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Messages - KaffeKalle

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WSE2 Beta / Re: what is WSE2?
« on: March 13, 2013, 06:43:41 pm »
Does it install automatically with the launcher? Cause I get the whole "Install WSE or glitches might occur"-message everytime I log on.

Suppose I just had to check the box in the launcher. Neat.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Amount of hoplites...
« on: February 26, 2013, 02:14:02 am »
I dont ride horses, I loathe them. I think however that the hitboxes and distances from which you can stab people in melee with spears are kinda weird and needs to be looked over.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Remove the gen bonus cap.
« on: February 22, 2013, 02:15:41 am »
Think you should just do what my suggestion says, allow the multiplier to be stacked on all chars on your account. That way people can go play their alts or whatever when they are tired of their mains.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Is archery nerfs fair?
« on: February 22, 2013, 02:14:13 am »
Archery doesnt need to be buffed, I think its alright as it is now. It deals about the same dmg as people do in melee. Xbows should get nerfed as well though, the dmg some of them deal is just insane...can come walking around in my pretty heavy armor, get shot in the foot and die from one hit...

I guess there would be more high level dudes in strategus or something. Dont play that so dunno if that would really make much of a difference.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Remove the gen bonus cap.
« on: February 22, 2013, 02:04:10 am »
Dunno what the hell you people are doing but I spent more than 400 hours on this god damn game and I aint more than gen 4 on one char... and gen 2 on my alts. I do not have fully loomed gear anywhere!

That's how I read it.

That is how I meant it. Dont want anything for free, just want to be able to mix things up and still get the same benefits of Xp-bonus as anyone who plays the same character over and over.

No my suggestion what that you get the same Xp-bonus on all your chars. So that my alts who only retired once dont get 1030 but rather the accumulated value of all my gametime spread on my account which would be equal to seven or eight regens and 1240ish xp a tick. Not free XP on all chars on your account... that would be silly.

?? You dont level faster on 100 different alts than you would playing the same character to lvl 31 a hundred times... or did I missunderstand something?

Suggestions Corner / XP Multiplier per account instead of per character?
« on: February 18, 2013, 06:51:33 pm »
Wouldn't that be pretty sweet? I mean, when you retire your account gets the bonus instead of just your characters? I play different characters alot, got a poler, a horser, bow-guy, 2hander, thrower... and change between all of them every now and then. So the way the system works at the moment just punishes that kind of behavior, not a big deal of course, but I still think it would be a nicer way to do things.

General Discussion / Re: Buff Archers!
« on: August 19, 2012, 10:32:53 am »
Remove archers from the game, problem solved.

General Discussion / Re: You still think that cavalry is OP??
« on: July 03, 2012, 06:13:51 pm »
Personally i dont think Cav is OP, just boring. So I play on siegeservers where they arent as popular or annoying.

General Discussion / Re: New Multi System will need ASSISTS
« on: July 01, 2012, 09:49:08 pm »
As long as I dont get 4-5 times less xp and, more importantly gold than the clans who go on a siegeserver and Xp-farm for hours I will be happy with whatever new xp-system is put in place. Actually losing money running around in gear worth 30k total...

General Discussion / Re: cRPG Equipment Fashion Thread
« on: July 01, 2012, 01:53:56 pm »

Sexiest Look
(click to show/hide)

I dunno, seems like an odd thing to lag about.

Its not even all that hectic at some of the times I recall seeing the move. All I know is that it pisses me off when it happens, almost as much as seeing the clan-banner-dudes sticking together like glue and farming my precious siegeservers. ;)

Been running around trying to swing and cancel in the same way as I talked about, but really, no matter how I press the buttons a similar move does not happen. It is ofc. possible its just a visual glitch as you say, then I guess kudos to the people I see pulling it off whenever they damn well please, well done. But I cant help feeling that there is something in the basic combatstrategy of the game I'm missing.

As for the archerthing, I close up on an archer, start swinging when he still has his bow in his hand, my swing hits and I hear the unmistakable sound of a parry instead of the sound of my sword cutting his flesh. And he hasnt even begun switching weapons before my sword is moving in on him. I cant even start parrying with my new weapon if I start switching when people are two steps away and then start swinging at me.

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