The right tool for the right job.
For sure. Too many variables to vote one as the best. 1h sword thrusts can't be compared to long polearms and their 2h counterparts. Blunt weapons really aren't that slow; especially if you include side swings from staves, spears, and hafted maces. Weapon length is usually their drawback.
With the way armor soak values are, you can cut through plate even with a 1h slash, therefore everyone's able to maximize on a balanced weapon. Personally I like the pierce on support polearms - when they're caught off guard its over in 2-3 hits, regardless of armor or heirloom level. Playing 1h you can get away with high speed / high damage cut weapons, trading speed for length or thrust for swing as you see fit; personally I liked high swing on the Niuweidao and the Nordic Champion / Arabian Cav. Its possible to kill someone in milanese with an agi build and a wakizashi - but if there's 3+ of them, better off cheaping them out with high pierce and a teammate to interrupt their blocks.
In the end its about what's a fun and effective play style for you. As much as I have a boner for support polearms, I can't stand pikes. I can't stand the shorter balanced spears like the warspear, but other people do wonders with their speed and versatility - I'd rather swing a heavy cut 2hander like a Claymore or Dadao if I were going to swing at 120 length, but even then 2h stab is one of the best attack directions in the game. My only loomed 1 hander is the goofy iron mace, solely because it looks like an onion. The way armor works in this game, you can get away with anything, it's more about the rest of your team and how much room you have to maneuver.