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Messages - Aye_Chingao

Pages: [1] 2
Diplomacy / Re: Strat 6: Wars and Alliances NA
« on: April 01, 2016, 04:19:49 am »
Yeah, house stark, Highking Nelson and DaBirds.  The High King shouted "FOR THE NORTH" or something so I got confused.

This was the last diplomatic act of Trump's Presidency of BIRD CLAN

Diplomacy / Re: Strat 6: Wars and Alliances NA
« on: April 01, 2016, 01:22:29 am »
FCC is now at war with BIRD CLAN.

Also the northern something or somebody (Maybe 2 different northern factions)  not really sure, but doesn't really matter much.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: STB v2.0.8
« on: February 23, 2016, 03:25:03 am »
I updated the old "Strategus Sorted Inventory" with current item lists.  This does item sorting on inventory and faction pages, item counts in the inventory, and filtering the weapon store.  It works in chrome but I haven't had much luck with greasemonkey in firefox lately. 

Feel free to copy the item arrays if they'll work with your script, and let me know if anything doesn't sort correctly (until the next patch anyway)

Code: [Select]
// ==UserScript==
// @name        Strategus Sorted Inventory
// @namespace
// @description Sorts the inventory on the cRPG Strategus website, appends the cRPG-Layout to the website and improves some other stuff
// @include*
// @downloadURL
// @updateURL
// @version     4.1 - Modified by Jake, Updated Items as of 2-22-2016
// ==/UserScript==

const cPageMap = "MAP";
const cPageInventory = "inv";
const cPageFaction = "faction";
const cPageShop = "buy";
const cPageShopAll = "buy=all";
const cPageTowncenter = "towncenter";

var itemOrigin = new Object();
itemOrigin["good"] = new Array("Chalk", "Slate", "Fine Tapestry", "Ornate Carpets", "Salted Clams", "Wrought Iron Bars", "Camel Milk", "Wild Horse Steak", "Oak Timber", "Bananas", "Hemp", "Birch Bark", "Sandstone", "Onions", "Diamonds", "Dyes", "Tanned Leather", "Spruce Lumber", "Giant Crabs", "Whale Oil", "Dried Horse Meat", "Radishes", "Ceramic Bowls", "Silk Hats", "Brass Bars", "Iron Tools", "Gold Bars", "Baked Bricks", "Fine Woodcuts", "Embroidered Hats", "Pearls", "Concrete", "Rubies", "Dates", "Root Carvings", "Steppe Tea", "Goat Cheese", "Preserved Goat Bladders", "Silver Chalices", "Silver Jewelry", "Dried Goat Meat", "Colored Sands", "Gold Ore", "Silk Cloth", "Beautiful Paintings", "Fresh Shrimp", "Ceder Timber", "Ash Sapling", "Mining Tools", "Linen", "Fine-bred Mountain Goats", "Yew Seedlings", "Zinc Ore", "Smoked Salmon", "Northern Perch", "Raw Ammolite", "Preserved Crayfish", "Oak Furniture", "Delicious Apples", "Jet Jewelry", "Raw Obsidian", "Musical Instruments", "Bear Hides", "Fox Furs", "Olive Oil", "Elegant Curtains", "Dried Herring", "Amber Jewelry", "Dried Beef", "Wooden Reliefs", "Cow Hides", "Sun Dried Bricks", "Eels", "Fine Eel Skin Hoses", "Glass Chalices", "Well-bred Cows", "Emeralds", "Olives", "Fine Cutlery", "Striped Bass", "Sugarcane", "Trained Donkeys", "Albino Donkeys", "Velvet", "Well-Bred Sheep", "Marble", "Clay", "Peppered Pickles", "Ceramic Sculptures", "Salted Cod", "Eelskin", "Carrots", "Copper Ore", "Red Potatoes", "Reindeer Antlers", "Onyx", "Hemp Rope", "Coconuts", "Malachite", "Tiger Fur", "Iron Bars", "Brass Sheets", "Elm Timber", "Smoked Codfish", "Granite", "Quartz", "Pumpkins", "Jasper Gems", "Dried Potatoes", "Horse Saddles", "Dried Eel", "Dried Corn", "Boar Tusks", "Bejeweled Cutlery", "White Seedy Bread", "Salted Mackerel", "Strong Barrels", "Large Eggs", "Apple Pies", "Amber Gems", "Dried Leather", "Healthy Pigs", "Iron Ore", "Fine Lamb Wool", "Exotic Flowers", "Ale", "Fox Furs", "Marble Sculptures", "Heavy Waybread", "Carved Oak Planks", "Spices", "Goat Milk", "Pure White Candles", "Camel Hooves", "Bear Meat", "Chicken Feathers", "Frog Legs", "Dried Reindeer Meat", "Silver Bars", "Gold Jewelry", "Pig Iron Ingots", "Linen", "Rock Salt", "Cured Leather", "Fine-coated Mules", "Raw Hides", "Pork Ribs", "Sapphires", "Mushrooms", "Mysterious Meat", "Wooden Sculptures", "Iron Jewelry", "Wolf Pelts", "Wheat", "Raw Wool", "Albino Chicken", "Silver Ore", "Stone Reliefs", "Strong Nord Ale", "Spiced Strongwine", "Pigeons", "Bear Skins", "Limestone", "Bee Wax", "Fine Wool", "Dried Bear Meat", "Tents", "Dried Camel Meat", "Hops", "Nickel Bars", "Barley", "Lutefisk", "Boar Ribs", "Crabs", "Snake Meat", "Yeast", "Wheat Flour", "Dog Meat", "Honey", "Kitten", "Exotic Chalk", "Exotic Ornate Carpets", "Exotic Wrought Iron Bars", "Exotic Camel Milk", "Exotic Wild Horse Steak", "Exotic Bananas", "Exotic Hemp", "Exotic Birch Bark", "Exotic Diamonds", "Exotic Tanned Leather", "Exotic Dried Horse Meat", "Exotic Silk Hats", "Exotic Brass Bars", "Exotic Concrete", "Exotic Rubies", "Exotic Root Carvings", "Exotic Steppe Tea", "Exotic Preserved Goat Bladders", "Exotic Silver Jewelry", "Exotic Colored Sands", "Exotic Beautiful Paintings", "Exotic Silk Cloth", "Exotic Ceder Timber", "Exotic Ash Sapling", "Exotic Mining Tools", "Exotic Jet Jewelry", "Exotic Musical Instruments", "Exotic Olive Oil", "Exotic Wooden Reliefs", "Exotic Eels", "Exotic Emeralds", "Exotic Trained Donkeys", "Exotic Well-Bred Sheep", "Exotic Marble", "Exotic Clay", "Exotic Ceramic Sculptures", "Exotic Eelskin", "Exotic Carrots", "Exotic Onyx", "Exotic Hemp Rope", "Exotic Malachite", "Exotic Tiger Fur", "Exotic Elm Timber", "Exotic Quartz", "Exotic Jasper Gems", "Exotic Dried Corn", "Exotic White Seedy Bread", "Exotic Fine