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Messages - chief

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Faction Halls / Re: CHAOS - War is Hell (NA Faction)
« on: August 28, 2011, 12:34:45 am »


Interested in applying, Main charracter = Cripe.

I don't always suck.

Haven't been active in strat since before its li'l break, will be sure to pick it up again.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Add over head spear attack (with shield)
« on: June 02, 2011, 02:33:26 am »
I would really like to see spears get more variety in their attacks. The attack should have a spd/range penalty, but can get over low walls and teamates (useful for shieldwall/DTV).

One issue though, this overhead spear attack is blocked by an up block? I think that is inconsistent with the rest of the game and silly. 2H sword stabs would basically be coming from a similar angle, yet they are still downblocked, as are all thrusts. The up block is for defense against an attack swinging down on your head.

I would like to see this, but not if it is up-blocked.

Also, I think there should be an animation for two handing an over head thrust, with a pike for instance.

I see your point, but if both attacks are blocked with a downblock then there's no purpose for it.

And I loled at overhand stabbing with pikes.

I'd personally like to see a spear using a modified 1h thrust animation, (I think an old greek mod for the original Mb had this).
The problem with that mod was that all the spear animations were replaced with 1h thrust animations I'm not sure if it's possible to implement a new attack animation with out replacing an old one.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Spear and Sheild
« on: May 31, 2011, 01:58:05 am »
I can do pretty well with an elite cav shield and a shortened spear. It's fast enough to keep up with an attack-block rythem, you can even feint with it. (No one expects a spear/shielder to feint a thrust, so it can be extremely effective).

I never had any problems with damage (I have 8 ps), though I do admit that the longer spears are pretty useless for anything except support. Having an overhand thrust as well as the down thrust could be a solution that.

Announcements / Re: Official Survey about item power
« on: May 16, 2011, 11:51:30 pm »
To Corrado_Decimo, my replies are in bold. No need for anyone else to click the spoiler unles you want to see a flame war.

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Announcements / Re: Official Survey about item power
« on: May 16, 2011, 05:23:13 am »
Let me fix this for you, (slashed the things that are total bullshit, and put my comments in italics), I also added a few things.

exactly. and should be the other way around as polearms gives you:

- LOT more versatility 2h weapons can stop a horse about as good as polearms, crush blocks and be good at 1 on 1, the one thing they're missing is full support weapons.
- Stun
- side swings with better reach
- very few UNBALANCED weapons
- a single weapon class for CAVALRY and INFANTRY

while twohanded weapons are merely INFANTRY weapons and they should be like they was before. now 2handed round up is:

- twohanded weapons DONT stun
- only blockcrushing weapons are MALLET and GREAT MAUL (we had morningstars, barmaces, iron maces, mallets, great mauls..) This one is just laughable, they have 2 of the 3 block crushing weapons in the game, and you say "only"?
- thrust damage is the lowest compared to 1handed weapons and polearms As it should be, try immitating the animation and see how awkward it is. you're also neglecting the fact that the new 2h thrust animation is almost instant.
- shieldbreakers are all UNBALANCED and SHORT. I'd consider any weapon with 40+ damage to be a shield breaker.
 - only good slashers are CLAYMORE, FLAMBERGE and maybe MIAODAO I loled.
- best thrust sword is the german with a laughly 26 pierce. 26 is still better than a lot of polearms and 1h weapons, again, they shouldn't be the best thrusting weapon.
- Biased animations that give them more speed and range than what the item stats say.
- Animations that allow long weapons to be effective while face hugging (polearms also have this problem). Really? why should a 5 foot long sword be a better close range weapon than a 1h mace?

If you can't tell, I voted to "nerf" 2h weapons, though I wouldn't call what I want a nerf. What I want is an animation fix.

« on: May 14, 2011, 05:58:56 pm »
A year to get to Gen 2?

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Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: infantry/polearm questions
« on: April 26, 2011, 03:28:22 am »
Imagine if this was like Native, where 2h weapons have pretty much the same speed as 1h weapons.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Patch
« on: April 23, 2011, 09:39:43 pm »
Lolstab was the old animation, I call it "instastab" now.

My only gripe about 2h weapons is the lack of glancing at close range. Someone with a warcleaver can facehug better than someone with a shortsword. It looks retarded, a guy with a massive sword circle strafing and slashing through the floor into a guys legs.

Suggestions Corner / Re: How would it be with ... CAPES
« on: April 18, 2011, 06:23:34 pm »,52336.0.html?PHPSESSID=tke84080embc01j2nkcl54afd6

The way capes were implemented in mods is just glitchy (mainly on horses and while doing any task that requires the movement of your legs...such as walking), and ugly....

Anyone else find the fact that wpf makes such little difference in speed scary?

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Shields don't affect swing speed.
« on: April 02, 2011, 12:31:37 am »
Lol, People think 2h/polearm weapon require skill solely because you need to manual block.

Really? You don't need to block. You have the option to when you're up against someone good, but in the majority of their kills I'm willing to bet that they didn't block any of the victims attacks.. Spectate some of the guys at the top of the scoreboard, you'll see what I mean. You can kill us in less hits (often just 1) and from farther away, let us have one thing in our favor.

Anyone ever watch Burricked?
On the topic of shielders being OP...that's just a joke. The people getting 30+ kills on siege, never a 1her. In battle, you have a couple of good shielders who top the boards, but not nearly as often as 2hers do. I do however think that the internal balance of shields is fucked up  - huscarl/board/steel shields are significantly more powerful than the lighter 'faster" shields.

General Discussion / Re: Unusual fighting styles
« on: March 31, 2011, 02:08:30 am »

Not shpongled or aldryk, he had a female character and usually wore scale armor....sometimes used a loony toons axe. This was a few months ago (pre-major patch) I haven't seen him in a while.

This is going to bother me.

General Discussion / Re: Unusual fighting styles
« on: March 30, 2011, 03:37:34 am »
I forgot his name, but there use to be a guy with an awl pike and steel shield who did almost exclusively spin thrusts.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Blanket stab nerf needed
« on: March 09, 2011, 11:26:28 pm »
No offense, but realism doesn't in a game. Unless it's a simulator.

Realism would imply strict adherence to real life.

Isn't realism the reason the Loony toons axe was removed? Some aspects do require a degree of realism.

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