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Messages - belm

Pages: [1]
Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: long spear/pike + 1h
« on: July 14, 2012, 03:56:44 pm »
I would recommend 30/9 longspear build with 10ps, 3 athl, 130wpf. Sure it is a bit slow, but you will remain alive a lot longer.
About WPF: If you want to do some kickstabs you will need min. 110 wpf and 9 agi.
PS: lonspear is just great why would you bother with sidearm if you can do kickstab :)

30/9 build will teach you one important thing: kickstab = in most cases insta death for your oponent and no sidearm is required.

Well I'm playing with long spear all the time.
I started with 21str/18agi build and I can say it was good choice. You can wear medium / heavy armor and do decent damage.
After a while I've realized that for pole (long spear) medium armor (40+) is enough and you can survive with few decent blocks.
Don't forget that you are support and you have only one attack - thrust.

so far Im experimenting with two build types:
- 30 agi/ 9 str (10 athletics)
well this build is like: "they cant hit you because you are Speedy Gonzales" your damage output is not very good but for some people your speed is just annoying - you can maintain distance while doing dmg.
Very very funny build.
- Haven't noticed bounces at all.

- 30 str/ 9 agi (right now - 10 ps)
well this is tank build, with 78 HP (I think). You can take 4 - 5 hits and still be the one who survives.
so far I can execute most mediums just with two hits, lights armored targets are one thrust deal.
The problem are heavy armored - shield wearing people so I have to kick very often.
So far the biggest issue are team hits.

I can say that long spear is good weapon BUT! you have to pick your targets carefully and also you always have to be in group with 1 - 2 people:
- you + 1 - 2 friendly = enemy can't attack but have to block
- you + 3(+) friendly = you cant thrust, there is too many people around

Also note that you will be the first target - all people seems to hate long spears / pikes so they will ignore others and attack you instead.
And also prepare that you will hear many people crying that long spears are too OP.

General Discussion / Re: Which class is better for what, and why?
« on: January 07, 2012, 10:14:59 pm »
For me the best class is pole (long spear). This weapon doesn't need so much skill. I'm not young and therefore I don't have reflexes of young people and the time to improve my skills so long spear is good choice for me..

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Post Your Character Builds
« on: August 03, 2011, 09:34:18 pm »
My well balanced long spear only build:
I know that  some people don't like long-spearmans but for me its fun :)

At lvl 31

Strength: 18
Agility: 18
Hit points: 70

Ironflesh: 6
Power Strike: 6
Shield: 0
Athletics: 6
Riding: 0
Horse Archery: 0
Power Draw: 0
Power Throw: 0
Weapon Master: 6

One Handed: 1
Two Handed: 1
Polearm: 156
Archery: 1
Crossbow: 1
Throwing: 1

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