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Messages - Babylon7k

Pages: [1]
Closed Requests / Re: Ban request for Asur_Babylon7k
« on: May 03, 2011, 03:16:18 pm »
Well, to reply on that. (and in a decent tone)

First day after new patch, alot of people was random spamming the report leecher function. I know chadz got a record of the reports, so for me to spam in the middle of a fight would be "suicide", and Im not that stupid.

The map today where I was confronted by some other guy than the author of this post, who claimed I had spammed his friend out with the report leecher function. I told him, that the only guy i got kicked that map, was someone standing afk at spawn a good part into the round. I was dead and I admit I went hunting for the people that just dont get leeching is NOT okay. I then spectated the guy for a few seconds, figured he was standing in spawn, not even turned a inch from spawning direction, and i reported him. Ill admit that the menu's was screwing up when i reported him, and to be sure (he still hadnt moved or declared active) I reported him again. Then a horseman finds him (he is still not moving), and he dies, only to be kicked a few seconds later.

That was the only time I used the report leecher function in that map. So if I by some reason "have been" spamming the report leecher function in combat, Ill be happy to see the proof from the records, and then make a post about the situation under "bugs". Because I am simply NOT that stupid.

And to comment on the leecher function. When it is used, you get 10 seconds to press "m" to state you are still active. If someone, like me, hunt for the people that are leeching afk in corners of the map, and wrongfully mistake someone camping (being present) for someone leeching (being afk), all they have to do is press "m" and I will loose a multiplicator. As simple as that.

So fact is, you accuse me of something I told your mate I did not do. There are records where you can ask for proof to support your accusations, but fact is, you have no proof. If you where the guy I reported that map, I can only say again; press "m", and I will be the fool. But fact is, I reported an afk guy, that failed to report back that he was active, and he got kicked. As the leecher function was intended.


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