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Messages - Notredemos

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If i was admin i would mute you for retarded comments like that :) but thanks for info about the poolsbans mate, and sigh autoassigns? mr allmighty with crystal ball please tell me where the hidden treasure of uperness if hidden, since u appearantly knows everything wihout being placant

Dear eponico may u get a arrow 2 ur face also
Sorry for opening a pointless thread guys

Hey brothers and sister in arms. i brought Mount and blade last friday just to play crpg, enjoyed the game and mod really so far..
This Sunday, i was playing at EU5 late night time, about 5 AM, we was 3 people total on the server.

First they was 2 vs me, i wacked some Dushina bastardo or whatever the clan is named with bow :P
Then he changed teams, to defenders site...
I called unfair and got wtf. he ran up the ladder to the wall, couldt resist... so i shoot him in the head with a arrow that kills him to make him understand my point, and to make the game more fair. I wouldt had whined if it was me... freaking emo crybaby..
Then the fucking moron calls a ban vote on me, and the other players finds it funny and who clearly is a half troll within tempting to rip tho his chest, and votes fucking yes.... So i got banned.. BY 2 PLAYERS?! 66 % yes 33 % no...

Can you please unban me from my favorite server -.- i play 5 hours + a day there
And can u please give me a exception to TK this mofo... i want soooo bad 2 put my katana in his face -.-
Love and peace,

Ps, i don't TK or lame, this was a one time special occasion...

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