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Messages - Inkompetent

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Game Balance Discussion / Re: Upper and lower strike for some polearm
« on: January 06, 2012, 05:26:30 pm »
Pikes still use three slots though, so even if there would be a slight increase in pikemen due to the versatility, it'd barely be noticable. There's nothing like "balance" stopping a change like this.

I'm with Gisbert. I prefer having my feet on the ground, or on very reachable roofs. If a teammate intentionally destroys the ladder to a roof I'm on I am inclined to TK said teammate, but due to being so darn polite I just jump down while cursing at him for being a twat.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Assists.
« on: January 06, 2012, 12:45:26 pm »
Assist aren't needed. Removal of K/D stats is what's needed. Either show damage done, or nothing at all.

I don't mind plains-maps. Those random hill-maps though.... YUCK! Disgusting!

There really are NO worse maps than when both teams have a friggin mountain to start on, with a valley in between.

General Discussion / Re: Remove the ladders from Battle please. POLL
« on: January 05, 2012, 09:48:19 pm »
As people have been saying on this thread, removing all ladders will allow cavalry to go on the rampage with nothing to counter them on many maps. It used to be the case that you were not allowed to break ladders your side had placed as that constituted glitching. So either enforce that rule or else remove ladders from the game but re-draw the maps so that cav friendly maps have ladders already to a few buildings.

Agreed that for some maps there's a need for some ladders not give cavalry a too good time. But generally ranged just need to shoot horses more. Most horses go down in just a few arrows/bolts/throwing-whatevers if people can be arsed to shoot at them, and since two-handed swords at the moment outreach lances when thrusting, and people can carry a 1wpf pike or bamboo spear to deter horses, it's not a that big deal.

General Discussion / Re: Skill ceiling/decay?
« on: January 05, 2012, 02:05:27 pm »
Tried that.  GTX after the fifth swing through my block and person clipping directly through me and hitting with a full-strength backswing.

This shit happens all the time. I'm having trouble recalling ever being hit by a properly appearing melee attack. They go straight through my shield, straight through blocks, I'm hit and die either before their attack even starts, while I'm out of range, or first after their attack animation is finished. And sometimes I'm not hit by attacks that at least on my computer clearly hit me.

I've pretty much given up on reason, and just try my best. Reasonable results won't happen in melee. Just weird, desynced stuff that you hopefully can counter most of the time with enough skill.

General Discussion / Re: Removal of Strange Armour
« on: January 04, 2012, 08:15:33 pm »
That's a pretty neat ninjaofsomesort-outfit. Like the visible mail and proper bracers/gloves and puffy pants and all.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: How to sell your equipment?
« on: January 04, 2012, 02:43:43 pm »
Press the button with money on it, just like when you bought it. It's a pretty simple interface.

Suggestions Corner / Re: New stuff to add
« on: January 04, 2012, 11:24:18 am »
First time I see this thread, and wow! Aside from the Tor's Helm and possibly Falchion those are awesome! Really been missing a cavalry axe <3

General Discussion / Re: Patch That ruined skill in game/weapons
« on: January 04, 2012, 11:17:15 am »
Voting to keep new system, because of rage-poll.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Buff arrow velocity
« on: January 03, 2012, 06:34:43 pm »
Also, archery is less kill focused than melee, you deal damage to lots of different players that get away before you can kill them, kills do not fully represent power.

People seem to always refuse thinking about this (I wouldn't call it forgetting. People just don't care, and look at that pointless K/D ratio instead).

An archer (or crossbowman) rarely gets to shoot the same target twice unless it is isolated and without close cover, or stubbornly stand to take another one in the face. People tend to start jinxing or run away the moment they realize *they* are under fire, and often one as ranged is forced to pick another target due to the previous one getting into a melee where it's impossible to get a clear shot (too many fighters, or too long distance).

Ranged generally wound many, but kill few. Not to mention that dehorsing cav is one of the biggest responsibilities of ranged, and that's not visible in stats either. Only the very best archers actually rack up any noticable number of kills.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Fix Lances/Spears etc
« on: January 03, 2012, 01:54:54 pm »
Minus-vote for using "Discuss" instead of writing a post that provokes replies.

Well, it's nice with the fairly unique thing about the Bec: It is a pretty long pierce-swing weapon.

It is indeed pretty slow though for its range. It is about as fast as weapons that either outrange it by far (other polearms), or that have more beneficial animations (2h swords *cough*).

I do kind'a like the bonus against shields though. Driving that 'beak' through someone's shield ought to wear the shield out pretty fast (and lose you the Bec since it gets stuck, but that can be said for more weapons and isn't a feature of the game anyway).

Realism Discussion / Re: Katanas
« on: January 02, 2012, 02:50:55 pm »
To further Ujin's point katanas weren't designed to cut through armour. Period. They are designed to VERY effectively cut unarmoured flesh, and at that they excel.

The main battlefield weapon for the japanese weren't swords at all. They were (only counting melee weapons, since the bow was the prefered weapon), yaris and naginatas (straight- and curved-bladed polearms, respectively) since they beat the swords for range, and for effect against armour.

Then as Ujin said they had coup-de-grace daggers that either were used to attack gaps in the armour, or to simply hammer point-first straight through the armour.

Swords were carried on the battlefield as ceremonial details, and as a last resort if your spear broke (which considering the durability of yaris wasn't likely to happen).

Yes, you could kill ashigaru and militia with sword since they used little to no armour, but since they had spears designed to penetrate your armour you'd prefer having a spear yourself to match their range.

Samurai armour might not be as heavy as metal plate armour, but it is very resilient to cuts, and cutting is the only thing a katana can do decently.

General Discussion / Re: New Autobalance
« on: January 02, 2012, 02:19:52 pm »
I'm used to having long streaks of x1. However actually getting to x5 for a round or two counters that very well. To be stuck at x1 and x2 however means you'll never get neither enough money to pay for a decent (30k) outfit, nor get xp to get a new level this side of next new year.

The banner-balance should definitely make sure not to put too large groups of the same banner onto the same team, unless there can be a large group put into the opposite team as well. If not possible the large group of clan members *should* be split up to balance teams organization-wise.

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