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Messages - Faroff

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This is a lot of maps I know but there are good reasons for removing them all as I will list.  Thanks to all the map makers for making them and please don't take offense if one of these maps is yours.  Thanks.  And thanks Airith for making this thread!

1.   Snowy Waste -   Map too BIG.   It is so big people get lost in the woods even without the fog.  Add the fog boom everyone is lost.  Also 1 of the teams get to the only real cover on the map, the tower, faster.  Also the flag is really close to one side of the map I think flags should be  in the middle when possible of any map.

2.   Field 2 -  Flag is so far behind the team that spawn by the 1 man bridge.  The map is also too big as it goes way back there.  To hilly for me too I hate that part.   So unbalanced too one side gets to spawn on the top of a hill near a even steeper hill they can camp.  That same team also has ruins they can camp.  Where the other team spawns at the foot of the hills, has no ruins, and the real kicker they get this shit bridge that only one person can walk on at a time to cross.  People use that bridge to mega troll as well.  Maybe if the spawn were moved and the flag point it could stay come back but until at least those thing happen remove it ty.

3.  Blood Arena - This map has seen it's day.  We have been playing it for like 5-6 months now and it's old.   I just hate as I am usually a 2 H user and don't have a shield.  I just get owned by ranged.  If the camping ranged don't get me it's the CAV!  The water below with the spikes just sucks too. 

4.  Cathedral  -  Too big of map for it being so enclosed.   The top part of the map makes it worse too.  Have you ever played this map with 10-15 people on each team?  The team splits up in 3 different directions and in the end a few people are doing circles in halls trying to find each other.

5.  The Dock -  Would at least be okay if we had more planks leading to more boats.  This map has also been around a long time and has just gotten old and boring.  Hell I'd rather have a super buggy map like Moria come back than see this thing stay around anymore.

6.  Tulbuk's Pass -  To hilly.  To few ruins.  Not fun for anyone but ranged or shielders.

7.  Hillside -  Way to hilly.  Takes forever to get to the top.  Unless you have a Courser horse this map is just not fun.

Also my votes for Cathedral and Snowy Waste were the 6 votes on those map please go check am I did 3 times.  Also my vote for docks was the 5.  And sry that I voted for hills after it was removed I didn't realize.

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