more xp. MW price: 850k or trade for any above mentioned items at +3. Will add gold if necessary, willing to negotiate.

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Duplicate character
« on: August 11, 2011, 09:16:53 pm »
Thank you!

cRPG Technical problems / Duplicate character
« on: August 11, 2011, 06:27:33 pm »
Recently I wanted to remove a clan tag from my character's name, so I did, but I guess I created a character with the new name too soon and registered it after I had submitted my name change request. Now I have two MisterWhite characters in the drop down menu on the website. When I try to access it by left clicking on it, it immediately logs me out and sends me to the home page. So I have no way to delete the character with 100g and peasant items. If that character could be deleted, I would appreciate it. Thanks!

cRPG Technical problems / Loomed item not actual item.
« on: July 23, 2011, 09:32:28 pm »
After my first gen I loomed an item, decided I didn't like it, then traded it for a once loomed long spear. I have been using this in game quite often and is always there to use. However, now that I am 31 and want to retire, it isn't on the list to heirloom on the retirement tab, but is definitely in my inventory. Just wondering if some property on my item can be changed to allow it to be loomed or if this is a known bug? I did a brief search and nothing came up that sounded anything like the problem I'm having.


P.S. Great mod!

EDIT: Fix'd: Had another unloomed long spear in my inventory, sold it, now I can loom the already-loomed long spear. Hope that helps anyone having this issue.

EDIT EDIT: Now, in my online inventory, it is called a "Tempered Pike" with the following stats:
weight: 2.5
difficulty: 13
spd rtng: 84
weapon length: 245
swing damage: 19, blunt
thrust damage: 30, pierce

These stats don't reflect the heirloom that was listed on the retire screen, and the statblock is formatted completely differently than all of my other items. The picture is still of a long spear. The difficulty should be 11, speed should be 82, swing damage should be 16, and thrust damage should be 27 for a 2x loomed long spear. It's also not in my inventory in game.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Ways to balance DTV
« on: May 15, 2011, 10:52:22 pm »
I think DtV is fun and a challenge. I played yesterday for quite a while and got to 4 and 5x often. Even with only one or two shielders, we didn't have too bad of a time with the heavy plate, 2h wielders pulling off groups of 3 or 4 and a couple of us coming in and taking them out. Having some good ranged helps too. Maybe some more complex AI to make it feel more realistic would be nice, but keeping the challenge is necessary, otherwise its an easy 5x.

Suggestions Corner / Re: All of this whining is pointless
« on: May 15, 2011, 10:43:28 pm »
The devs probably don't take you guys seriously when it's a "whine" post anyway. I'm sure they have the willpower to resist such bickering and make their own decisions about balance. It could also be that this whole section of forums isn't taken seriously and they put it here to stop getting so many PMs and emails with whiny "suggestions."

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