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Messages - Boss

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General Discussion / Re: Dis Map Rotation Doe
« on: March 16, 2014, 02:03:57 am »
for the record, i slipped.

no ban plz

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Wares them other screeen shoots?

I took offense to his name, for I have an uncle named Robert.

General Discussion / Re: cRPG Culture Screenshot Thread
« on: February 10, 2014, 04:23:43 am »
NA Buffoonery
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IRL, it's that big
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We're all friends on NA1
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NA (Official) / Ban _Krosis_
« on: December 04, 2013, 11:38:56 am »
Well, I normally don't do this but I am sick of this shit. There's been a lot of discrimination against archers recently, as there has always been I suppose.

_Krosis_ got all butt hurt that I was playing to win by killing him while he was on the opposite team. You can clearly see the ownage in green in the screenshot.

So this screenshot shows it all. visitors can't see pics , please register or login

He acted on this threat by actually letting the enemy infantry go right past him on purpose to get to me after I got switched to his team. Lucky for him, he killed some guys while "s" keying to let the rest get to me. I don't know if this is incriminating enough or not, but I thought I might as well try anyways.


This saddens me  :cry:

Please Admins close this post, lock it and throw away the key.

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Doo, doot, doo, doot , doot, doo

General Discussion / Re: cRPG is super well-balanced
« on: September 14, 2012, 05:30:19 pm »
I really enjoy the balance as of right now. I know that most people think Cav are op, archers are op, 2-h are op, oh yeah and xbows are op too...... Every class has its strength's and weaknesses and those are balanced unless you suck, lol.

Native feels more like an arcade playing style to me now.

My god, how much vanity can one person have?

It's coming outta his ass!!!

Faction Halls / Re: [TKoV]We are The Kingdom of Veluca (Recruiting Na)
« on: September 13, 2012, 07:53:02 pm »
Wai yall hatin on meh =[

General Discussion / Re: Cav is a Problem
« on: September 12, 2012, 03:41:43 pm »
Uhhhm..... Get a pike? Get your own horse? Get a xbow and hide?

Closed Requests / Re: Ban SEMENstorm_SunTzu
« on: September 12, 2012, 03:09:53 pm »
The bolts were just the cherry on top of that BS cake. The worst of what happened was the fact that SunTzu ran around on his horsey and watched his clanmate BooJah without even attempting to attack.

What are you guys 10 years old? I never got on the forums until yesterday if that tells you anything.

I've had enough of the bs. Just stop being trolls and we all can hold hands and sing songs of love while frolicking through fields full of dead couched bodies.

Closed Requests / Re: Ban SEMENstorm_SunTzu
« on: September 12, 2012, 03:55:48 am »
Well..... You did nothing wrong, unless your alt is SunTzu.

If you were BooJah, then nice shooting.  :D

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