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Messages - Shigeru

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Announcements / Re: cRPG is looking for help! [php coder]
« on: March 12, 2012, 09:20:24 pm »
Hey, I'm not sure if this need has been filled by now but I'd be interested in helping out if it's still required. I have 6+ years of coding experience in a variety of languages and some considerable amount of time with PHP. I'm currently the head of IT in a small advertising company.

In addition I've ran a number of gaming communities centered around modding and have worked with complex emulation servers, as well as smaller side interests such as minecraft servers, etc.

I've been with cRPG since before we had these forums and Strategus and all that jazz, back in the days where you got XP based on how close you were to the killings and we could pile proficiency points into characters and get insane weapon combinations. ;)

I'd welcome the chance to get on board and help flesh out Strategus and the web portion of the mod, so if you need the help toss me an email at [email protected]. Elsewise if it's already filled then good stuff, cheers.

General Discussion / Re: tactics at the beginning of a battle.
« on: September 28, 2011, 08:17:54 pm »
Like being the NA resident Weabo.  8-)

I'll be honest being known really does help in getting people to listen to you, but once your plan fails the first time the odds of them accepting another of your plans for the next few rounds decreases dramatically.

In addition people respond better if they've been losing for the past two rounds. They want a change and are open to an idea as opposed to the first one-two rounds. Keep in mind I never plan in the first match because of the auto-balance afterwards.

Any plan you use with pubs should be extremely simple, limited to only a direction or a clear goal, and avoid take and hold plans except for lulzy ones like barn, those people will follow. Elsewise it's more likely people get bloodthirsty and run off on their own rather than sit on a spot, regardless of the advantages. It helps to if you've been losing suggest as a plan the exact opposite of what you've been doing, I recall this was my most effective strategies in terms of people actually listening when you had that map with two bridges and the choice to go left or right and engage. If you were consistantly losing left, I'd spam go right while I was dead and at the start of next round. Odds are people listen and it throws the enemy team off balance, contributing to their demise.

It also helps to have a few pals of yours shout out and agree with your plan to add some validity to it.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: On Speed
« on: September 23, 2011, 10:19:46 pm »
I'm in for sure with a speed increase, but at the same time I totally get why we don't do it.

Perhaps an extra NA and EU for the folks who are up to the challenge would be a good comprimise?  8-)

Also I'm not sure if I'd say that duels go on forever even on NA, but they certainly do against some people feel like it's impossible to push quite enough speed to make their lives hell.

Back in the day correct me if I'm wrong, but there were a lot more light-middle armoured fellows running around with much fewer tin cans. Not sure if speed is a factor here, but eh.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Katana Range is not Real!!
« on: September 22, 2011, 11:06:51 pm »
The Katana length is fine. ;) I'd rather have it be relatively short than watch them increase the length at the expense of its' other attributes.

Learn the reach of your weapon and you'll be fine.

They don't deal full damage, they just generally have higher damage values than 1hs.

Also consider that there is random number generation involved as well.

Guides / Re: The Art of Flanking the Enemy (Infantry Based)
« on: September 21, 2011, 09:14:32 pm »
And yet we still see a mob of people running head long into the middle of the battle.  :rolleyes:

Stay out of danger, it increases the size of your E-Peen (ie, your K/D Ratio).  8-)

Good stuff, I'd recommend adding the Katana to the list of weapons, it does quite a lot of damage especially when you're not running headlong into tin-cans who generally stick in the core of the battle. With a solid strength leaning build and a slice to the head you can insta-kill the majority of archers you come across, as well as swing fast enough to double tap any melee that is foolish enough to think they can stop you.

Best tip though is if you engage with a melee fighter for longer than 2-3 seconds and haven't managed to strike him or he seems competant run away from him and attack his pals.
Nine times out of ten it's his archer friends who will kill you if you remain distracted, and also usually they let their guard down and you can turn around for a quick slash if he gets too close.

Actually if the hitboxes changed that would explain why some of my strikes, especially overheads were missing when I'd usually hit.

Would be appreciated if it was reverted to the old way, but eh.

Strategus Issues / Re: Boring meatgrinder gameplay that needs to be fixed
« on: September 21, 2011, 05:31:48 am »
Aye I agree absolutely with you Matey, I suppose Moral may not be the best word to capture it. It's more of a system really than anything else. Anyway 'tis just mid-day at work ramblings. :P

Strategus Issues / Re: Boring meatgrinder gameplay that needs to be fixed
« on: September 20, 2011, 10:58:14 pm »
Sounds like a fairly good idea to try and help sort things out, my only concern is you don't necessarily want it to become a waiting game. I'd say part of the fun is being able to get back into the action as fast as possible as I'm sure players from the siege maps on defender side can attest to the annoyance at sitting idle for thirty-ish seconds or so. But perhaps that's not too big of a deal just a suggestion.

What may provide a more interesting resolution could be a moral system, with armies moral slowly filtering down as they take heavy casualties or going up based on doing extremely well. I think a system like that would cover a lot of bases by ensuring that no one is having to wait out for an excessive amount of time, and at the same time providing a goal for people to do other than just run like lemmings at the enemy. It could help control battle times by slowly decaying no matter what until after a certain period the weaker team withdraws.

I also like it because it doesn't 100% destroy the opposing army, which could allow for shattered armies to retreat for a time but not lose everything. I feel this could make a more interesting mechanic than having folks just sweep in and wipe entire clans in quick battles.

However the concern with that is a troop creep, where the numbers just get inflated heavily because it's easier to gain troops than to lose them, so it would need to be a careful balancing act.

Either way, I look forward to see what you come up with mate. ;)

General Discussion / Re: NA Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
« on: September 20, 2011, 04:27:28 am »
Hey there.

I'm Shiggy, and I've been around the CRPG community for many months back when we first released Strategus (to my knowledge. ;) ). Since then I've stayed fairly present in-game and continue to love CRPG as my passive entertainment when all else fails. I'm a twenty year old programmer from Canada and since work eats up my days the usual times I manage to get in CRPG is during the evenings so I might as well help cover the servers.

I've lead guilds across several gaming communities and am currently running another private community project entirely unrelated, but I do believe I have the experience to hold the position. I do think I've been a positive member as well, as I (hope! ;) ) people can attest to.

As for my style of admining I'm not really interested in being very hard-assed about it, my main interest stems from those times in-game when there is no admin and some nub is sitting on top of a house delaying the map, or running pointlessly about wasting everyone's time with no one able to do much about it.

In any case thanks for the consideration and I hope to hear back from you folks.

Keep killin'.  8-)

General Discussion / Re: Possible to recover name?
« on: September 18, 2011, 07:01:29 pm »

General Discussion / Re: Possible to recover name?
« on: September 18, 2011, 09:44:01 am »
Aye, I'm worried it's likely someone who quit or very rarely plays, or perhaps is on EU.

I'd hate to have my name on an inactive account.

General Discussion / Possible to recover name?
« on: September 18, 2011, 08:57:05 am »
Hey guys. I was recently wondering if it was possible to somehow get my name "Shigeru" back. I've been playing with my tag for quite some time and during that it seems someone stole the name, I've tried a rename, tried making a shigeru and logging in and it says the name is owned by another account.

It's a name I've had for many months, long before we even had these forums and if possible I'd like to keep it.

Thanks. ;)

Faction Halls / Re: CHAOS - War is Hell (NA Faction)
« on: March 22, 2011, 08:31:00 pm »
Haha, I love the character list. Good stuff mates.

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