Lamb Wool", "Exotic Ale", "Exotic Heavy Waybread", "Exotic Carved Oak Planks", "Exotic Camel Hooves", "Exotic Bear Meat", "Exotic Chicken Feathers", "Exotic Dried Reindeer Meat", "Exotic Silver Bars", "Exotic Pig Iron Ingots", "Exotic Rock Salt", "Exotic Cured Leather", "Exotic Wooden Sculptures", "Exotic Mysterious Meat", "Exotic Raw Wool", "Exotic Albino Chicken", "Exotic Silver Ore", "Exotic Spiced Strongwine", "Exotic Bear Skins", "Exotic Limestone", "Exotic Bee Wax", "Exotic Dried Camel Meat", "Exotic Boar Ribs", "Exotic Snake Meat", "Exotic Wheat Flour", "Exotic Dog Meat", "Exotic Honey", "Exotic Kitten", "Exotic Slate", "Exotic Oak Timber", "Exotic Baked Bricks", "Exotic Radishes", "Exotic Embroidered Hats", "Exotic Dates", "Exotic Gold Ore", "Exotic Smoked Salmon", "Exotic Delicious Apples", "Exotic Dried Beef", "Exotic Fine Eel Skin Hoses", "Exotic Albino Donkeys", "Exotic Red Potatoes", "Exotic Coconuts", "Exotic Dried Potatoes", "Exotic Horse Saddles", "Exotic Dried Eel", "Exotic Bejeweled Cutlery", "Exotic Exotic Flowers", "Exotic Fox Furs", "Exotic Marble Sculptures", "Exotic Spices", "Exotic Pure White Candles", "Exotic Frog Legs", "Exotic Linen", "Exotic Fine-coated Mules", "Exotic Wolf Pelts", "Exotic Wheat", "Exotic Stone Reliefs", "Exotic Pigeons", "Exotic Dried Bear Meat", "Exotic Tents", "Exotic Hops", "Exotic Barley");
itemOrigin["place"] = new Array("Ada Kulun", "Aab", "Alburq Castle", "Ahmerrad", "Aldelen", "Almerra Castle", "Amashke", "Ambean", "Amere", "Asugan Castle", "Ayn Assuadi", "Ayyike", "Azgad", "Balanli", "Bardaq Castle", "Bariyye", "Bhulaban", "Bazeck", "Buillin", "Bulugha Castle", "Bulugur", "Burglen", "Buvran", "Caraf Castle", "Chaeza", "Chalbek Castle", "Chelez", "Chide", "Culmarr Castle", "Curaw", "Curin Castle", "Dashbigha", "Derchios Castle", "Dhibbain", "Dhirim", "Dirigh Aban", "Dirigsene", "Distar Castle", "Dramug Castle", "Dugan", "Dumar", "Durquba", "Durrin Castle", "Dusturil", "Ehlerdah", "Elberl", "Emer", "Emirin", "Ergellon Castle", "Epeshe", "Etrosq Castle", "Fearichen", "Fedner", "Fenada", "Fisdnar", "Fishara", "Gisim", "Glunmar", "Grunwalder Castle", "Habba", "Haen", "Halmar", "Hanun", "Haringoth Castle", "Hawaha", "Hrus Castle", "Ibdeles", "Ibdeles Castle", "Ibiran", "Ichamur", "Ilvia", "Iqbayl", "Ismirala", "Ismirala Castle", "Istiniar", "Iyindah", "Jameyyed Castle", "Jamiche", "Jamiche Castle", "Jayek", "Jeirbe Castle", "Jelbegi", "Jelbegi Castle", "Jelkala", "Karindi", "Kedelke", "Kelredan Castle", "Khudan", "Knudarr Castle", "Kulum", "Kwynn", "Malayurg Castle", "Maras Castle", "Mawiti", "Mazen", "Mazigh", "Mechin", "Mijayet", "Mit Nun", "Narra", "Nelag Castle", "Nemeja", "Nomar", "Odasan", "Pagundur", "Peshmi", "Praven", "Qalyut", "Radoghir Castle", "Rduna", "Rebache", "Reindi Castle", "Reveran", "Reyvadin", "Rindyar Castle", "Rivacheg", "Rizi", "Ruldi", "Ruluns", "Rushdigh", "Ruvar", "Ryibelet", "Ryibelet Castle", "Samarra Castle", "Saren", "Sargoth", "Sarimish", "Sekhtem", "Senuzgda Castle", "Serindiar", "Shariz", "Shapeshte", "Sharwa Castle", "Shibal Zumr", "Shulus", "Slezkh", "Slezkh Castle", "Sumbuja", "Sungetche Castle", "Suno", "Tadsamesh", "Tahlberl", "Tamnuh", "Tash Kulun", "Tazjunat", "Tebandra", "Tehlrog Castle", "Teramma Castle", "Tevarin Castle", "Tilimsal", "Tilbaut Castle", "Tihr", "Tismirr", "Tosdhar", "Tshibtin", "Tulbuk", "Tulbuk Castle", "Tulga", "Udiniad", "Uhhun", "Uhhun Castle", "Ulburban", "Unriya", "Unuzdaq Castle", "Ushkuru", "Uslum", "Uxkhal", "Uzgha", "Vayejeg", "Veidar", "Veluca", "Vezin", "Vyincourd Castle", "Wercheg", "Weyyah Castle", "Yalen", "Yalibe", "Yaragar", "Yruma Castle", "Zagush", "New Ada Kulun", "New Ahmerrad", "New Almerra Castle", "New Amashke", "New Ambean", "New Asugan Castle", "New Ayn Assuadi", "New Ayyike", "New Bardaq Castle", "New Bhulaban", "New Bulugur", "New Caraf Castle", "New Chaeza", "New Dashbigha", "New Derchios Castle", "New Dhirim", "New Dirigh Aban", "New Distar Castle", "New Dugan", "New Durquba", "New Ehlerdah", "New Dusturil", "New Emer", "New Emirin", "New Ergellon Castle", "New Habba", "New Halmar", "New Hawaha", "New Ichamur", "New Ismirala", "New Jameyyed Castle", "New Jelbegi", "New Karindi", "New Kedelke", "New Kelredan Castle", "New Knudarr Castle", "New Kwynn", "New Malayurg Castle", "New Mazigh", "New Mechin", "New Mit Nun", "New Narra", "New Nomar", "New Peshmi", "New Qalyut", "New Reindi Castle", "New Rindyar Castle", "New Samarra Castle", "New Sargoth", "New Senuzgda Castle", "New Serindiar", "New Shibal Zumr", "New Shulus", "New Slezkh", "New Sumbuja", "New Sungetche Castle", "New Tadsamesh", "New Tamnuh", "New Tash Kulun", "New Tilbaut Castle", "New Tilimsal", "New Tshibtin", "New Tulbuk", "New Tulbuk Castle", "New Uhhun", "New Ulburban", "New Unriya", "New Unuzdaq Castle", "New Uzgha", "New Vyincourd Castle", "New Weyyah Castle", "New Yalibe", "New Yaragar", "New Yruma Castle", "New Zagush", "Nova Aab", "Nova Amere", "Nova Chide", "Nova Burglen", "Nova Curaw", "Nova Dhibbain", "Nova Durrin Castle", "Nova Fenada", "Nova Grunwalder Castle", "Nova Ibiran", "Nova Ismirala Castle", "Nova Jelbegi Castle", "Nova Mawiti", "Nova Mijayet", "Nova Radoghir Castle", "Nova Rduna", "Nova Rebache", "Nova Reyvadin", "Nova Saren", "Nova Sarimish", "Nova Sekhtem", "Nova Shariz", "Nova Sharwa Castle", "Nova Slezkh Castle", "Nova Tahlberl", "Nova Tazjunat", "Nova Tismirr", "Nova Tosdhar", "Nova Tulga", "Nova Uhhun Castle", "Nova Uslum", "Nova Uxkhal", "Nova Vayejeg", "Nova Veluca");

