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Messages - BoredMarc

Pages: [1]
Closed Requests / Re: I'm still banned from crpg_NA_Siege ;_;
« on: May 13, 2011, 02:26:13 am »
It still says I'm banned.

Sorry it took me so long to check, I was out of town.

Closed Requests / Re: I'm still banned from crpg_NA_Siege ;_;
« on: May 07, 2011, 05:12:37 am »
Well this is great. Did you ask about LLJK_BoredMarc specifically? I didn't play very much and I didn't even talk much while playing. Right now I just want to play with my friends who have gotten into playing pretty regularly.

Hmm, the only way I can think of to convince you is to ask you to make up a random but convincing username and ask the server what they think of someone you just made up. You might get a similar response if you're asking the same people.

Maybe they were responding to my clan tag? LLJK is the Something Awful forum clan that I just put there to play with them. I didn't play with them much though so I can't really comment on their behavior. Though it's my opinion that people from Something Awful would be some of the better people to play with. It's a forum where you have to pay $10 to post on and if you act like a Racist, troll or idiot you are promptly banned.

What does Leecher even mean anyway?

Closed Requests / Re: I'm still banned from crpg_NA_Siege ;_;
« on: May 07, 2011, 12:24:18 am »
Now that I think about it if I am going to make an apology or an essay or whatever I'm going to have to hear the mods side of the story. I can't really apologize for what my brother said happened can I?

Closed Requests / Re: I'm still banned from crpg_NA_Siege ;_;
« on: May 07, 2011, 12:17:05 am »
I might be able to get my brother to write an apology but a nice apology? Can I write it on his behalf?

Closed Requests / I'm still banned from crpg_NA_Siege ;_;
« on: May 06, 2011, 09:21:28 pm »
I requested an unban in this topic:,4865.0.html

and it was given without me even having to do anything which I am humbly grateful for, but I must bother you again because I am still banned from the server my friends are playing on. Can something be done?

Cant find the name : Boredmarc on any ban list.

Let me know when you know the proper character that got banned - or any other names that come up. Or else I cant help you.

Oh duh I'm an idiot. He wasn't playing on my character, just my account. He had alot of characters though.


I think those are all the characters he used. Not sure which one he was on though.

Anyway this is my brothers side of the story:

": i was calling out one of the admins for abusing his power
: and he was
: lots of other people were agreeing with me
: when he actually banned me it was because he was talking to some guy and i cut it with something like "be careful guy he might ban you for that""

I await your judgement.

Sounds like you need to stay banned then.  Next time take some personal responsibility.

How am I not taking personal responsibility? I'm taking both responsibility for myself and my brother. Do you even know what personal responsibility means?

My brother wasn't sneaking on my computer to play. He was playing because I let him play. Also he doesn't even live with me anymore. He has his own computer and his own copy of warband.

This was months ago but I didn't see the point of whining about it but since I just found out you have a board for that purpose I might as well give it a shot. My brother played on my account because he was too cheap to buy his own copy of warband. After he got banned from my account he got a copy for himself and continued to play with that. I don't think he plays anymore though. He got banned by mouthing off to a mod I think. If it is required of me I will write an essaying about not being a jackass to the mods or whatever specific thing he got banned for once he tells me and I will write an essay about not letting your jackass little brother play on your account. I have some friends who have just started to play crpg so it would be nice to play with them.

The character that got banned was LLJK_BoredMarc

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