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Messages - MyBallsYourChin

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General Discussion / Re: Heirlooms being sold for money
« on: July 09, 2012, 08:12:53 pm »
I hope this stops any notion, cRPG user "MyBallsYourChin" that you are uncovering some scandal that goes to the top, an Heirloomgate if you will.

Actually, Smooth, I never directly accused you or anyone else.  All I wanted was some sort of explanation and I've got one now. 


As for ad1no, no u r.

General Discussion / Re: Heirlooms being sold for money
« on: July 09, 2012, 04:50:56 pm »
The only difference between this and that, is this directly involves an admin. 

General Discussion / Re: Heirlooms being sold for money
« on: July 09, 2012, 03:54:40 pm »
It continues to baffle me why these forums aren't moderated at all.

General Discussion / Heirlooms being sold for money
« on: July 09, 2012, 12:22:21 pm »
This came up during the Troyicide thread and simply can't be ignored, especially when an admin seems to be involved.,35525.30.html

The exchange is begun by Goretooth a few pages before and this evidence, which can be seen, was posted on page three.

What the fuck?

General Discussion / Re: Scrue y'all
« on: July 02, 2012, 11:48:46 am »
This person doesn't represent Canada or its inhabitants.  Please excuse him.

Also it's spelled screw, idiot.

General Discussion / Re: Could different animations fix cRPG?
« on: June 26, 2012, 12:15:08 pm »
Those looked very impressive.  Also, simply because the OP presented a set of animations already made, it doesn't mean the cRPG dev's would have to mimic those. 

With that said, the 1h stab looked fucking awesome and would definitely remove the issues some people are having with it.

I liked it better when DL was still around, you could keep track of the idiots easier that way.

General Discussion / Re: Are repairs bugged? Picture inside
« on: June 19, 2012, 02:57:35 am »
I wasn't going to say anything because I didn't want to be another person complaining about repairs, however, with that said, I do seem to be losing money quicker after the last past than I have in the past. 

It could be some extra gear I have, but even then it wouldn't explain the extent or the speed in which I'm losing gold.

Oh well.

Hey Devs,

You know you're allowed to test patches before releasing, right?

General Discussion / Re: Opinion on New Website
« on: May 04, 2012, 12:06:33 am »
This really didn't deserve its own thread, as there is already an opinion thread on the new website changes.  You should consider deflating your ego a bit.

General Discussion / Re: OMGz... newz websitez!
« on: May 03, 2012, 04:35:30 pm »
Hey Harald, great work on the website, however, on the ranks section of the items weight has been left off.  This is an important aspect for some weapons such as the Warhammer and it changes after it has been loomed.

Closed Requests / Re: Rhoduckians were banned
« on: January 29, 2012, 05:46:10 pm »
Horse bumped on purpose? Screenshots don't tell the whole story. I just spawned and I bumped someone because I have a horse and I'm in the middle of everyone. So he presses M. This honestly yes made me angry, but why would I kill him for that? So the game continued and I guess I bumped him again. He presses M again. At that point he was abusing the M button because it was made for purposefully team killing. I wasn't purposefully team killing though. So another way past the game It turns out a cav with a large warhorse was going to run over half the naked people on our team. So I couch lance the horse and take out the horse. As I was turning I ran over I think 2 people and one happened to be ballsoffury so he presses M. So your telling me for abusing the M button and taking a screenshot of the logs means he can make us seem like idiots? No, you did not see the whole story and are pushing the gun. Ok maybe we DID team kill him, but I still want someone to ask the whole story before banning me and my friend without warning. I did report him to admin for misusing the M button and I hope that the admin would help me on that problem. I hope before you think you can just ban us you will ask for the whole story. Honestly we will be ok for being banned for two days but these things make me angry and you would be too.

You both took turns hitting me unto rookie killed me.  Cry more.

Game Admin Feedback / Re: [NA] Sootnik_Diomedes
« on: January 29, 2012, 03:49:54 am »
Your argument is based upon the fact that I take this game too seriously.  None of which presents any holes in my logic.  Analogy stands and you're still out of your league, cockon.

I'm bringing my grief to the forums, the appropriate place to do so.  Again, I have NO idea why you're posting in this thread, aside from practicing your English, where I'm sure there are other mediums to do so where you won't be taking up space with irrelevant bullshit.

Sootnik, the evidence I presented to Dark Karma was available to you and was enough for the players in question to be banned.  You have no argument.
Your opinion on what chat is and isn't for is your opinion, which is clearly the wrong opinion because as I've stated before, HeroZero's ban was lifted after it was reviewed that your action was far more severe than it needed to be.  You were tired of hearing people complain about your inaction and you acted rashly. 

Perhaps in the future you should be the one who needs to take a break from the action and come in with a cool head and do the tasks you signed up to do.  I've said what I have to say; I'm done with this thread.

Game Admin Feedback / Re: [NA] Sootnik_Diomedes
« on: January 29, 2012, 01:46:11 am »
Not that he would have responded to those real problems.  He wanted to hang out with his buddies, remember?

Cockon, or whatever you name is, using my name as an example of "maturity" is pretty weak and is the standard go to when trying to bring down my arguments.  Try harder.

Your cmp quote works both ways.  The position is volunteer.  If they volunteered for this position, then they should know the responsibility that comes with it.  A volunteer nurse doesn't one day decide to neglect her duties because she isn't being paid.  Your argument is as faulty as your grasp of the English language.


"Hey OJ, we didn't see you kill those people, despite there being evidence that points towards it.  We're going to keep an eye on you and if you murder those people again we'll punish you."

Excuse me for being vehement about you doing your job. 

Game Admin Feedback / Re: [NA] Sootnik_Diomedes
« on: January 29, 2012, 12:29:09 am »
Silly people, why you spam green text?

You weren't there.  Please don't opine on things you know nothing about.


No, I wasn't spamming.  And as can be seen from HeroZero's ban being lifted for supposedly "spamming", your judgement in that area is lacking, to say the least.
I was, however, complaining.  You are an admin, a special responsibility reserved for just a few of us.  I'm terribly sorry that you wanted to play, and couldn't take but a few minutes out of your very busy day to go spectator and watch the fucking gong show that was taking place around you.

I'm sure your lackadaisical approach to administrating the servers rules were acceptable at one point in time, but as you said, when 110 people are online, a more aggressive posture is indeed required.  I had every right to complain about you and I stand by my opinion (and apparently others as well) that you are a bad admin. 

Banning people on a whim simply because you don't like them criticizing your actions is hardly what I would call acceptable.  Further, telling people to shut up when they want you to actually do your job is nearly as bad.  Grow up.

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