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Messages - Miranda

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Faction Halls / Re: [GK] Great Khans - cav clan
« on: April 10, 2014, 06:48:49 pm »
Hey Miranda,

Long time no see!
And yea where still alive although not like in the good ol' days.
The formation and team play we had back then are not done much anymore, but some of us still ride around and have fun.

Also where active in strat somewhat.

I see. So I guess we are all waiting for Mount & Blade 2 somewhat in a sense.  :wink:

Faction Halls / Re: [GK] Great Khans - cav clan
« on: April 09, 2014, 06:24:20 pm »
*sneaks in*

You guys still alive?

Bloody hell, I see they reset the build stats of your characters. I can't remember my courser build lol.

I know I am a bit of a prick to come and go like this, but ey what you gonna do ey?  :oops:

*hides again*

General Off Topic / Re: Capturing cRPG gameplay
« on: September 19, 2012, 09:57:11 pm »
So wait, installing Fraps on D and saving on D would help, with Warband being on C?
It reduces the strain on my pc a bit when recording. IF those are two different harddisks and not a different partition.

For example my H: is my external HD on wich i record.

General Off Topic / Re: Capturing cRPG gameplay
« on: September 19, 2012, 08:28:03 pm »
I belive the problem is that he is running Warband and Fraps from the same disk/partition. Will also try Playclaw, need something that doesn't use too much CPU.
Yeah the problem with Fraps is that like....a short piece of footage (an example) of 1 minute 26 seconds can be a file of around 2,8 Gigs (at 1080p at 60fps). So yeah, that takes quite a bit of processing.

Faction Halls / Re: [GK] Great Khans - cav clan
« on: September 19, 2012, 11:16:50 am »
Hello GK!

What are some of your lancer builds?  Right now I am

(click to show/hide)

Suggestions?  Seems to work quite well right now, but I am wondering what the light cav clan has to say.  Thanks!

Thats exactly my build with the exception of IF 4 and 1 point in shields, but to be fair im not the best rider in the clan. Maybe the other guys have better suggestions.

Hill did not have the balls to use my Courser build 15/27, psh.
How did you pull that off? No points in Atlethics?

General Off Topic / Re: Help the Arma 3 devs.!
« on: September 18, 2012, 08:38:36 pm »
NO. Frankly im quite sure the only reason anybody gave any shit about ARMA 2 at all was cause it had DayZ. And ARMA 3 doesnt really need the DayZ mod, since by the end of this year DayZ will have an entire standalone game coming out.
Speak for yourself. Ive been playing Arma 2 for years and ive owned it before DayZ exsisted...  :wink:

As i live near a very large military base, its pretty stupid to go around and take pictures of it. What did they expect... I hope they come home soon though!

A new RipperX CRPG video nice !  :D

General Discussion / Re: How do people play this mod?
« on: September 14, 2012, 11:46:25 pm »
Nice topic.

These video's are all of great players and maybe for some variety its nice to have a video of someone that isnt particularly that good at this game but has a great time playing it.

I feel that i am qualified to represent that side of C-RPG hehe.
The footage is heavily eddited of two maps with some decent music (i mean the second song) to make it more bearable.

I hope you guys like it and have fun watching!  :D

General Discussion / Re: Cav is a Problem
« on: September 13, 2012, 03:10:45 pm »
I rage because cRPG right now, with all the cav and archery going on is much less fun that it used to be. I think something should be done, perhaps drastically to fix amount of cav.. Then one could rebuff them a bit later on..

How would you like to see that? As GK are a cav only clan, can't we play as cav when the cap limit is reached? Thats a bit .... unfair right? Or for the other players that do want to play as Cav and can't due to the fact that the GK's has taken all the slots? This would kill off our clan.

Maybe chop off one leg so we will limp around the map?  :wink:

Edit: I mean if we are loosing peeps due to the fact that cav is out of control then maybe there should be a change (i doubt thats the reason though) and not only because they rage because they got killed by a cav player.
Fine nerf us (again).
Im not sure in what way though. My horse (courser) already gets one (or two) shotted by xbow/bows all the time. 75% if the times i hit someone with my lance i dont insta-kill someone (wich is perfectly fine by me i dont couch anyways). Pikes/2H swords (as they should) are lethal for us, stops us, makes us fall and get slaughtered.
Cav vs Cav lancer fights are mostly decided by a roll of the dice by the lance angle the way it is now wich demotivates a lot of cav players by even attempting it (What Chagan_Arslan said aswell).
We pay a shitload of upkeep (again thats fine so do heavy armor inf).

Im sorry but i just fail to see whats not fair about cav atm with the exception of bumping.

Nice people on the internets?! What sorcery is this?!

Ah well i try to be a "nice person" online but sometimes i fail. Generally it doesn't matter anyways. Peeps will still hate me for being a GK or they just don't like me for whatever other reason. That's fine.

We all need a way to vent stress right?

General Discussion / Re: Cav is a Problem
« on: September 13, 2012, 12:01:20 pm »
That's where playing chicken with lancers comes in. Ride straight for them, it's the same technique as shotgunning melee players. You shoot just as they are about to release their lance strike on you, cancel their attack, cut of their horse by swerving in front of them and cause them to get lanced by your own team, ganked by inf or at the very least give yourself a couple of free shots on a stationary target. Riding behind cav and chasing them is a lot less effective. It's partially why I use a champ courser, so I can almost always put myself in the forward position, keep ahead of them whilst shooting them and cut them off so they become stationary. A stationary lancer is usually a dead one, or at least his horse is. I used to be very good at this and probably 75% of my time in battle is spent fighting cavalry like this.

I wouldn't do it with your build though, if you miss you are guaranteed dead thanks to the speed bonus onto the lance, so you need the accuracy.


Don't tell them that.... Happens to me a lot of times as a lancer cav.

Faction Halls / Re: [GK] Great Khans - cav clan
« on: September 13, 2012, 10:41:30 am »
All GK's are cowards, and I know. I live with one.

Faction Halls / Re: [GK] Great Khans - cav clan
« on: July 12, 2012, 05:32:46 pm »
Miranda, sign up for the Dutch nations cup team, we only have 1 cav.

How the hell do you know im dutch?

Hehe ok sure i will then.

General Discussion / Re: Hello!
« on: July 12, 2012, 01:46:22 pm »
Welcome to the mod.

I keep playing this on and off for quite some time now and it never gets boring (for me atleast).

Have fun and cya on the battlefield.

Faction Halls / Re: [GK] Great Khans - cav clan
« on: July 12, 2012, 01:36:55 pm »
since the spawn rape seems to be so common and done by a dozen GK everytime why is there no inf team to grab some easy kills ?

tbh spawn rape thing like most other stuff about cav some people post on these forums is highly exaggerated... just like when we got numbers on one team and we win, people cry that cav team wins, when the opposite team wins everybody are silent or how for example bjord or others are crying that the other team got all the cavs! just to realise their team got 10+ cavs

btw can someone explain it to me why player like chase is getting worse k:d ratio as lancer than as inf ? shouldnt his k:d ratio skyrocket as cav ? as he is one of the most skilled crpg players ?

and hello Nao ;]

Because playing as a Lancer Cav is easy, didn't you know?... O wait....

ok hell i cant handle this picture... must bring balance to our thread

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ying yang guys it must be done

Well we now we know for sure none of those girls have breastcancer.

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