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Messages - Xanthrop

Pages: [1]
Xanthrop! You've been a ghost!!

i know, sorry. but as i said, my cpu is killing itself, the only way i can even POST on this is to use my mom's.

i'll try to fix the damned thing ASAP! in the meantime, strategus donations of cash!

for the record, i have NOT dissappeared, my cpu is crapping out on me but i am trying to fix it.

back by the end of the week (hopefully :cry: )

sry havent been on the TS the past few days, been out at grandparents house doing some work. back now and will be on it tomorrow

Faction Halls / Re: Order of the Lance (recruiting )
« on: March 30, 2011, 07:34:49 am »
herp derp.
this looks like a good clan lol

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