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Messages - Renegat

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 9
General Discussion / Re: C-Rpg Classic
« on: December 31, 2014, 02:09:57 am »
As far as I'm concerned, this mod population is just getting lower because of three main, and easy to fix/change facts : (i'll make space around each fact so that maybe someone who actually have an influence on this mod can see it)

- Half of the maps proposed on EU1 or EU2 are just fucking bullshit, we fucking complain about some of them for months/years and they are still in and appears too much (if you want examples i have plenty). If you don't know what map to put, just give us the original native maps, they are much better than most of those we have today

- The servers are fucking laggy for months, especially EU1. It used to be fine before but for like 2 months the servers are lagging hard

- Just FUCKING remove rain and night ! Who fucking enjoy playing with rain or night time? This should have been removed since 2010

Just do something about those three things and i'm sure we'll get much more players, maybe not new players, but at least those who are currently playing won't quit after 10 minutes gaming because there's a shitty map on or night time.
Of course, there are some other problems like the fact that agi based build players are just levelling down this game or that archers are overnerfed (some of them do less than 10% damages, pretty pathetic). But the priority, imo, is to fix the three points above.

PS : Players who are not playing at all or who are playing agi 2h should have some sort of badges on their character description, so that i could know easily what posts i have to skip

The Chamber of Tears / crpgness fading effect
« on: December 13, 2014, 04:32:51 pm »

I just discovered this part of the forum and i think it's actually a very good idea to give a place to players who want to complain. Indeed, i'm complaining all day long about litteraly everything. I guess we can say that complains are a part of myself, i'm a natural complainer (don't know if this word exist in english but whatever) and i'm french (which add even more to the "complain effect"), so i assume that complains are the essence of my life.

Some of you, readers, might already asking themselves "what the fuck is he talking about?". The answer will come in a near future. But first, let me speak about who made what we usually call the "britishness fading effect".
Crpg is a very good example this phenomenom. Each time you play crpg, you can notice funzy players running around and happilly killing each other. It also often occur that those players are speaking to each other using some funny langage as english.
As you all certainly know, the english langage is 65% composed of old french langage. So when you speak english, you actually speak an old and bad pronounced french. What does this statement leads to? We might have an answer in a near future too, but first, let me tell what isn't going well in crpg right now. I'm not familliar with writting on this forum so i don't really know what kind of insult i'm allowed to say or not (but i'll do as i'm allowed to use every kind of insults since i don't want to bother reading rules (who ever bothered reading forums' rules anyway)).

Since this dear patch of destiny, a pretty big part of players who are still playing are playing like little cocksucker who just spend there time spamming with big poles or 2h weapon. There has always been spamming bitches on crpg, but not at such an high degree. There are so much spamming noobs nowadays that, as a normal and honest player, you can't use feints, footwork, hold attacks or whatever which is actually skills demanding. All you need to do is blocking one attack and then reply back without having to try anything. The most stupid of you, readers, might ask himself "but why is this guy complaining then, just don't try to feint or anything huhuhu he is idiotic". The answer to such a stupid comment is that not having to make efforts and wait for the spam is extremely boring.
So, to sum up those last sentences, there's way to many non-skilled agiwhores who are litteraly leveling down this game. The most effective way to play now is using a +3 long weapon, take +3 medium/light gears, and rape your right house button while s q-ing. This is ANORMAL AND BORING, do something about wpf or agi or whatever that give those cocksucking bitches the power to make this game more build based than skill based.

General Discussion / Re: Loom giveaway
« on: December 13, 2014, 03:34:43 pm »
it's an easy enigma ! It's about an animal which has 4 legs, so it's about goats ... knowing that goats mentruation last 4 days, that 4 months is the minimal gestation time of a goat, and the weight of a baby goat is approximatively 5 kilogrammes, the answer is obviously 21 (4 x 4 + 5)!

General / Re: We've got a problem here
« on: November 22, 2014, 12:38:26 pm »
what happen if we don't reach 130k in 4 weeks? project just end?

General / Re: So we started the kickstarter campaign...
« on: November 20, 2014, 02:15:20 pm »
I didn't give for the first crowdfunding two years ago so i guess it's time to pay for those 1000s hours of fun. Took the digital collector edition.
Good luck guys, i hope you'll get your 130 000$ !