var allItems = new Array();
allItems[0]  = new Array("00", "Trading goods", "equip_inv.png", 0);
allItems[1]  = new Array("01", "Horses", "equip_horse.png", 6190, 7963, 1, 7962, 2, 3, 10, 4, 7114, 7, 5, 6051, 6, 6049, 6050, 6474, 8636, 8637, 8638, 8639, 8, 524, 6048, 525, 9, 526, 527);
allItems[2]  = new Array("14", "Throwing", "equip_throw.png", 23, 25, 528, 46, 28, 26, 29, 536, 47, 48, 6176, 534, 32, 34, 529, 5142, 537, 535, 36, 8492, 8493, 38, 30, 8490, 8491, 7000, 7001, 539, 6680, 40, 42, 44, 538);
allItems[3]  = new Array("02", "Body armors", "equip_body.png", 364, 369, 6479, 366, 367, 368, 370, 372, 373, 374, 375, 376, 412, 413, 6354, 371, 378, 5393, 377, 379, 431, 432, 6481, 5498, 6482, 381, 382, 384, 6802, 383, 386, 385, 390, 6213, 4722, 389, 6352, 7135, 7136, 391, 5169, 387, 388, 394, 392, 399, 6480, 393, 395, 396, 6353, 397, 398, 5500, 416, 400, 6060, 417, 7984, 7985, 419, 472, 418, 403, 6813, 434, 420, 5501, 437, 7980, 7981, 438, 3971, 6803, 404, 6059, 440, 5394, 5919, 365, 401, 402, 414, 415, 421, 422, 423, 424, 425, 426, 427, 428, 429, 430, 433, 3130, 442, 443, 3137, 4952, 6805, 6806, 444, 8244, 8245, 7982, 4723, 5502, 445, 6485, 7784, 8246, 6483, 6484, 6214, 447, 6486, 7975, 7976, 5738, 5741, 405, 454, 5507, 6807, 8241, 8242, 8243, 8247, 8248, 8249, 5506, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 459, 7143, 441, 448, 7978, 7979, 6478, 458, 461, 7146, 5916, 7782, 446, 6218, 460, 7137, 7138, 7139, 7140, 4947, 4948, 4949, 4950, 4951, 450, 451, 7153, 8250, 4957, 8238, 8239, 8240, 8251, 8515, 6801, 439, 5505, 5918, 4958, 7144, 8235, 8236, 8237, 8514, 6219, 449, 455, 7983, 6217, 5739, 5740, 5742, 457, 7147, 7148, 7149, 7150, 7151, 7152, 8252, 456, 8253, 7145, 6062, 452, 6058, 435, 6814, 6815, 8232, 8233, 8234, 8254, 4955, 406, 4720, 453, 8586, 6061, 6063, 7977, 7783, 4956, 5504, 5509, 6804, 5499, 6808, 4953, 4954, 462, 463, 436, 5917, 7781, 3972, 6215, 5496, 469, 464, 465, 466, 6216, 5508, 467, 6812, 473, 474, 475, 4721, 6811, 476, 477, 478, 480, 8255, 8256, 5503, 5497, 468, 547, 541, 545, 6809, 471, 6810, 7142, 380, 7141, 470, 479);
allItems[4]  = new Array("03", "Head armors", "equip_head.png", 273, 283, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 279, 280, 255, 284, 5915, 263, 295, 268, 264, 265, 266, 267, 7971, 7972, 294, 298, 299, 7973, 7974, 5162, 270, 272, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 309, 6057, 6350, 8154, 495, 6800, 271, 286, 281, 285, 5484, 5168, 287, 288, 289, 290, 7132, 291, 292, 312, 348, 282, 269, 300, 293, 296, 5914, 7133, 302, 297, 7130, 301, 307, 5159, 303, 5160, 5161, 5155, 5156, 5157, 5163, 304, 353, 6351, 5164, 5165, 305, 317, 319, 321, 306, 7129, 308, 311, 8516, 5733, 3968, 6796, 5158, 310, 326, 347, 349, 350, 5730, 5737, 6795, 6797, 314, 323, 7772, 7773, 7774, 7775, 7776, 7777, 313, 320, 322, 549, 8517, 330, 4938, 7779, 5385, 5386, 6210, 6476, 5913, 315, 324, 325, 5486, 5487, 6477, 5494, 6056, 318, 327, 329, 328, 5736, 5492, 5910, 8518, 338, 5734, 5483, 5488, 5489, 5731, 5493, 494, 546, 331, 5490, 7134, 504, 332, 335, 4944, 5491, 5166, 8519, 4939, 333, 4942, 7780, 363, 5912, 7970, 5167, 4941, 334, 336, 337, 4945, 5735, 361, 5482, 3969, 316, 6206, 4943, 339, 359, 5485, 8155, 5384, 6209, 362, 6207, 6208, 340, 7778, 360, 6055, 507, 5911, 8520, 8521, 4940, 341, 5732, 5495, 6054, 540, 342, 503, 5885, 7117, 7118, 7119, 7120, 7121, 7122, 5388, 5389, 6204, 6205, 4946, 343, 6348, 5390, 5391, 5392, 506, 5154, 6212, 344, 345, 346, 351, 352, 356, 6349, 6211, 354, 355, 7131, 5387, 357, 358, 6798, 6799, 509, 8230, 8231, 7756, 492, 5383);
allItems[5]  = new Array("04", "Leg armors", "equip_leg.png", 218, 219, 5727, 5479, 5480, 6792, 6052, 220, 5906, 7966, 7967, 222, 223, 221, 224, 4936, 225, 226, 228, 5153, 227, 5907, 229, 3966, 230, 7968, 7969, 4937, 5728, 5729, 5908, 234, 6984, 235, 238, 6053, 5909, 3967, 233, 7964, 7965, 236, 4935, 232, 244, 6793, 237, 231, 239, 243, 6985, 240, 242, 241, 7115);
allItems[6]  = new Array("05", "Hand armors", "equip_hand.png", 245, 6475, 246, 5884, 6343, 7770, 7771, 253, 6341, 6342, 251, 252, 6338, 6339, 247, 248, 6345, 6346, 550, 249, 543, 542, 6344, 254, 6347, 7116, 5481, 6794, 6340, 533);
allItems[7]  = new Array("06", "Polearms", "equip_polearm.png", 552, 89, 90, 91, 491, 132, 92, 111, 5371, 93, 94, 99, 95, 109, 107, 116, 103, 7897, 100, 104, 108, 4754, 7898, 96, 4753, 106, 6682, 112, 98, 120, 122, 110, 133, 5856, 5855, 6684, 113, 5857, 119, 105, 114, 6683, 5858, 7004, 118, 4692, 124, 101, 123, 6584, 6585, 6586, 6587, 6588, 6589, 6590, 115, 97, 126, 7896, 7003, 8683, 531, 532, 530, 6681, 102, 128, 117);
allItems[8]  = new Array("07", "Two handed", "equip_twohand.png", 129, 502, 7017, 130, 137, 7018, 131, 136, 139, 138, 519, 134, 189, 8454, 142, 135, 140, 148, 147, 145, 146, 152, 7014, 143, 151, 150, 7015, 158, 149, 154, 518, 6690, 517, 6697, 6198, 8682, 7016, 153, 6691, 8177, 6332, 144, 6696, 155, 6692, 6695, 7764, 156, 6694, 3320, 6693, 522, 521, 157, 159, 141, 160, 8178);
allItems[9]  = new Array("08", "One handed", "equip_onehand.png", 489, 161, 162, 164, 165, 166, 168, 551, 500, 3322, 167, 172, 554, 7010, 169, 163, 173, 5900, 171, 174, 184, 5372, 178, 170, 7900, 175, 187, 183, 177, 188, 185, 181, 190, 186, 499, 180, 200, 192, 197, 196, 7011, 182, 6687, 176, 205, 179, 3195, 191, 194, 198, 201, 3194, 193, 217, 207, 6686, 7006, 516, 203, 209, 8175, 202, 206, 208, 204, 211, 520, 195, 215, 6591, 7012, 3192, 7007, 3196, 3298, 6688, 3190, 7009, 7013, 216, 8176, 7005, 3193, 6022, 8174, 213, 3323, 210, 199, 510, 212, 6685, 214, 6689, 7008, 8173, 523, 6021, 3191, 4755);
allItems[10] = new Array("09", "Shields", "equip_shield.png", 490, 497, 488, 508, 52, 49, 53, 58, 8171, 51, 50, 54, 60, 59, 55, 74, 75, 79, 56, 57, 62, 80, 505, 496, 498, 61, 7890, 7891, 7892, 493, 72, 64, 66, 70, 73, 548, 501, 77, 85, 7893, 7894, 7895, 76, 7002, 71, 8172, 86, 81, 82, 78, 63, 65, 67, 68, 69, 84, 83, 6019, 6018, 544, 87, 6020, 8687, 88);
allItems[11] = new Array("10", "Bows", "equip_bow.png", 17, 16, 8720, 18, 8721, 19, 22, 20, 21, 5141, 8719, 8722, 8612);
allItems[12] = new Array("11", "Arrows", "equip_arrow.png", 481, 482, 484, 483);
allItems[13] = new Array("12", "Crossbows", "equip_crossbow.png", 11, 12, 13, 14, 15);
allItems[14] = new Array("13", "Bolts", "equip_bolt.png", 485, 486);

