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Messages - Enzo

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Is This Still Ban'able?
« on: June 02, 2011, 11:59:47 am »
Pwny said earlier in the NA server that he didn't realize at the time that it was a bannable offense and I haven't seen him doing it since. I think maybe admins should give him the benefit of the doubt on this one.

I sold a x1 Heraldic Transitional Armor for 400k about a week ago.

Scene Editing / Re: NA (Siege) Map Listing (With Screenshots)
« on: May 28, 2011, 11:10:50 am »
The new tower maze map Blank 103 needs some adjusting. It is too large and attackers rarely win.

cRPG Technical problems / Re: "Connection to Server lost"
« on: May 25, 2011, 12:31:56 pm »
I'm back to say that I am actually still getting disconnects as well. Reverified my game cache and no files are missing.

Let us know if you have any luck with the stand alone version.

Suggestions Corner / Multiplier on disconnect.
« on: May 25, 2011, 12:30:35 pm »
I'm not sure if this is even possible but it would be awesome if players were able to retain their multiplier for up to 1-2 minutes after leaving a server. I get very random "disconnected from server" while playing on the NA_Siege server. Sometimes I get it after 20 minutes and sometimes I can go hours. It's very frustrating when I have a x5 and I get dropped.

cRPG Technical problems / Re: "Connection to Server lost"
« on: May 24, 2011, 04:19:38 am »
This seems to have fixed my disconnect problems, thanks.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Rate the poke weapons.
« on: May 22, 2011, 07:52:57 am »
Hey guys, so I've been really digging the Pik...errr Long Spear lately and I'm wondering about other peoples opinions on the various poke polearms (2 attack directions). I was wanting to try some other out before I start looming a Long Spear and wanted to get some feedback on your experience with their strengths and weaknesses or which one you prefer. Thanks.

Sell/Trade / Re: [SELL] 2 unspent heirloom points
« on: May 22, 2011, 07:46:05 am »
I have +1 Heraldic Transitional that I would trade for a +1 Long Spear. Let me know

Looking to trade my +1 transitional for a +1 long spear. Straight up trade, the offer is posted in the marketplace.

Historical Discussion / Re: Weight of swords...
« on: May 16, 2011, 08:37:28 pm »
This argument has come up a lot and it usually starts with someone complaining that 2-handed swords shouldn't be faster than 1-handed swords. I can understand why people would think this since one weapon is obviously larger than the other but after reading through some of your links it appears the weight difference is really only a few pounds. That along with the fact that you are using both arms instead of just one, I can see how a 2-hander may be faster.

It looks as though Crpg may be more realistic than I thought  :o

General Discussion / Re: Less Night Battles Official Petition
« on: May 13, 2011, 08:20:21 pm »

3 or 4 night maps in a row is very annoying.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Help on Agi/Polearm build
« on: May 11, 2011, 03:13:09 am »
If you go with the Pike I would say 6 or 7 Powerstrike minimum. Though the damage is pierce it still only does 26dmg. That being said, I've seen Ozymandus tearing it up with a pike using a 9 athletics build so who knows  :lol:.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Reason to use 2h axe?
« on: May 11, 2011, 03:05:52 am »
I'm still pretty much a newb but I prefer the Great Long Bardiche over the Great Long Axe. The axe has 4 more speed but the Bardiche has 30 more length (along with also having the bonus to shields). I'm amazed by how many random kills I get against people who don't expect such a long range when they look at it.

You do have to be careful with the sideswings from this monster while teamates are around though.  :oops:

My other favorite polearm has to be the Pike. Not only can you use it at a pretty early level but it is an amazing support weapon. It's another weapon, like the bardiche, that gets kills because people don't expect the range but to an even greater extent. The only problem is when you get in a 1v1 and they run up in your face. I haven't mastered the whole groundstab spin thing yet but I'm working on it.

Personally I think polearms are more fun and versatile than 2-handers so maybe you should try out some of the other types before making the switch to Boringsville (greatswords).

Scene Editing / Re: NA (Siege) Map Listing (With Screenshots)
« on: May 07, 2011, 12:08:20 am »
+1 For removing Phoenix Castle. It's a beautiful map but is not balanced at all from a gameplay point of view.

Also, the new map "Shattered Skies" is balanced very heavily toward the defenders. I think this may need more entrances to the flag area or a shorter ramp. Right now it's as though attackers are pushing up a siege tower ramp at the start of the map except that they don't have constant reinforcements from spawn and have 5-10 archers, with a perfect view, all shooting down on them. Maybe put a ladder on each side leading up to the archer areas.

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