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Messages - LeoKing

Pages: [1]
EU (Official) / Re: Ban some leechers/siege equipment abusers
« on: June 26, 2016, 05:42:55 pm »
You should have made more screens of that gorgeous siege tower! Im rly disappointed.

EU (Official) / Re: Kurisu_Makise ban
« on: June 26, 2016, 02:53:37 pm »
Can someone just ban me already or whatever lol, the last thing i want is to continue chatting with this guy xD

EU (Official) / Re: Kurisu_Makise ban
« on: June 26, 2016, 02:33:00 pm »
Sigh...are you seriously gonna post a screen where you are clearly trying to tk Derfflinger after he accidently hit you at spawn? :?
Maybe you guys should enable banpolls for such cases? What am i supposed to do otherwise?
Just standing and watching him shooting my teammate do death? :<

EU (Official) / Re: Kurisu_Makise ban
« on: June 26, 2016, 04:13:43 am »
Its cuz you headshot him the round before xD
Well maybe 1 hs wasn't enough afterall? :D
jk i guess i deserve a ban since i technically violated the rules..just cause someone acts like a douche shouldn't be a reason for tk :[

EU (Official) / Re: Kurisu_Makise ban
« on: June 26, 2016, 02:45:02 am »
You didnt insult me but rather my friend and the whole crpg community on the next round and kept talking bs even few maps later >.<
Are you just trying to make ppl hate you on purpose or something? xD

EU (Official) / Re: Kurisu_Makise ban
« on: June 26, 2016, 02:10:31 am »
He called Aya a stupid bitch a round before that, funny how he even included it in his screen :D
I felt like it was a right thing to do in order to teach him some manners!

Character Name : Vanguard_LeoKing
Class  : Inf
Interested in being the captain : No

Closed Requests / Re: [BAN] Shirley_Fenette
« on: June 09, 2012, 04:51:52 pm »
Did not think that u will really make a thread since u are guilty.

Shirley_Fenette belongs to me and i clearly told you a reason of ban. First of all u was hunting me during the whole map so i have just asked you not to kill me and didnt take it seriously. Well indeed random kills arent a reason to poll someone but since you started to ignore teammate's passes, at least 3 goals were missed by your fault, i decided to make a poll and ppl accept it.

You wasnt only acting agressive, you was ignoring the ball and your own team during 3 maps and i honestly believe this is a good reason for 1h ban, nothing offensive, just want everyone to enjoy this gamemod nothing else :P

Closed Requests / Re: [BAN] dariobelix & Alexdro
« on: May 01, 2012, 01:32:19 am »
Was watching this show for several maps and i have to say that the problem with a lack of admins on siege still exists ><

I guess these screens would be enough to ban those assholes.

Faction Halls / Re: [Nord] The Nordmen (Recruiting EU)
« on: February 18, 2012, 12:03:57 am »
The idea to portray my tiny shield in a cup is just brilliant!!

Awesome work munin, i love this drawing :D

Closed Requests / Re: [UnBan] T_mgstr_Grellenort
« on: February 13, 2012, 03:11:14 pm »
We were playing less than an hour on eu1 and you left server in last moment before the end of round more than 10 times in a row, thats why Serfonz banned you. I understand that paying upkeep for plated charger and full set of gothic armor could be painful but this doesnt give you rights to abuse this system. :? Im not even mentioning about numerous teambumps and delaying.

Closed Requests / Re: [Ban] Nord_Leoking
« on: February 01, 2012, 12:38:51 pm »
It's funny to read this, when the screenshot from first post says the opposite
But i didnt tk you again, i just kept playing after this incident which is the first by the way (was never banned before)

Ban him already!!
The fact that u dont like my agi build dont give reasons to ban me :wink:

Closed Requests / Re: [Ban] Nord_Leoking
« on: February 01, 2012, 12:25:27 pm »
There is no right translation but the closer one is "stay fuckin away" by the meaning of his phrase, also it wasnt intentional, i killed him only once :?

Oh come on meow u know im not a tker, it was just an accident that wont happen anymore, dont ban me pls :(

Closed Requests / Re: [Ban] Nord_Leoking
« on: February 01, 2012, 11:45:19 am »
I said there was no need to get under my attack

Lies, u said it on russian and it sounded really very rude :| It wasnt my fault that u tk'd me, u should watch your swings.

The problem is that after 'M' letter option has been announced ppl started to ignore saying sorry for teamkills.

I was teamwounded near 10 times during those round and nobody said sorry so his silly answer just pissed me off  :(

However i never tk ppl on purpose, i think i was just in bad mood and this won't happen again :oops:

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