var items = document.getElementsByClassName("item");
var itemsSorted = [];
var itemCount = [];
var categoryCount = new Array();

function getCategoryById(id)
for(var i = 0; i < allItems.length; i++)
if(allItems[i].indexOf(parseInt(id), 3) >= 0)
return i;
return 0;

function getSortingById(id)
for(var i = 0; i < allItems.length; i++)
var x = allItems[i].indexOf(parseInt(id), 3);
if(x >= 0)
if(x < 10)
x = "000" + x;
else if(x < 100)
x = "00" + x;
else if(x < 100)
x = "0" + x;
return allItems[i][0] + "_" + x;
return "0";

function sortItems()
var funcSort = function(a, b)
akey = a.getAttribute("sort");
bkey = b.getAttribute("sort");
asubkey = parseInt(a.getAttribute("itemcondition"));
bsubkey = parseInt(b.getAttribute("itemcondition"));
if (akey == bkey)
if(asubkey < bsubkey) return 1;
if(asubkey > bsubkey) return -1;
return 0;
if (akey < bkey) return -1;
if (akey > bkey) return 1;


for(var i = 0; i < itemsSorted.length; i++)

function addItemEvents()
for(var i = 0; i < itemsSorted.length; i++)
    (function (i) {
        itemsSorted[i].getElementsByTagName("img")[0].onclick = function () {
        var id = itemsSorted[i].getAttribute("itemid");
        if(id != "0")
popupShow("" + id)
    }) (i);

function showAllItems()
var shoppages = document.getElementById("shoppages").childNodes;
for(var i = 0; i < shoppages.length; i++)
shoppages[i].setAttribute("style", "");

function addShopTabAll()
var tab = document.getElementById("all_tab");
if("" + tab == "null")
tab = document.createElement("a");
tab.setAttribute("id", "all_tab");
tab.setAttribute("class", "shop_type");
tab.setAttribute("href", "?buy=all");
var img = document.createElement("img");
img.setAttribute("src", "img/equip_inv.png");
tab.setAttribute("onclick", "setTab('#all_tab', '#itp_type_all');");

function addShopItemConditionSelect()
var select = document.createElement("select");
select.setAttribute("id", "showShopItemsByCondition");
select.setAttribute("style", "text-align: center;");
var opt;
for(var i = 3; i >= -2; i--)
opt = document.createElement("option");
if(GM_getValue("showShopItemsByCondition", -2) == i)
opt.setAttribute("selected", "selected");
opt.innerHTML = (i > 0 ? "+" : "") + i;
select.addEventListener("change", updateShopView, false);
var tab = document.getElementById("buy_page");
tab.insertBefore(select, tab.firstChild);
tab.insertBefore(document.createTextNode("Hide items lower than level "), select)

function updateShopView()
var select = document.getElementById("showShopItemsByCondition");
var showCondition = select.options[select.options.selectedIndex].value;
GM_setValue("showShopItemsByCondition", showCondition);

for(var i = 0; i < itemsSorted.length; i++)
var condition = parseInt(itemsSorted[i].getAttribute("itemcondition"));
itemsSorted[i].setAttribute("style", (condition < showCondition ? "display: none;" : ""));

function addInventoryOverView()
var div = document.createElement("div");
var str = "";

str += "<table width='100%' border='0'>";
str += "<tr><td valign='top'><table border='0'>";
for(var i = 0; i < categoryCount.length; i++)
str += "<tr><td><img src='/img/" + allItems[i][2] + "' width='15px'></td>";
str += "<td>" + allItems[i][1] + ": <td align='right'><strong>" + categoryCount[i] + "</strong></td></tr>";
if((i == 2) || (i == 6) || (i == 10))
str += "</table></td><td valign='top'><table border='0'>";
str += "</table></td></tr>";
str += "</table>";

div.innerHTML = str;
itemsSorted[0].parentNode.insertBefore(div, itemsSorted[0].parentNode.firstChild);

function pageIs(page)
if((page == cPageMap) && (document.location.href.indexOf("") >= 0))
return true;
if(document.location.href.indexOf("" + page) >= 0)
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function popupClose()
var popup = document.getElementById("popupframe");
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function addSomeNiceStuff(strategusUsername)
var e1, e2, e3, e4;
var hd = document.createElement("div");
hd.setAttribute("id", "headerCRPG");
e1 = document.createElement("h1");
e1.innerHTML = "<span>cRPG beta</span>";

// Info
e1 = document.createElement("div");
e1.setAttribute("class", "info");
// Username
e2 = document.createElement("div");
e2.setAttribute("class", "char");
e2.innerHTML = strategusUsername;
// Gold
e2 = document.createElement("div");
e2.setAttribute("class", "itemCRPG gold");
e2.innerHTML = "0"; // TODO: Gold
// Messages
e2 = document.createElement("a");
e2.setAttribute("class", "itemCRPG message");
e2.setAttribute("title", "Show messages");
e2.setAttribute("href", "#");
e2.innerHTML = "Messages";
e2.addEventListener("click", function() { popupShow(""); }, false);

// Nav
e1 = document.createElement("div");
e1.setAttribute("class", "nav");
// Dynamic
e2 = document.createElement("div");
e2.setAttribute("class", "dynamic");
// secondary
e3 = document.createElement("div");
e3.setAttribute("class", "secondary");
// Chat
e4 = document.createElement("a");
e4.setAttribute("title", "Join our chat channel #mount&amp;blade-crpg @");
e4.setAttribute("target", "_blank");
e4.setAttribute("href", "");
e4.innerHTML = "Join chat";
// Map settings
/* e4 = document.createElement("a");
e4.setAttribute("title", "Show map settings");
e4.setAttribute("href", "#");
e4.setAttribute("onmouseover", "Javascript:document.getElementById('settings').setAttribute('style', 'display: block;');");
e4.setAttribute("onmouseout", "Javascript:document.getElementById('settings').setAttribute('style', 'display: hidden;');");
e4.innerHTML = "Map settings";

// primary
e3 = document.createElement("div");
e3.setAttribute("class", "primary");
// cRPG
e4 = document.createElement("a");
e4.setAttribute("title", "Visit cRPG-website");
e4.setAttribute("href", "");
e4.setAttribute("target", "_blank");
e4.innerHTML = "<span>cRPG</span>";
// Factions
e4 = document.createElement("a");
e4.setAttribute("title", "Show Strategus factions");
e4.setAttribute("href", "#");
e4.addEventListener("click", function() { popupShow(""); }, false);
e4.innerHTML = "<span>Factions</span>";
// Locations
e4 = document.createElement("a");
e4.setAttribute("title", "Show Strategus locations");
e4.setAttribute("href", "#");
e4.addEventListener("click", function() { popupShow(""); }, false);
e4.innerHTML = "<span>Locations</span>";
// Heroes
e4 = document.createElement("a");
e4.setAttribute("title", "Search for Strategus heroes");
e4.setAttribute("href", "#");
e4.addEventListener("click", function() { popupShow(""); }, false);
e4.innerHTML = "<span>Heroes</span>";
// cRPG Battles
e4 = document.createElement("a");
e4.setAttribute("title", "Visit cRPG battle page");
e4.setAttribute("href", "");
e4.setAttribute("target", "_blank");
e4.innerHTML = "<span>Battles</span>";
// Static
e2 = document.createElement("div");
e2.setAttribute("class", "static");
e2.innerHTML = '<a class="forum" target="_blank" href="" title="Visit forums"><span>Forum</span></a>'
+ '<a class="download" target="_blank" href="" title="Download latest version"><span>Download</span></a>'
+ '<a class="donate" target="_blank" href="" title="Help with a donation"><span>Donate</span></a>'
+ '<a class="help" target="_blank" href="" title="Find more information in the wiki"><span>Help</span></a>';

function echo(str)

function sortedInventoryMain()
var strategusUsername = "None";
strategusUsername = document.getElementsByTagName("h2")[0].innerHTML;
GM_setValue("strategusUsername", strategusUsername);
strategusUsername = GM_getValue("strategusUsername", "None");


for(var i = 0; i < allItems.length; i++)
categoryCount[i] = 0;
for(var j = 3; j < allItems[i].length; j++)
itemCount[j] = 0;

for(var i in items)
if (items[i].nodeType == 1) { // get rid of the whitespace text nodes

for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i++)
var img = items[i].getElementsByClassName("header")[0].getElementsByTagName("img")[0];
var itemId = "0";
var itemCondition = "0";
var rel = img.getAttribute("rel");
itemId = rel.substring(16, rel.indexOf("&m="));
itemCondition = rel.substring(rel.indexOf("&m=") + 3);
itemsSorted[i].setAttribute("itemid", itemId);
itemsSorted[i].setAttribute("sort", getSortingById(itemId));
itemsSorted[i].setAttribute("itemcondition", itemCondition);
if(parseInt(itemCondition) < 0)
itemsSorted[i].setAttribute("class", itemsSorted[i].getAttribute("class") + " conditionbad");
else if(parseInt(itemCondition) > 0)
itemsSorted[i].setAttribute("class", itemsSorted[i].getAttribute("class") + " conditiongood");
itemsSorted[i].parentNode = items[i].parentNode;

var desc = itemsSorted[i].getElementsByClassName("desc")[0].innerHTML;
var a = desc.indexOf("Number: ");
var count = desc.slice(desc.indexOf("<strong>", a) + 8, desc.indexOf("</strong>", a)).replace(",", "").replace(".", "");
itemCount[itemId] += parseInt(count);
categoryCount[getCategoryById(itemId)] += parseInt(count);

if(itemId == "0")
var name = items[i].getElementsByClassName("header")[0].getElementsByClassName("name")[0].innerHTML;
var origin = "<i>" + itemOrigin["place"][itemOrigin["good"].indexOf(name)] + "</i>";
origin = "<br/>" + origin;
itemsSorted[i].getElementsByClassName("desc")[0].innerHTML += origin;

