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Messages - Sumofallwars

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thanks! kinda sad to see that they have reduced damage. I remember that anything not a tin can was one shottable. two would take down those freaking black armored polearm wielding buggers. I remember a bit more about my strategy now. I would throw the first one and if i din't kill anything i would use the other as a pole arm until i saw a weapon i could pick up. Must have been quite good at it as i have a 1.5 k/d ratio on that character.

Hey all been awhile and it looks like a lot has changed while I was gone.

Getting right to the point I need a build for my main while i get back into the swing of things(See what i did there?)
I am looking for a heavy throwing Lance build, I have a gen 4 level 34 character with nothing on him yet.

From what i remember my general strategy was to embrace the chaos. I'd have two throwing spears and nothing else on but a field hat and some light armor. I'd try and kill two people with the spears then pick up their weapons and keep going till I died or we won. So i'd like a Flexible build please.

I also have a level 30 character for doing mean things with a x-bow and using a horse.

And another level 34 character for mounted 2-h combat.

atleast i have something to show for the 300+ hours of my life I am not getting back  :shock:


Announcements / Re: Version 0.241
« on: November 10, 2011, 01:04:29 am »
Hi, it's been about 3 months since i last played crpg.
Would like to play again but  i can't seem to dl the files from fire share. Dorm internet doesn't like it.

all i see is "you must wait 600 secs be4 dl again"

Can some 1 put this file up on media fire or some other file host that doesn't try and block users from dl more than 1 file?

K thxs bye

edit: 2 mins after posting i get PM with Mirror.
Thxs for quick response

the reason i use 7 pt is so i can have some decent WPF and athletics. so when i have thrown all my lances i just
A pick up a weapon from a dude i killed
B run away and pick up a weapon on the ground.
lvl 29
strength   21   
Agility   14   
Weapon proficiency
Available points: 0
One Handed   1
Two Handed   1   
Polearm   75   
Archery   1   
Crossbow   1   
Throwing   123   
Available points: 1
Iron Flesh   5   
Power Strike   7   
Shield   0   
Athletics   4   
Riding   0   
Horse Archery   0   
Power Draw   0   
Power Throw   7   
Weapon Master   4   

Heavy Throwing Lance
missile speed: 17
weapon length: 120
weight: 1.5
accuracy: 151
difficulty: 7
speed rating: 80
missile speed: 17
weapon length: 120
max ammo: 1
thrust damage: 58 pierce
slots: 1
Bonus against Shield
Secondary Mode

So i can't have more than 7 with the 21-15 build I've got going.
But These things are P dmg they are suppose to go thro and mess up their tender human squishy parts. It's a freaking 4 ft long spear i just chucked, that's not going to bounce.These things are ment to take down the big targets, that's what i use em for. I let my team mates take care of the small  fry while i kill as many tin cans/cav as i can.

also why does it take more than 3 throwing lances to kill a fucking Huscarl's Round Shield?
I get why for the steel shield but common my lances have a bonus against shields as well. I can only carry 4.

oh-well perhaps every one not a thrower think's they are bal.

The bal is better than before but not perfect.

did something happen to throwing?

i can't 2-shot  tin cans anymore.

WTF they are fucking expensive i only get 4 of em and they can't 2-shot people in decent armor?

7 pt with heavy throwing lances and 127 wpf ( not much weight)

i can't have any armor if i carry all 4 and still want to make gold.

Btw i like the new look of em.
If i use an pesent outfit i can almost blend in and get some funny shots when people  realize im not some weakling.

General Discussion / Re: this patch is awful
« on: July 11, 2011, 06:54:49 am »
why wait?
we could go there any time and all the time

General Discussion / Re: game balance of previous crpg version
« on: July 11, 2011, 06:35:41 am »
i thought mostly everything was bal in the last patch

 Cav did well
2-h did well
pole did well (bec need some bal issue)
archers were use full.
shields were balanced
x-bows were ok(needed some WPF adjustments)

Only throwing was useless.

Now how i see

Add to that the upkeep cost increase and it's clear.

Seems like the dev team keeps nerfing something and buffing everything else breaking the freaking game every item bal patch

General Discussion / Re: this patch is awful
« on: July 11, 2011, 06:25:49 am »
i want the Item bal team heads on pikes!

Just looking at the changes without playing and people can tell this is a bad idea. Actually playing the range fest it's even worse.

General Discussion / Re: New chadz Text found!
« on: July 11, 2011, 04:49:19 am »
think it gives a multiplyer

that's the going theory

also i found a bug with throwing that allows u to pick up an extra throwing lance. who should i talk to about that?

im loving the acc buff. geting 4 kills with 4 lances almost every round.

Also lances cost waaaay too much for the amount of em i need

From now on i call this patch the Range buff Nerf horse and 2-h patch

ohhhh great i finally  get to level 30 with my 18/18 6pt build and then they up the req for throwing lances.

That wasn't in any freaking suggestion in this entire thread.

I havn't played yet but i think they over buffed, only cause everything is now 1 slot!

That was the problem to start with, It made throwing hybrids too easy.

U had a good thing going with the 2 slots system all they need was a bit more acc and a tad more ammo.

well in a week well see what has happen....

Sell/Trade / Re: WTS/t Powerful Broad One Handed Battle Axe
« on: July 07, 2011, 05:27:20 am »
Threw it up on the market place for 600k
Still intrested in trades or gold.

Oh i just thought of something. The double sided lance is the exact copy of the melee mode for throwing lances except that you can crouch with it.

Any way to add a third mode? Cause that would make it the Swiss army knife of pointy sticks

single slot for low lvl throwing weapons is fine.
But for throwing spears throwing lances and jards they should be 2 slot.
They can do some nasty dmg and take down cav quickly having more ammo would make them great for throwing builds and the 2 slots won't be a problem. but 2 slots for a hybrid build will cause lot's of problems if they want more ammo And that's balanced.

id like to see an ammo/ acc increase but let's not get crazy here.(also improve the melee stats for the throwing lance so i can be more epic plz)

Just my 2 cents as a dedicated thrower.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Suggestion for throwing
« on: July 03, 2011, 09:41:55 pm »

if archers can spin around and then shoot so can throwers/x-bows

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