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Messages - Maiev

Pages: [1]
Suggestions Corner / Re: New Game Modes Vs. AI controlled horde
« on: January 12, 2011, 05:04:46 pm »
I considered this the other day. It would be interesting if there were siege maps where you had to stay alive for 12 minutes vs a horde of AI. The settings could be varied, like defending a village from AI bandits or a castle from AI invaders. You get 2-4 lives and the respawn. I'm not sure what the capacity of AI players are for multiplayer, but it would be really cool for cRPG as another means of grinding xp/gold. Maybe you get gold/xp per kill count? Plus a bonus for how many lives you have remaining.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Repair and Throwing Weapons
« on: January 09, 2011, 04:39:36 am »
Throwing is a little overpowered as it is. I'm saying this as a thrower myself, but throwing became the new archery - javelins and axes flying around everywhere.
It's pretty nice for me actually: even if I'm out of ammo, I can loot plenty from the ground.

Yes, this has actually become my primary strategy. I'm giving up throwing axes. I'm thinking of getting 100 wpf in 1h/2h and throwing. I'll get decent armor and a shield, then just rely on looting weapons. It's just too expensive to upkeep my own weapons, I'll just cannibalize off my allies.

However, I don't know if throwing weapons are overpowered... knives/ninja stars don't even seem to hurt me (I rarely get hit by those anyway). Throwing axes... it takes at least 6 solid hits to break a medium shield, maybe something around 10 to break one of those heavy shields. And that's only if they're moving up a ladder or down a narrow corridor. In the open field, it's amazingly difficult to get a good shot. Javelins/Throwing Lances, I don't have any experience with, but I only get one shot by those if they hit me in the head (which can't be easy).

Archers are much better from far away, but most people know how to deal with them from medium/close range.

Suggestions Corner / Repair and Throwing Weapons
« on: January 09, 2011, 01:07:09 am »
Using 3 heavy throwing axes = 15k upkeep for 12 ammo weapon (that can double as a 1hander)
Using 1 good 1h weapon = 5-10k
Using 1 good 2h weapon = 7.5k-15k
Add in a shield (which 2h don't use), and throwing axes (or any throwing weapon) are horribly inefficient for their upkeep cost. I can at most get 3 kills with 12 throwing axes, and that's if my 150 throwing skill is enough to land the axes where I want (which is not often).


Increase ammo per throwing axe (and other throwing weapons)
Add diminishing returns on upkeep for throwing weapons (1x throwing weapon = 100% cost (5k), 2x of same throwing weapon = 50% cost of second throwing weapon (so the total repair worth for 2 slots of heavy throwing axes are equal to 7.5k), 3x of same throwing weapon = 25% cost of third throwing weapon (so the total worth of 3 throwing weapons is 8.75k)) this method is a little convoluted but I think would be best, as it would reward "pure" users of throwing weapons (like me) and not make them so expensive to maintain

Because as it stands, I'm stuck using 3x Francisca + a shield because that's all I can afford, unless I get a really lucky 5x streak. I'm considering switching over to just using a decent 2h weapon - because that kind of play is being hugely rewarded with the cheapest repair costs.

General Discussion / Re: Connection to Server Is Lost
« on: January 07, 2011, 12:33:06 am »
I've already inserted that fix... it doesn't resolve the issue.

And to clarify - I can't even get onto a server. It just keeps returning that error. It's not that I'm getting disconnected, it's jut I can't establish a connection with any crpg server period.

General Discussion / Re: Connection to Server Is Lost
« on: January 07, 2011, 12:15:16 am »
Gah! I hit "quote" instead of "modify" resulting in another post ... zzz man today's not going well.

General Discussion / Connection to Server Is Lost
« on: January 07, 2011, 12:14:52 am »
I haven't tried playing since the update.

First I extracted to my cRPG module with the update. Upon loading cRPG, I got some errors, so I deleted the whole cRPG module folder and re-downloaded the full 2.001. I extracted it and still got an error. I downloaded the small change file in the announcements thread and inserted that into the new cRPG module folder. I no longer get any errors, but whenever I try to connect to a server I get "connection to server is lost" - none of the cRPG servers will connect.

My internet works fine (though the EU servers I'm trying to connect to have 150 ping).
My character page seems fine (though I lost levels like everyone else).
My Warband is up to date. cRPG worked swimmingly prior to the huge change.

I'm sorry if this is spammish but there should be a tech support forum or something :x. Anyone have any suggestions? Encounter this problem before?

Announcements / Re: Version 0.200 Released
« on: January 05, 2011, 10:31:50 pm »
I think the patch is an overall improvement, however, some significant fine tuning is necessary:

Sieges need to be fixed. They were fine before, mostly, but now they're horribly skewed in favor of the attackers.
Item repair should obviously not go into effect when an admin changes a map, or under other related circumstances.
Teamwork needs to be rewarded more than survival.

Suggestions Corner / Re: New patch and gold
« on: January 04, 2011, 08:23:25 pm »
Well if the stance is not to increase gold... I guess I'll just have to buy items as I can afford them. At the very least, I'll be able to resell them post patch hopefully to recoup some of my assets :p

I mean, unless the item cost increase is going to be small, you stand to lose a lot if you spend 10 hours grinding for 6k gold for it to be only worth half as much.

Suggestions Corner / New patch and gold
« on: January 04, 2011, 07:00:56 pm »
If gold is going to be a little easier to obtain.
If items are going to cost more as a result.

This is basically inflation.

So logically speaking, existing gold in a player's account should be increased. If I have 10k gold stockpiled, I should at least get some equivalent amount added to this, to account for this inflation. Otherwise, you're basically forcing me to buy items, since people aren't going to be punished for having black armor already, even if they payed "less" for it.

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