var table = document.getElementsByClassName("towncenter")[0];
var trs = table.getElementsByTagName("tr");
for(var i = 0; i < trs.length; i++)
var tds = trs[i].getElementsByTagName("td");
if(tds.length > 9)
var or = itemOrigin["place"][itemOrigin["good"].indexOf(tds[4].innerHTML.trim())];
if("" + or != "undefined")
tds[4].innerHTML += "<br><i>(" + or + ")</i>"
if(tds[9].innerHTML == strategusUsername)
trs[i].setAttribute("class", trs[i].getAttribute("class") + " myown");
if(parseFloat(tds[6].innerHTML.replace(",", "")) < parseFloat(tds[5].innerHTML))
trs[i].setAttribute("class", trs[i].getAttribute("class") + " cheap");
if(parseFloat(tds[8].innerHTML.replace(",", "")) < parseFloat(tds[5].innerHTML))
trs[i].setAttribute("class", trs[i].getAttribute("class") + " cheaper");

if(pageIs(cPageInventory) || pageIs(cPageFaction))


if(pageIs(cPageShop) || pageIs(cPageInventory) || pageIs(cPageFaction))




Announcements / Re:
« on: February 21, 2016, 01:27:14 am »
Also can't update to here's a log snippet:

[18:22:28] SceneObj/scn_heatland.sco is up to date
[18:22:28] SceneObj/scn_village_17c.sco is up to date
[18:22:28] Downloading scripts.txt
[18:22:28] Download failed (The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.)
[18:22:28] Mirror 1 tries left
[18:22:28] Downloading scripts.txt
[18:22:28] Download failed (The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.)
[18:22:28] Removing mirror
[18:22:28] Using mirror
[18:22:28] Downloading mirror version info
[18:22:28] Downloading scripts.txt
[18:22:28] Download failed (The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.)
[18:22:28] Mirror 1 tries left
[18:22:28] Downloading scripts.txt
[18:22:29] Download failed (The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.)
[18:22:29] Removing mirror
[18:22:29] No mirrors left
[18:22:29] Update failed

Does there need to be a scripts.txt file in the root of ?

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Link to join faction
« on: February 06, 2016, 01:37:53 am »
When I copied and pasted the link, it somehow lost the = sign so it didn't work
So I had to add an = sign before the faction id to get it to work, eg

Strategus General Discussion / Re: STB v2.0.8
« on: September 23, 2014, 01:44:36 am »
The most recent version of Sorted inventory I know of was the one I modified in April.  I posted it here:

This is out of date, and I'm probably not going to update it, but here you go!

Code: [Select]
// ==UserScript==
// @name        Strategus Sorted Inventory
// @namespace
// @description Sorts the inventory on the cRPG Strategus website, appends the cRPG-Layout to the website and improves some other stuff
// @include*
// @downloadURL
// @updateURL
// @version     4.1 - Modified by Jake, use at your own risk!!!
// ==/UserScript==

const cPageMap = "MAP";
const cPageInventory = "inv";
const cPageFaction = "faction";
const cPageShop = "buy";
const cPageShopAll = "buy=all";
const cPageTowncenter = "towncenter";

