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Messages - LLJK_Siggy

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Unban Essays / Re: FREE GOATE !
« on: March 19, 2012, 01:21:02 am »
Free Goatee

Permaban Tears of Destiny.

General Discussion / Re: True Beauty
« on: December 08, 2011, 04:50:01 am »
This is quite possibly the dumbest fucking thread I have seen on this forum, and I've seen some dumbass threads.

Congratulations on bringing us to a new low.

General Discussion / Re: I am playing more CRPG.
« on: December 07, 2011, 04:39:12 pm »
I haven't played this mod in several weeks, and that was only because I helped out in a strategus battle. If it wasn't for that it would be months. I guess you can consider me retired. I will probably come out of retirement at some point to troll some of you.

None of you can have my stuff. I would rather it fade into oblivion than any of you bundle of stickss get your spergy little hands on it.

Faction Halls / Re: The Brony Club
« on: October 25, 2011, 08:38:44 pm »
I think it would be best for everyone if you didn't do this. Just delete this thread and we will pretend like it didn't happen.

Faction Halls / Re: [SHC] Greetings from Snowhawk Clan!
« on: October 25, 2011, 05:03:39 am »
After quite an exhilarating discussion on vent, I would like to officially announce that USA is selling Snowhawk to LLJK for a pack of Pall Malls. The transaction will be complete once the cigarettes are delivered to Smoothrich.

Also Draggon confirmed that Snowhawk enjoys raping children.

Faction Halls / Re: [SHC] Greetings from Snowhawk Clan!
« on: October 23, 2011, 10:21:40 pm »
If I would like to come into teamspeak/vent/whatever and discuss some things with your members/leaders, how would I go about doing that?

General Off Topic / Re: USA banner and the
« on: October 22, 2011, 04:00:19 am »
The vote is in and it should've stayed as stars and stripes.

Unfortunately these terrorists don't believe in democracy.

:shock: So all of that, and you all still pull the same antics that LLJK pulled, and act the very same, and you wonder why people, including me, still call it an LLJK clan?

Dude, you can buy a company, rename it, paint the outside a different colour and start hiring fresh blood, but when the company still sells the same product, still has most of the previous company policies and still has most of the same board members and lower level staff... People are still gonna call it the same company.

We act the same because we are a lot of the same people. These things aren't really an act, it's just who we are.

This has nothing to do with LLJk. This is about USA and our banner. If you want to be a commie terrorist that hates freedom, then remove our banner, but don't try to replace it with some other banner that isn't ours and act like we aren't going to notice.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Good prices increase
« on: October 21, 2011, 10:11:41 pm »
max 25.25 and min 4.95 you mean.

kinda retarded that 25.25 is the max... means no matter what youll never earn more than in old strat working at a town. should up the max to like 50... then you could run a caravan with say 300% bonus and sell for 200 per.. at least that would be decent.

25 and 5 for ease of conversation/crunching numbers.

Since you craft at 1/2 the price, then you can craft at 3 gold an sell for 25 with no distance bonus. You will probably never hit 300% bonus, either. 120 km gives you 301%. From where I am at in the snow lands, the farthest fief I can find is about 87 km, which would net me a bonus of about 199%.

I am now trying to be witty and clever? I know very well the post I quoted was troll. The clan tag is enough to give that away  :rolleyes:

Still butt hurt about your troll flag being removed I see.

Yes indeed, LLJK is nothing but super duper serious every day, goatee is an upstanding member who is always on good behavior, and I am always trying to be witty or clever and do my bestest to troll everyday and giggle when I outsmart those thuper trolls. I think rather highly of myself, and I'm a cute bitch.

This argument isn't about LLJK, it's about USA. I don't know why you keep bringing LLJK into it. USA was created as an offshoot of LLJK that only cool bros could join and we could have fun. LLJK is a troll clan that you have to pay to get into. USA is much more restrictive in our membership, why do you think Goate isn't a member of USA?

Just because a group of people from LLJK started USA and most of it's members are from LLJK and we hang out in LLJK teamspeak doesn't mean USA=LLJK. There are canadians  LLJK and we would never allow that.

Also if we can't have OUR clan banner don't try to replace it with some stupid bullshit banner and say it's for our clan. That is not what our banner looks like. Fucking take it our banner out or put it back in, don't half ass it.

« on: October 20, 2011, 02:25:35 am »
First time I ever heard an LLJK say "Could you please stop trolling us?"  :lol:

We are not LLJK. We have splintered off and formed USA. LLJK leadership was oppressive and we demanded freedom. It was a revolutionary war.

Please do not associate use with LLJK. Thanks.


Also if you're not going to let us have our banner then just fucking take the whole thing out. I can't believe you folded under the pressure of a bunch of dumb fucking Euros that probably don't see the flag ever anyways.

This is the saddest day in CRPG history and I am mad.

« on: October 19, 2011, 04:56:48 am »
I actually have Bill O'Reilly posters all over my apartment, not just my bedroom.

Whenever I see something on the news about America bombing someone I immediately whip my dick out and begin furiously fapping while wearing an American flag like a cape. If they show footage of the bombs dropping I instantly cum.

General Off Topic / Re: USA banner and the
« on: October 19, 2011, 03:17:41 am »
I have a serious question about this serious issue.

It seems most people that are mad about the banner are Europeans. Does anyone ever show up on the European server with this banner? If not why do you give a shit?

I'm sorry that you all hate America and hate freedom.

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