Faction Halls / Re: Vanguard
« on: November 11, 2014, 12:07:50 am »

i think i'm convinced by what she said. I won't drink this satanic shit ever again !

(hi bitches!)

General Discussion / Re: L00mz away!
« on: October 21, 2014, 07:12:03 pm »
they haven't been cited yet and more recent than olwen ... that's actually hard !


General Discussion / Re: L00mz away!
« on: October 21, 2014, 06:05:19 pm »
the two best shielders for you have already been cited here? :p
And are they still playing?

I would say olwen and dalhi

General Discussion / Re: A very confusing patch
« on: October 21, 2014, 05:57:48 pm »
Well, there's only one thing left to say: l2p.

Come on stop being stupid and/or selfish, i saw several comments saying the same things than me. It's ok to protect your 2h my old friend ass, but at least try to argue or bring some arguments instead of being offensive. And i don't think you're among the players who can allow themselves to tell me "L2P" btw

General Discussion / Re: A very confusing patch
« on: October 20, 2014, 10:59:29 pm »
This patch buffed 2h my old friends overly, i tried to play yersterday and i kept on getting 2 shots by some agi 2h noskilled bitches who were just spamming and barely blocking (why did i even bother wearing 60 body armor and putting 7 if). Some of them were so fast that i couldn't even strike back ... amazing
Reduce their damages or reduce their speed, but do something.
Now that archers are nerfed to hell i think i'll have to quit shielding to become a bundle of sticks xbower and shoot all those my old friends myself.

But overall i like this patch, i mean the respeccing thingies, new items and so on, they just need to patch the crpg item balance team and things will be allright.

PS : And bravo for nerfing HA, those guys were the cancer of crpg and even deserved a worse treatment

General Discussion / Re: Byzantium is dead
« on: August 01, 2014, 06:01:36 pm »

P.S. Or he's probably just trolling =)

The wise man spoke :p

General Discussion / Re: Byzantium is dead
« on: July 31, 2014, 06:21:48 pm »
Hahaha, you still remember martingal? good old days :p

General Discussion / Re: Byzantium is dead
« on: July 31, 2014, 06:10:39 pm »
Oh my god you bunch of filthy bundle of stickss, you sold your ass to those slutty nords? Glad i'm not here anymore to see this, calling you bitch is not strong enough for you now !
Especially you corsair, this guy insults nords players every single minute and now he is one of them ! You make me through up ! bleeeeeh

PS: And Vanguard ... come on guys, you could have make an effort for the name

« on: July 09, 2014, 12:55:35 am »
Hello !

Thomek can seem pretty "direct" in the way he says it, but in deep, i totally agree with him. Archers need a nerf and there's no discussion to have about it, just look at facts, eu1 30 players while siege 75 players. Even me, who's a shielder and battle lover, play siege now ... I don't care how you nerf it, just do something to make this class less attractive.

Oh, and i also have to speak about something which annoyed me a bit. Could we do something about those fucking HA cunts who delay every fucking single round?
Indeed, it's kinda frustrating for an inf player who just get raped by tons of archers/HA to have to wait one more minute before playing again, just because a fucking little selfish HA cunt decides to continue playing an already lost round. That was forbidden back in the time, wasn't it? Or at least HA had enough respect for those who were waiting and just suicide charged the ennemie team. But now we have to wait until the cunt does an error or run out of arrows. And they fucking get valour for that !
"Oh but renegat, you can just wait for the flag to go up you know =)"
Those flags don't work half of the time, and i don't get why i would wait for an already lost round just because a fucking bitch wants to get his shitty valour.
Admins, change your fucking laxist policy and kick those bastards as soon as they start making poeple wait, they make eu_1 even more shitty !

General Discussion / Re: Bye
« on: December 07, 2013, 04:49:17 pm »
Muffin, dear Muffin, take my hand and follow me, i'll lead you to this wonderful place where women are all pretty and ask, no, beg, for your cock, where men are all friendly and share everything and where beer doens't make you get a paunch ... I'll lead you to the crpg's heaven !

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