var itemOrigin = new Object();
itemOrigin["good"] = new Array("Chalk", "Slate", "Fine Tapestry", "Ornate Carpets", "Salted Clams", "Wrought Iron Bars", "Camel Milk", "Wild Horse Steak", "Oak Timber", "Bananas", "Hemp", "Birch Bark", "Sandstone", "Onions", "Diamonds", "Dyes", "Tanned Leather", "Spruce Lumber", "Giant Crabs", "Whale Oil", "Dried Horse Meat", "Radishes", "Ceramic Bowls", "Silk Hats", "Brass Bars", "Iron Tools", "Gold Bars", "Baked Bricks", "Fine Woodcuts", "Embroidered Hats", "Pearls", "Concrete", "Rubies", "Dates", "Root Carvings", "Steppe Tea", "Goat Cheese", "Preserved Goat Bladders", "Silver Chalices", "Silver Jewelry", "Dried Goat Meat", "Colored Sands", "Gold Ore", "Silk Cloth", "Beautiful Paintings", "Fresh Shrimp", "Ceder Timber", "Ash Sapling", "Mining Tools", "Linen", "Fine-bred Mountain Goats", "Yew Seedlings", "Zinc Ore", "Smoked Salmon", "Northern Perch", "Raw Ammolite", "Preserved Crayfish", "Oak Furniture", "Delicious Apples", "Jet Jewelry", "Raw Obsidian", "Musical Instruments", "Bear Hides", "Fox Furs", "Olive Oil", "Elegant Curtains", "Dried Herring", "Amber Jewelry", "Dried Beef", "Wooden Reliefs", "Cow Hides", "Sun Dried Bricks", "Eels", "Fine Eel Skin Hoses", "Glass Chalices", "Well-bred Cows", "Emeralds", "Olives", "Fine Cutlery", "Striped Bass", "Sugarcane", "Trained Donkeys", "Albino Donkeys", "Velvet", "Well-Bred Sheep", "Marble", "Clay", "Peppered Pickles", "Ceramic Sculptures", "Salted Cod", "Eelskin", "Carrots", "Copper Ore", "Red Potatoes", "Reindeer Antlers", "Onyx", "Hemp Rope", "Coconuts", "Malachite", "Tiger Fur", "Iron Bars", "Brass Sheets", "Elm Timber", "Smoked Codfish", "Granite", "Quartz", "Pumpkins", "Jasper Gems", "Dried Potatoes", "Horse Saddles", "Dried Eel", "Dried Corn", "Boar Tusks", "Bejeweled Cutlery", "White Seedy Bread", "Salted Mackerel", "Strong Barrels", "Large Eggs", "Apple Pies", "Amber Gems", "Dried Leather", "Healthy Pigs", "Iron Ore", "Fine Lamb Wool", "Exotic Flowers", "Ale", "Fox Furs", "Marble Sculptures", "Heavy Waybread", "Carved Oak Planks", "Spices", "Goat Milk", "Pure White Candles", "Camel Hooves", "Bear Meat", "Chicken Feathers", "Frog Legs", "Dried Reindeer Meat", "Silver Bars", "Gold Jewelry", "Pig Iron Ingots", "Linen", "Rock Salt", "Cured Leather", "Fine-coated Mules", "Raw Hides", "Pork Ribs", "Sapphires", "Mushrooms", "Mysterious Meat", "Wooden Sculptures", "Iron Jewelry", "Wolf Pelts", "Wheat", "Raw Wool", "Albino Chicken", "Silver Ore", "Stone Reliefs", "Strong Nord Ale", "Spiced Strongwine", "Pigeons", "Bear Skins", "Limestone", "Bee Wax", "Fine Wool", "Dried Bear Meat", "Tents", "Dried Camel Meat", "Hops", "Nickel Bars", "Barley", "Lutefisk", "Boar Ribs", "Crabs", "Snake Meat", "Yeast", "Wheat Flour", "Dog Meat", "Honey", "Kitten", "Exotic Chalk", "Exotic Ornate Carpets", "Exotic Wrought Iron Bars", "Exotic Camel Milk", "Exotic Wild Horse Steak", "Exotic Bananas", "Exotic Hemp", "Exotic Birch Bark", "Exotic Diamonds", "Exotic Tanned Leather", "Exotic Dried Horse Meat", "Exotic Silk Hats", "Exotic Brass Bars", "Exotic Concrete", "Exotic Rubies", "Exotic Root Carvings", "Exotic Steppe Tea", "Exotic Preserved Goat Bladders", "Exotic Silver Jewelry", "Exotic Colored Sands", "Exotic Beautiful Paintings", "Exotic Silk Cloth", "Exotic Ceder Timber", "Exotic Ash Sapling", "Exotic Mining Tools", "Exotic Jet Jewelry", "Exotic Musical Instruments", "Exotic Olive Oil", "Exotic Wooden Reliefs", "Exotic Eels", "Exotic Emeralds", "Exotic Trained Donkeys", "Exotic Well-Bred Sheep", "Exotic Marble", "Exotic Clay", "Exotic Ceramic Sculptures", "Exotic Eelskin", "Exotic Carrots", "Exotic Onyx", "Exotic Hemp Rope", "Exotic Malachite", "Exotic Tiger Fur", "Exotic Elm Timber", "Exotic Quartz", "Exotic Jasper Gems", "Exotic Dried Corn", "Exotic White Seedy Bread", "Exotic Fine Lamb Wool", "Exotic Ale", "Exotic Heavy Waybread", "Exotic Carved Oak Planks", "Exotic Camel Hooves", "Exotic Bear Meat", "Exotic Chicken Feathers", "Exotic Dried Reindeer Meat", "Exotic Silver Bars", "Exotic Pig Iron Ingots", "Exotic Rock Salt", "Exotic Cured Leather", "Exotic Wooden Sculptures", "Exotic Mysterious Meat", "Exotic Raw Wool", "Exotic Albino Chicken", "Exotic Silver Ore", "Exotic Spiced Strongwine", "Exotic Bear Skins", "Exotic Limestone", "Exotic Bee Wax", "Exotic Dried Camel Meat", "Exotic Boar Ribs", "Exotic Snake Meat", "Exotic Wheat Flour", "Exotic Dog Meat", "Exotic Honey", "Exotic Kitten", "Exotic Slate", "Exotic Oak Timber", "Exotic Baked Bricks", "Exotic Radishes", "Exotic Embroidered Hats", "Exotic Dates", "Exotic Gold Ore", "Exotic Smoked Salmon", "Exotic Delicious Apples", "Exotic Dried Beef", "Exotic Fine Eel Skin Hoses", "Exotic Albino Donkeys", "Exotic Red Potatoes", "Exotic Coconuts", "Exotic Dried Potatoes", "Exotic Horse Saddles", "Exotic Dried Eel", "Exotic Bejeweled Cutlery", "Exotic Exotic Flowers", "Exotic Fox Furs", "Exotic Marble Sculptures", "Exotic Spices", "Exotic Pure White Candles", "Exotic Frog Legs", "Exotic Linen", "Exotic Fine-coated Mules", "Exotic Wolf Pelts", "Exotic Wheat", "Exotic Stone Reliefs", "Exotic Pigeons", "Exotic Dried Bear Meat", "Exotic Tents", "Exotic Hops", "Exotic Barley");
itemOrigin["place"] = new Array("Ada Kulun", "Aab", "Alburq Castle", "Ahmerrad", "Aldelen", "Almerra Castle", "Amashke", "Ambean", "Amere", "Asugan Castle", "Ayn Assuadi", "Ayyike", "Azgad", "Balanli", "Bardaq Castle", "Bariyye", "Bhulaban", "Bazeck", "Buillin", "Bulugha Castle", "Bulugur", "Burglen", "Buvran", "Caraf Castle", "Chaeza", "Chalbek Castle", "Chelez", "Chide", "Culmarr Castle", "Curaw", "Curin Castle", "Dashbigha", "Derchios Castle", "Dhibbain", "Dhirim", "Dirigh Aban", "Dirigsene", "Distar Castle", "Dramug Castle", "Dugan", "Dumar", "Durquba", "Durrin Castle", "Dusturil", "Ehlerdah", "Elberl", "Emer", "Emirin", "Ergellon Castle", "Epeshe", "Etrosq Castle", "Fearichen", "Fedner", "Fenada", "Fisdnar", "Fishara", "Gisim", "Glunmar", "Grunwalder Castle", "Habba", "Haen", "Halmar", "Hanun", "Haringoth Castle", "Hawaha", "Hrus Castle", "Ibdeles", "Ibdeles Castle", "Ibiran", "Ichamur", "Ilvia", "Iqbayl", "Ismirala", "Ismirala Castle", "Istiniar", "Iyindah", "Jameyyed Castle", "Jamiche", "Jamiche Castle", "Jayek", "Jeirbe Castle", "Jelbegi", "Jelbegi Castle", "Jelkala", "Karindi", "Kedelke", "Kelredan Castle", "Khudan", "Knudarr Castle", "Kulum", "Kwynn", "Malayurg Castle", "Maras Castle", "Mawiti", "Mazen", "Mazigh", "Mechin", "Mijayet", "Mit Nun", "Narra", "Nelag Castle", "Nemeja", "Nomar", "Odasan", "Pagundur", "Peshmi", "Praven", "Qalyut", "Radoghir Castle", "Rduna", "Rebache", "Reindi Castle", "Reveran", "Reyvadin", "Rindyar Castle", "Rivacheg", "Rizi", "Ruldi", "Ruluns", "Rushdigh", "Ruvar", "Ryibelet", "Ryibelet Castle", "Samarra Castle", "Saren", "Sargoth", "Sarimish", "Sekhtem", "Senuzgda Castle", "Serindiar", "Shariz", "Shapeshte", "Sharwa Castle", "Shibal Zumr", "Shulus", "Slezkh", "Slezkh Castle", "Sumbuja", "Sungetche Castle", "Suno", "Tadsamesh", "Tahlberl", "Tamnuh", "Tash Kulun", "Tazjunat", "Tebandra", "Tehlrog Castle", "Teramma Castle", "Tevarin Castle", "Tilimsal", "Tilbaut Castle", "Tihr", "Tismirr", "Tosdhar", "Tshibtin", "Tulbuk", "Tulbuk Castle", "Tulga", "Udiniad", "Uhhun", "Uhhun Castle", "Ulburban", "Unriya", "Unuzdaq Castle", "Ushkuru", "Uslum", "Uxkhal", "Uzgha", "Vayejeg", "Veidar", "Veluca", "Vezin", "Vyincourd Castle", "Wercheg", "Weyyah Castle", "Yalen", "Yalibe", "Yaragar", "Yruma Castle", "Zagush", "New Ada Kulun", "New Ahmerrad", "New Almerra Castle", "New Amashke", "New Ambean", "New Asugan Castle", "New Ayn Assuadi", "New Ayyike", "New Bardaq Castle", "New Bhulaban", "New Bulugur", "New Caraf Castle", "New Chaeza", "New Dashbigha", "New Derchios Castle", "New Dhirim", "New Dirigh Aban", "New Distar Castle", "New Dugan", "New Durquba", "New Ehlerdah", "New Dusturil", "New Emer", "New Emirin", "New Ergellon Castle", "New Habba", "New Halmar", "New Hawaha", "New Ichamur", "New Ismirala", "New Jameyyed Castle", "New Jelbegi", "New Karindi", "New Kedelke", "New Kelredan Castle", "New Knudarr Castle", "New Kwynn", "New Malayurg Castle", "New Mazigh", "New Mechin", "New Mit Nun", "New Narra", "New Nomar", "New Peshmi", "New Qalyut", "New Reindi Castle", "New Rindyar Castle", "New Samarra Castle", "New Sargoth", "New Senuzgda Castle", "New Serindiar", "New Shibal Zumr", "New Shulus", "New Slezkh", "New Sumbuja", "New Sungetche Castle", "New Tadsamesh", "New Tamnuh", "New Tash Kulun", "New Tilbaut Castle", "New Tilimsal", "New Tshibtin", "New Tulbuk", "New Tulbuk Castle", "New Uhhun", "New Ulburban", "New Unriya", "New Unuzdaq Castle", "New Uzgha", "New Vyincourd Castle", "New Weyyah Castle", "New Yalibe", "New Yaragar", "New Yruma Castle", "New Zagush", "Nova Aab", "Nova Amere", "Nova Chide", "Nova Burglen", "Nova Curaw", "Nova Dhibbain", "Nova Durrin Castle", "Nova Fenada", "Nova Grunwalder Castle", "Nova Ibiran", "Nova Ismirala Castle", "Nova Jelbegi Castle", "Nova Mawiti", "Nova Mijayet", "Nova Radoghir Castle", "Nova Rduna", "Nova Rebache", "Nova Reyvadin", "Nova Saren", "Nova Sarimish", "Nova Sekhtem", "Nova Shariz", "Nova Sharwa Castle", "Nova Slezkh Castle", "Nova Tahlberl", "Nova Tazjunat", "Nova Tismirr", "Nova Tosdhar", "Nova Tulga", "Nova Uhhun Castle", "Nova Uslum", "Nova Uxkhal", "Nova Vayejeg", "Nova Veluca");

