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Messages - LLJK_BobSaget

Pages: [1]
Closed Requests / Re: Unban request - LLJK_BobSaget
« on: July 03, 2011, 09:09:27 am »
I am not unbanned from all servers. I am still banned from NA 1.

Closed Requests / Re: Unban request - LLJK_BobSaget
« on: July 02, 2011, 09:46:47 pm »
Thanks for the unban. No worries I won't hack anyone.

Closed Requests / Unban request - LLJK_BobSaget
« on: July 02, 2011, 11:30:45 am »
So a week or two ago, I was a complete asshole to the admins one night while playing drunk. They muted me because I was being mean to everyone I killed. This was antagonized by them BMing me every time they killed me because I was a HA. I asked in admin chat multiple times to unmute me and they never answered me. They just said stop spamming shit in admin chat if you are muted. So I said "spam" in admin chat. They did not appreciate the joke and kicked me. So when I logged back in I said a few choice words to them and they banned me from all three NA servers. I think this was not really a bannable offense and I have seen many non LLJK members do much worse and not even be muted.

Sorry for being such an ass. I request that you unban me. I believe a perma ban from four servers for what was really one offense is not necessary.

p.s. I was pretty damn drunk don't hate

-Bob Saget

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