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Messages - Revo142

Pages: [1] 2 3
Game Balance Discussion / Re: Polearms vs Two handers
« on: May 17, 2013, 04:43:00 pm »
After playing this game for 18 gens using multiple different classes, you really can't help but notice how painfully fucked up 2 Hander's are.  I'm trying to be as unbiased and concise as possible;

2Hander's have ridiculously fast and smooth animations with huge hit boxes which deal full or near full damage no matter which part of the animation you get hit with, or where the fuck you are standing in relation to the guy swinging.

The stab has +80 reach, which means a Longsword thrust will outreach even an Awlpike (Anyone else see an issue with that alone?).  Because of the reach as well as another point made below, Greatswords make some of the best anti-cav weapons. 

The animation also makes it so that a person can get stabbed from the split fucking instant the animation starts, all the way until, or even past the end when your character is pulling the sword back.  Many times I swear I get hit and hit with it after the animation finishes (Same goes with 2H overheads).  When I can pick up a 2H sword and top scoreboards using it as a support weapon with only the thrust animation, something is wrong.

Why would I go anything other then 2H when I can out melee an infantry group by abusing overpowered animations and huge chamber hitboxes(another point I didn't mention), turn around, instantly switch roles to anti-cav, take down two incoming lancers effortlessly with lolstabs, look really pro while doing all of this, rinse and repeat?

GG devs.

Love it!

Game Balance Discussion / Re: hoplite needs a serious nerf
« on: May 01, 2013, 07:52:23 pm »
Typical.  Now that hoplite is a viable class, people want to nerf it to the ground.   

About hoplite population increasing, the medieval footman was most commonly armed with a spear and a shield of some kind.  The "Hoplite" class, or to a few people, the "What a guy in the middle ages would most likely be using" class is finally getting a little bit of love. 

On that note, I find it extremely ironic that the people who have problems with seeing more Spearmen around don't see anything wrong with 70% of the team consisting of Skyrim fantasy characters wielding Greatswords, which is still how the battle server looks today.

Suggestions Corner / Re: New arrow type!
« on: April 27, 2013, 03:06:52 pm »
Are you a HA then? Or an infantry?

If you never played Archer, how can you properly judge the dmg and class?

Besides knowing that HA damage sucks, which is common knowledge at this point, where in my post did I attempt to "properly judge the dmg and class"?

Suggestions Corner / Re: New arrow type!
« on: April 27, 2013, 02:49:05 pm »
I don't see how it would be OP if the base damage was low.  I'm talking HA damage low.  And high upkeep as well. 

Maybe I should have suggested a buff to 2H speed and damage instead  :?

I'm not an archer btw, never have been, just feel like the game needs something new.

Suggestions Corner / New arrow type!
« on: April 27, 2013, 01:17:42 pm »
Add Poisoned Arrows!

They should do less base damage, but once someone is hit, that person should take ticks of damage over time at steady intervals.  Loomed poisoned arrow's should continue to damage players for longer periods of time. 

Also, for each "tick" of damage taken after the arrow initially hit's, you should flinch as if you were getting hit with any other normal weapon.  This would make poisoned players easier targets to take down, and might even increase teamplay!

For example, an archer could pick out a high value target, "poison" him/her with a shot, and then friendly Melee would be able to take him/her down much easier due to them flinching!

General Discussion / Re: Free Looms Lottery
« on: April 18, 2013, 09:33:30 am »

« on: April 17, 2013, 05:02:43 am »
Demento and his friends. Never seen them without their plate.

They have their moments where they shine.


General Discussion / Re: NA POWER RANKINGS G.O.A.T. EDITION 2013
« on: April 08, 2013, 09:02:06 pm »
City Planner - #1 NA City Planner

General Discussion / Re: NA POWER RANKINGS G.O.A.T. EDITION 2013
« on: March 27, 2013, 05:41:15 pm »
Ascalon? More like ASKalon amirite haaaaaaayyyyyyy

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Suggestions Corner / Re: New Plate Armors!
« on: June 05, 2012, 01:36:13 am »

Suggestions Corner / Re: New Plate Armors!
« on: June 04, 2012, 10:43:10 pm »
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This happens about 1 in a million times. 

Yeah, its unrealistic when it does happen.  But Infantry doing superhuman jumps while simultaneously swinging their weapons at full strength with pinpoint accuracy to swipe the rider off a horse going 35mph without having their arms ripped out of the sockets and their necks snapped from being tossed and spun around in the air isn't quite realistic either  :|

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