var allItems = new Array();
allItems[0]  = new Array("00", "Trading goods", "equip_inv.png", 0);
allItems[1]  = new Array("01", "Horses", "equip_horse.png", 6190, 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 5, 6, 7, 6049, 6051, 6474, 6050, 8, 524, 525, 6048, 9, 526, 527);
allItems[2]  = new Array("14", "Throwing", "equip_throw.png", 23, 25, 528, 26, 28, 29, 536, 32, 534, 34, 529, 5142, 46, 537, 47, 48, 535, 36, 38, 30, 539, 40, 42, 44, 538);
allItems[3]  = new Array("02", "Body armors", "equip_body.png", 364, 369, 6479, 366, 367, 368, 370, 372, 373, 374, 375, 376, 412, 413, 6354, 371, 378, 5393, 377, 379, 431, 432, 6481, 5498, 6482, 381, 382, 384, 383, 386, 385, 390, 6213, 389, 6352, 4722, 391, 5169, 387, 388, 394, 392, 399, 6480, 393, 395, 396, 6353, 397, 398, 5500, 416, 400, 6060, 417, 419, 472, 418, 403, 434, 420, 5501, 437, 438, 3971, 404, 6059, 440, 5394, 5919, 365, 401, 402, 414, 415, 421, 422, 423, 424, 425, 426, 427, 428, 429, 430, 433, 3130, 442, 443, 3137, 4952, 444, 4723, 5502, 445, 6485, 6483, 6484, 6214, 447, 6486, 5738, 5741, 405, 454, 5507, 5506, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 459, 441, 448, 6478, 450, 458, 461, 5916, 446, 6218, 460, 4947, 4948, 4949, 4950, 4951, 451, 4957, 439, 5505, 5918, 4958, 6219, 449, 455, 6217, 5739, 5740, 5742, 457, 456, 6062, 452, 6058, 435, 4955, 406, 4720, 453, 6061, 6063, 4956, 5504, 5509, 5499, 4953, 4954, 462, 463, 436, 5917, 3972, 6215, 5496, 469, 464, 465, 466, 6216, 5508, 467, 473, 474, 475, 4721, 476, 477, 478, 480, 5503, 5497, 468, 547, 541, 545, 471, 380, 470, 479);
allItems[4]  = new Array("03", "Head armors", "equip_head.png", 273, 283, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 279, 280, 255, 284, 5915, 263, 295, 268, 264, 265, 266, 267, 294, 298, 299, 5162, 270, 272, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 309, 6057, 6350, 495, 271, 286, 281, 285, 5484, 5168, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 312, 348, 282, 269, 300, 293, 296, 5914, 302, 297, 301, 307, 5159, 303, 5160, 5161, 5155, 5156, 5157, 5163, 304, 353, 6351, 5164, 5165, 305, 317, 319, 321, 306, 308, 311, 5733, 3968, 5158, 310, 326, 347, 349, 350, 5730, 5737, 314, 323, 313, 320, 322, 549, 330, 4938, 5385, 5386, 6210, 6476, 5913, 315, 324, 325, 5486, 5487, 6477, 5494, 6056, 318, 327, 329, 328, 5736, 5492, 5910, 338, 5734, 5483, 5488, 5489, 5731, 5493, 494, 546, 331, 5490, 504, 332, 335, 4944, 5491, 5166, 4939, 333, 4942, 363, 5912, 5167, 4941, 334, 336, 337, 4945, 5735, 361, 5482, 3969, 316, 6206, 4943, 339, 359, 5485, 5384, 6209, 362, 6207, 6208, 340, 360, 6055, 507, 5911, 4940, 341, 5732, 5495, 6054, 540, 342, 503, 5885, 5388, 5389, 6204, 6205, 4946, 343, 6348, 5390, 5391, 5392, 506, 5154, 6212, 344, 345, 346, 351, 352, 356, 6349, 6211, 354, 355, 5387, 357, 358, 509, 492, 5383);
allItems[5]  = new Array("04", "Leg armors", "equip_leg.png", 218, 219, 5727, 5479, 5480, 6052, 220, 5906, 222, 223, 221, 224, 4936, 225, 226, 228, 5153, 227, 5907, 229, 3966, 230, 4937, 5728, 5729, 5908, 234, 235, 238, 6053, 5909, 3967, 233, 236, 4935, 232, 244, 237, 231, 239, 243, 240, 242, 241);
allItems[6]  = new Array("05", "Hand armors", "equip_hand.png", 245, 6475, 246, 5884, 6343, 253, 6341, 6342, 251, 252, 6338, 6339, 247, 248, 6345, 6346, 550, 249, 543, 542, 6344, 254, 6347, 5481, 6340, 533);
allItems[7]  = new Array("06", "Polearms", "equip_polearm.png", 552, 89, 90, 91, 491, 132, 101, 92, 111, 5371, 93, 94, 99, 123, 6584, 6585, 6586, 6587, 6588, 6589, 6590, 95, 100, 107, 116, 103, 133, 104, 108, 4754, 96, 109, 4753, 112, 98, 120, 122, 110, 102, 5856, 118, 5855, 113, 106, 5857, 119, 105, 114, 5858, 117, 4692, 124, 115, 97, 126, 128, 531, 532, 530);
allItems[8]  = new Array("07", "Two handed", "equip_twohand.png", 502, 129, 130, 137, 131, 136, 139, 138, 519, 147, 134, 189, 142, 149, 135, 140, 145, 146, 152, 143, 155, 151, 148, 150, 153, 154, 518, 158, 6332, 141, 144, 517, 6198, 156, 3320, 157, 159, 522, 521, 160);
allItems[9]  = new Array("08", "One handed", "equip_onehand.png", 489, 161, 162, 164, 165, 166, 168, 500, 3322, 167, 173, 172, 551, 171, 554, 169, 163, 5900, 174, 170, 5372, 177, 178, 180, 175, 184, 185, 187, 183, 181, 190, 186, 499, 188, 200, 192, 197, 196, 182, 176, 205, 179, 191, 202, 194, 3195, 201, 195, 3194, 193, 207, 516, 203, 209, 206, 208, 204, 213, 211, 198, 520, 215, 212, 6591, 3192, 3196, 3298, 217, 3190, 216, 210, 3193, 6022, 3323, 199, 510, 214, 523, 6021, 3191, 4755);
allItems[10] = new Array("09", "Shields", "equip_shield.png", 490, 497, 488, 508, 52, 49, 53, 58, 51, 50, 54, 60, 59, 55, 74, 75, 79, 56, 57, 62, 80, 505, 496, 498, 61, 493, 72, 64, 66, 70, 73, 548, 501, 77, 85, 76, 6019, 71, 83, 86, 81, 82, 78, 63, 65, 67, 68, 69, 84, 6018, 87, 6020, 544, 88);
allItems[11] = new Array("10", "Bows", "equip_bow.png", 17, 18, 19, 16, 21, 5141, 22, 20);
allItems[12] = new Array("11", "Arrows", "equip_arrow.png", 481, 482, 484, 483);
allItems[13] = new Array("12", "Crossbows", "equip_crossbow.png", 11, 12, 13, 14, 15);
allItems[14] = new Array("13", "Bolts", "equip_bolt.png", 485, 486);

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var itemCount = [];
var categoryCount = new Array();

function getCategoryById(id)
for(var i = 0; i < allItems.length; i++)
if(allItems[i].indexOf(parseInt(id), 3) >= 0)
return i;
return 0;

function getSortingById(id)
for(var i = 0; i < allItems.length; i++)
var x = allItems[i].indexOf(parseInt(id), 3);
if(x >= 0)
if(x < 10)
x = "000" + x;
else if(x < 100)
x = "00" + x;
else if(x < 100)
x = "0" + x;
return allItems[i][0] + "_" + x;
return "0";

function sortItems()
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akey = a.getAttribute("sort");
bkey = b.getAttribute("sort");
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bsubkey = parseInt(b.getAttribute("itemcondition"));
if (akey == bkey)
if(asubkey < bsubkey) return 1;
if(asubkey > bsubkey) return -1;
return 0;
if (akey < bkey) return -1;
if (akey > bkey) return 1;


for(var i = 0; i < itemsSorted.length; i++)

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GM_setValue("showShopItemsByCondition", showCondition);

for(var i = 0; i < itemsSorted.length; i++)
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str += "<tr><td><img src='/img/" + allItems[i][2] + "' width='15px'></td>";
str += "<td>" + allItems[i][1] + ": <td align='right'><strong>" + categoryCount[i] + "</strong></td></tr>";
if((i == 2) || (i == 6) || (i == 10))
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str += "</table></td></tr>";
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function popupClose()
var popup = document.getElementById("popupframe");
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function addSomeNiceStuff(strategusUsername)
var e1, e2, e3, e4;
var hd = document.createElement("div");
hd.setAttribute("id", "headerCRPG");
e1 = document.createElement("h1");
e1.innerHTML = "<span>cRPG beta</span>";

