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Messages - celti

Pages: [1]
KUTT just got 100% more delicious.

My namechange to TurmoilTom_TopBallSquireKUTT got turned down.  :cry: :cry: :cry:

This game gets worse everyday, I swear.

just shoot hammers with the bow

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General Discussion / Re: PSA - How Spawns Work in Siege Mode
« on: July 19, 2012, 04:56:50 pm »
So then it is definitely possible to have maps with minimum spawn requirements such as:
 - Attackers do not spawn within the castle walls.
 - Defense does not spawn inside or on top of the gatehouse.
 - Defense does not spawn outside of their own castle walls.

I feel like defenders spawning a good distance from the flag is necessary, otherwise a few good shielders could contest the flag indefinitely with staggered spawns.

- Watch the results and/or gather feedback (community is so helpful and constructive with this, of course :) )

Haha, I feel so bad for you Elindor.
Keep up the good work and keep ignoring the trolls.
Your maps have evolved into very interesting and balanced maps, which keeps me interested in this game.

kutt calhoun, official clan rapper

General Discussion / Re: Anybody know who I am thinking of?
« on: June 27, 2012, 12:11:08 pm »
Closest name I can think of is Ufthak...

Xeen said to go ahead and apply to the guild on the website ladder, so that you can play with us and we can get to know you.

He will PM you Team Speak info at some point as well.

Guile theme goes with everything.

General Discussion / Re: NA Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
« on: June 16, 2012, 08:55:20 am »
I vote for Para obviously  :shock:.
Aside from clan ties, he is my friend IRL and I know he would be a fair admin.

Siege desperately needs more admins!

3rd one is pretty cool

Scene Editing / Re: [Feedback] Maps on official servers
« on: June 11, 2012, 09:51:52 am »
Rhuin castle is the new map in the rotation.  It is without a doubt the most imbalanced, server-killing, boring map in rotation now.  It cut the server's population in half when we had around 70 and it just never recovered tonight.  I'm pretty sure people spent more time talking about how awful the map was than playing.

2nd this.

does that bear have scales?

that is amazing and terrifying

Pages: [1]