// Info
e1 = document.createElement("div");
e1.setAttribute("class", "info");
// Username
e2 = document.createElement("div");
e2.setAttribute("class", "char");
e2.innerHTML = strategusUsername;
// Gold
e2 = document.createElement("div");
e2.setAttribute("class", "itemCRPG gold");
e2.innerHTML = "0"; // TODO: Gold
// Messages
e2 = document.createElement("a");
e2.setAttribute("class", "itemCRPG message");
e2.setAttribute("title", "Show messages");
e2.setAttribute("href", "#");
e2.innerHTML = "Messages";
e2.addEventListener("click", function() { popupShow(""); }, false);

// Nav
e1 = document.createElement("div");
e1.setAttribute("class", "nav");
// Dynamic
e2 = document.createElement("div");
e2.setAttribute("class", "dynamic");
// secondary
e3 = document.createElement("div");
e3.setAttribute("class", "secondary");
// Chat
e4 = document.createElement("a");
e4.setAttribute("title", "Join our chat channel #mount&amp;blade-crpg @");
e4.setAttribute("target", "_blank");
e4.setAttribute("href", "");
e4.innerHTML = "Join chat";
// Map settings
/* e4 = document.createElement("a");
e4.setAttribute("title", "Show map settings");
e4.setAttribute("href", "#");
e4.setAttribute("onmouseover", "Javascript:document.getElementById('settings').setAttribute('style', 'display: block;');");
e4.setAttribute("onmouseout", "Javascript:document.getElementById('settings').setAttribute('style', 'display: hidden;');");
e4.innerHTML = "Map settings";

// primary
e3 = document.createElement("div");
e3.setAttribute("class", "primary");
// cRPG
e4 = document.createElement("a");
e4.setAttribute("title", "Visit cRPG-website");
e4.setAttribute("href", "");
e4.setAttribute("target", "_blank");
e4.innerHTML = "<span>cRPG</span>";
// Factions
e4 = document.createElement("a");
e4.setAttribute("title", "Show Strategus factions");
e4.setAttribute("href", "#");
e4.addEventListener("click", function() { popupShow(""); }, false);
e4.innerHTML = "<span>Factions</span>";
// Locations
e4 = document.createElement("a");
e4.setAttribute("title", "Show Strategus locations");
e4.setAttribute("href", "#");
e4.addEventListener("click", function() { popupShow(""); }, false);
e4.innerHTML = "<span>Locations</span>";
// Heroes
e4 = document.createElement("a");
e4.setAttribute("title", "Search for Strategus heroes");
e4.setAttribute("href", "#");
e4.addEventListener("click", function() { popupShow(""); }, false);
e4.innerHTML = "<span>Heroes</span>";
// cRPG Battles
e4 = document.createElement("a");
e4.setAttribute("title", "Visit cRPG battle page");
e4.setAttribute("href", "");
e4.setAttribute("target", "_blank");
e4.innerHTML = "<span>Battles</span>";
// Static
e2 = document.createElement("div");
e2.setAttribute("class", "static");
e2.innerHTML = '<a class="forum" target="_blank" href="" title="Visit forums"><span>Forum</span></a>'
+ '<a class="download" target="_blank" href="" title="Download latest version"><span>Download</span></a>'
+ '<a class="donate" target="_blank" href="" title="Help with a donation"><span>Donate</span></a>'
+ '<a class="help" target="_blank" href="" title="Find more information in the wiki"><span>Help</span></a>';

function echo(str)

function sortedInventoryMain()
var strategusUsername = "None";
strategusUsername = document.getElementsByTagName("h2")[0].innerHTML;
GM_setValue("strategusUsername", strategusUsername);
strategusUsername = GM_getValue("strategusUsername", "None");


for(var i = 0; i < allItems.length; i++)
categoryCount[i] = 0;
for(var j = 3; j < allItems[i].length; j++)
itemCount[j] = 0;

for(var i in items)
if (items[i].nodeType == 1) { // get rid of the whitespace text nodes

for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i++)
var img = items[i].getElementsByClassName("header")[0].getElementsByTagName("img")[0];
var itemId = "0";
var itemCondition = "0";
var rel = img.getAttribute("rel");
itemId = rel.substring(16, rel.indexOf("&m="));
itemCondition = rel.substring(rel.indexOf("&m=") + 3);
itemsSorted[i].setAttribute("itemid", itemId);
itemsSorted[i].setAttribute("sort", getSortingById(itemId));
itemsSorted[i].setAttribute("itemcondition", itemCondition);
if(parseInt(itemCondition) < 0)
itemsSorted[i].setAttribute("class", itemsSorted[i].getAttribute("class") + " conditionbad");
else if(parseInt(itemCondition) > 0)
itemsSorted[i].setAttribute("class", itemsSorted[i].getAttribute("class") + " conditiongood");
itemsSorted[i].parentNode = items[i].parentNode;

var desc = itemsSorted[i].getElementsByClassName("desc")[0].innerHTML;
var a = desc.indexOf("Number: ");
var count = desc.slice(desc.indexOf("<strong>", a) + 8, desc.indexOf("</strong>", a)).replace(",", "").replace(".", "");
itemCount[itemId] += parseInt(count);
categoryCount[getCategoryById(itemId)] += parseInt(count);

if(itemId == "0")
var name = items[i].getElementsByClassName("header")[0].getElementsByClassName("name")[0].innerHTML;
var origin = "<i>" + itemOrigin["place"][itemOrigin["good"].indexOf(name)] + "</i>";
origin = "<br/>" + origin;
itemsSorted[i].getElementsByClassName("desc")[0].innerHTML += origin;

var table = document.getElementsByClassName("towncenter")[0];
var trs = table.getElementsByTagName("tr");
for(var i = 0; i < trs.length; i++)
var tds = trs[i].getElementsByTagName("td");
if(tds.length > 9)
var or = itemOrigin["place"][itemOrigin["good"].indexOf(tds[4].innerHTML.trim())];
if("" + or != "undefined")
tds[4].innerHTML += "<br><i>(" + or + ")</i>"
if(tds[9].innerHTML == strategusUsername)
trs[i].setAttribute("class", trs[i].getAttribute("class") + " myown");
if(parseFloat(tds[6].innerHTML.replace(",", "")) < parseFloat(tds[5].innerHTML))
trs[i].setAttribute("class", trs[i].getAttribute("class") + " cheap");
if(parseFloat(tds[8].innerHTML.replace(",", "")) < parseFloat(tds[5].innerHTML))
trs[i].setAttribute("class", trs[i].getAttribute("class") + " cheaper");

if(pageIs(cPageInventory) || pageIs(cPageFaction))


if(pageIs(cPageShop) || pageIs(cPageInventory) || pageIs(cPageFaction))




Diplomacy / Re: Death of a clan..//../..
« on: August 27, 2014, 06:48:59 am »
GFORCE MAFIA drew the largest AI enemy rosters of any NA faction.!?page=strategusinfobattleroster&id=912

Strategus Issues / Re: Battle Time Bug
« on: July 02, 2014, 04:04:58 am »
That one minute is all ken456 will need to wipe the floor with these guys

Diplomacy / Re: daruvian declares war on gforce mafia
« on: June 16, 2014, 05:03:16 pm »
I thought that we were pretty much already at war, but none of our men wanted to touch you.  We're more afraid of your AIDS than your blades.

Diplomacy / Re: [OFFICIAL] we do Not fogrive.. we do not forget,
« on: June 12, 2014, 08:29:56 pm »
I noticed this thread is lacking in kitten videos.  Odd, that.  The other thing I'm disappointed in is that the 13 Knights are never mentioned. Ever.  We took a fief from you, dammit! While at the time we were under Acre faction banner, we have always acted independently.

For you, the day you entered our village was the most important day of your life. But for us, it was Tuesday.

The recent taleworlds DDoS killed 10 times as many of our men as your little band of soliders.  The equipment Occitan gained from that (non)-battle, coupled with the fact that they've gotten all their fiefs for practically free, probably makes them the most powerful faction in NA now.!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=1503

If you want people to show up to your battle just add _GFORCE to the end of your name.  We've never had less defenders than attackers in our castle battles, except the 2nd battle of Ahmerrad.  Our first castle battle the AI had over 70 mercs show up.  It was a lot of fun!

Here's the version I'm using now.

I completely removed the code that changes the buttons on the map tab.

I also updated the item lists directly from of the current weapons page source code so everything should get sorted and counted correctly.  (Please let me know if I'm wrong about this!)

If anyone wants to try to update other scripts feel free to incorporate the item arrays from this script.

Use at your own risk, no warranties or support expressed nor implied.

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